

先知性想法:搭模斯月、歌利亞、金牛犢和未來的季節 ...
作者:傑米-菲特 Jamie Fitt
轉載/轉寄 請註明出處:國度禱告網



歌利亞的主要工具之一是/曾經是嘲弄。嘲弄的靈被釋放出來,將人們帶入灰心、懷疑和混亂的境地。在羅伊訴韋德案被推翻之前,歌利亞的謊言是它永遠不可能被推翻。隨著這個謊言被徹底揭穿,一些新的謊言已經開始湧現。敵人正試圖讓許多人相信,最好永遠不要碰這件事--反作用力會非常嚴重,不值得。敵人還試圖羞辱教會中的許多人,讓他們相信關於他們更廣泛動機的敘述。雖然我們在這個時候需要反省,但我們需要讓耶和華來查驗我們的心,而不是讓文化敘述來定義我們的行動 歌利亞的嘲弄不能定義我們如何看待自己和主在這一時刻的作為。



1. 為你反對過的或以任何方式貶低過的任何領袖悔改。作出承諾,尊重他們的領導。

2. 允許神在你的位置上建立你。不要超越他的時間,而要等待,讓他來建立你。他能夠做到這一點--甚至通過超自然的方式。

3. 為可能在道德或靈性上受到損害的領袖禱告。祈禱偶像崇拜在我們所有人身上被連根拔起,特別是在我們的領袖身上,因為神的憐憫會闖入。

4. 為錯位的、被取代的或錯誤的領袖禱告。撒母耳被掃羅取代,而掃羅是錯位的,因為上帝要做國王。

5. 為領袖們禱告,讓他們在這個季節謙卑地等候主,不要屈服于他們所領導的人的要求和壓力。


PROPHETIC THOUGHTS: Tammuz, Goliaths, Golden Calfs and the Season Ahead ...
Jamie Fitt

As we cross over into this new month of Tammuz, so much is shifting around us. The overturning of Roe v Wade has sent shockwaves through our culture in a variety of ways. Its important to note that this time is historically known as a month of idolatry and compromise. Most notably, it is the time when Israel built the golden calf. In addition, the Torah reading this week is from Numbers 16-18, where we read about Korah's rebellion. This was a dark and sad incident in Israel's history where many died because of their pride and rebellion.

Since Roe was overturned, there has been a lot swirling in the atmosphere both in the natural and in the spirit. Roe was a Goliath that seemed to be impossible to bring down. As God has broken in through the prayers of His people and reversed this curse, many are starting to realize that Goliath has brothers. The battle will undoubtedly intensify from here. Every state will have to deal with their Goliath now.

One of Goliath's primary tools is/was mockery. A mocking spirit has been released to bring people into a place of discouragement, doubt and confusion. Before Roe was overturned, Goliath's lie was that it could never be overturned. With that lie thoroughly debunked, a few new lies have begun to swirl. The enemy is trying to convince many that it would have been better to never touch this thing - that the backlash will be so severe that it wont be worth it. The enemy has also tried to shame many in the church into believing narratives about what their broader motivations are. While we need to be introspective in this time, we need to allow the LORD to search our hearts, and not allow cultural narratives to define our actions.
Goliath's mockery CANNOT define how we see ourselves and what the Lord is doing in this moment.

Tammuz begins a roughly three month season of preparing our hearts for the entry of the new. The timing of Roe's overturning and the month of Tammuz is no accident, and while excitement is warranted, we have to be aware of our propensity to build a golden calf instead of waiting for the word of the Lord. The political spirit that continues to swirl around the issue of abortion is very dangerous. That spirit is directly resistant to waiting and humility. As such, these values are key things that we need to be moving in to continue to see victories. Israel got impatient when Moses was on the mountain so long, and so they pressed Aaron to make them something they were familiar with from Egypt. Instead of taking the yoke of God's covenant upon them for their new day, they sought the help of an idol. Our worship must be directed in the right place at this time in order to unlock the new.

There is a great deal of warfare that will be swirling around leaders in this season. Korah's rebellion was spearheaded by leaders (men of renown) from the tribe of Reuben and Levi (Reuben, who is connected to the month of Tammuz, lost his birthright as the firstborn because of immorality). These men came against the rightful leadership of Moses and Aaron, in part, because they grew tired of waiting for Moses and Aaron to lead the host of Israel into the Promised Land. Again, a failure to wait resulted in calamity when these men led a rebellion against God's ordained leaders. Interestingly, the haftarah portion (1 Samuel 11:14-12:2) recounts the reaffirming of Saul's leadership as King over Israel and Samuel's retreating from leadership (there are so many things to ponder with this passage related to leadership). Lastly, the failure of Aaron in making the golden calf and welcoming idolatry into the camp is extremely important.
From all of this comes the following thoughts about how to interact/pray for leaders in this season:

1. Repent for any leaders you have spoken against or diminished in any way. Make a commitment to honor their leadership.

2. Allow God to establish you in your place. Don't move ahead of His timing, but wait, and allow Him to establish you. He is able to do it - even through supernatural means.

3. Pray for leaders who may be compromised morally or spiritually. Pray that idolatry is uprooted in all of us, but especially in our leaders, as the mercy of God breaks in.

4. Pray for misplaced, displaced or false leaders. Samuel was displaced by Saul who was misplaced since God was to be the King.

5. Pray for leaders to be humble and to wait on the Lord in this season and not give into the demands and pressures of those that they lead.

This is a time to wait and be humble before the Lord in order to hear a clear word from heaven. The next three months, as we move to 5783, will be very key in seeing our hearts aligned and our houses set in order by the power of His word.