

作者:菲奧雷拉-喬達諾 Fiorella Giordano
原文來源:Fiorella Giordano臉書
轉載/轉寄 請註明出處:國度禱告網





Fiorella Giordano

God is delivering you from the wrong internal narrative, He is clearing the toxicity of that old internal conversation that has been polluting your vision and your expectation.

You will find yourself being moved by His love and hope instead of grief or offense and it will surprise you, and you will see how His hand has been deep at work within your heart though you had not fully perceived it.

The mystery of His deep work within you is being revealed to you, you will be moved by the miraculous, you will transcend situations, trauma, and set backs and find yourself on the other side and you will look around and not fully know how you got there, but you will know God had been quietly leading you there all along.

“The king’s heart is like channels of water in the hand of the Lord; He turns it wherever He pleases.”‭‭Proverbs‬ ‭21:1‬‬‬‬