

作者:內特-約翰斯頓 Nate Johnston
轉載/轉寄 請註明出處:國度禱告網

這是打破紀錄、挑戰不可能的壯舉的一代!以前從來沒有像現在這樣,有這麼多打破常規、改變範式、感動天地的愛神者。他們正從最不可能的地方出現,帶著打破障礙和限制的聲音,踏上新土地,為教會開闢新道路。他們帶著無畏的激情說話,要麼冒犯人,要麼使聽到的人站得更高,走出舊的,進入新的。他們用新語言和字彙來闡述國度,每一個字都湧現出新郎對即將進入收穫季節的新婦的愛意。他們是真正的 "和好"代理人,帶領那些被切斷連結的人、被拋棄的人和流離失所的人回到宴席,進入他們的命定之門。他們將被稱為 "復興者"、"復活者 "和 "恢復者",煽動兒子和女兒們離開宗教的牢籠,發現光明的國度的狂熱和傳染性的運動。他們帶著合一和尊榮,將成為身體的藥,同時用聖靈的錘子敲打薄弱的根基和假冒的價值觀。他們是建橋者,點燃那些在以前的運動的紀念碑周圍定居和紮營的人心中的渴慕感,那些人緊緊抓住舊嗎哪不放,他們將選擇把這一切拋在腦後,為了田中的珍珠,唯一的耶穌。是的,這是一個被賣給榮耀之王的一代,正是出於這種降伏和渴慕,下一個浪潮才會洶湧而來。我看到了,我看到了,我看到了,我預言,你們就是改變歷史的這一代,用你們覺醒的大能的隆隆聲震動全地!

Nate Johnston

This is a generation of record breaking, impossibility-defying feats! Never before has there been such a release of box-breaking, paradigm-shifting, heaven and earth moving lovers of God than right now. They are emerging from the most unlikely of places carrying a sound that shatters barriers and limitations, treading new ground and forging new highways for the church to follow in. They speak with a relentless passion that either offends or causes those who hear to come up higher, out of the old and into the new.

They articulate the kingdom with a new language and vocabulary, with every word gushing forth the affection of the bridegroom for a bride coming into her harvest season. They are true agents of #reconciliation, leading the disconnected, the detached, and displaced ones back to the table and into their door of destiny. They will be known as #revivers, #resurrectors, and #restorers of the breach, fanning into flame a wild and contagious movement of sons and daughters leaving the cages of religion and discovering the Kingdom of light. They carry a unity and honor that will be a healing balm to the body, while simultaneously striking weak foundations and counterfeit values with the hammer of the Spirit. They are the bridge-builders that ignite hunger in the hearts of those that have settled and camped around a monument of a previous move, those who are clinging to old manna for dear life, and they will choose to leave it all behind for the pearl in the field, the one and only Jesus. Yes this is a generation that is sold out to the King of Glory, and it will be out of this surrender and hunger that this next wave will come crashing in. I see it, I see it, I see it, and I prophesy it, that YOU are this generation that changes history and shakes the earth with the almighty rumbling of your awakening!