
作者:瑪德琳-詹姆斯 Madeline James
原文來源:以利亞名單 https://www.elijahlist.com/words/display_word.html?ID=27634 
轉載/轉寄 請註明出處:國度禱告網



臨界點(tipping point)被定義為:"在一個複雜情況下的關鍵時刻,一個小影響或發展產生一個突然的大的或不可逆轉的變化"(見Wordnik)。臨界點的另一個詞是轉捩點(turning point)。轉捩點被定義為:"發生非常重大變化的點;一個決定性的時刻"(見Wordnik)。它發生在轉變被釋放的關鍵時刻。我相信,在這個時代和我們的國家,我們正處於一個臨界點和轉捩點。轉捩點就在這裡。它將向哪個方向發展?

當主開始向我展示這些東西時,我看到一個天平。由於邪惡和不公正的升級,天平的一邊被壓得很重。箴言11:1中說:"詭詐的天平為耶和華所憎惡;公平的法碼,卻為祂所喜悅。" 主告訴我,為了平衡並使天平向正確的方向傾斜,"我的人民必須釋放法令的力量。是天國法令的力量將轉移天平"。

約伯記22:28(NKJV直譯)宣告:"你也要宣告一件事,它就為你建立;光要照亮你的道路"。這個"宣告",在希伯來語中是gazar,它的意思是 "切割"、"分割"、"砍掉"、"切斷 "和 "摧毀"。宣告並不只是發佈一個強有力的聲明。當我們對主的話語下達命令時,我們是在切斷和摧毀不喜歡神的東西。"建立"這個詞,在希伯來語中是qum,它的意思是 "站立"、"固定"、"興起 "和 "建立"。當我們在宣告和頒佈法令時,我們是在建立或把神的道像木樁一樣放在地上。















釋放為我們進入安息開道路。當我們進入安息時,我們就進入了神的應許。我們如何進入神的安息?信心。希伯來書4:2-3說:"因為有福音傳給我們,像傳給他們一樣;只是所聽見的道與他們無益,因為他們沒有信心與所聽見的道調和。但我們已經相信的人得以進入那安息,正如他所說:「我在怒中起誓說,他們若要進入我的安息;」雖然造物之工,從創世以來已經成全了。......" 信心會讓你進入神的安息。






The Books Are Open and The Scales Have Tipped
Madeline James, Lexington, KY

When we were coming into the month of June – the halfway point of the year – the Lord began to speak to me about us being at a tipping point, and that the way we positioned and postured ourselves in the month of June would set the tone for these next six months.

The Great Scale and the Power of the Decree

A tipping point is defined as, "A critical moment in a complex situation in which a small influence or development produces a sudden large or irreversible change" (see Wordnik). Another word for tipping point is turning point. A turning point is defined as, "The point at which a very significant change occurs; a decisive moment" (see Wordnik). It takes place at a critical moment in time where change is released. I believe we are at a tipping point and a turning point in this time and in our nation. The tipping point is here. Which way will it go?

When the Lord began to show me these things, I saw a scale. One side of the scale was weighed down because of the evil and injustice escalating. In Proverbs 11:1 (NLT) it says, "The Lord detests the use of dishonest scales, but He delights in accurate weights." The Lord told me that in order to balance and tip the scale in the right direction, "My people must release the power of the decree. It's the power of the decrees of Heaven that will shift the scales."

Job 22:28 (NKJV) declares, "You will also declare a thing, and it will be established for you; so light will shine on your ways." That word decree, in Hebrew, is the word gazar, and it means "to cut," "divide," "cut down," "cut off," and "destroy." Decreeing isn't just releasing a powerful statement. When we are decreeing the word of the Lord, we are cutting off and destroying what's not like God. The word establish, in Hebrew, is the word qum, and it means "stand," "be fixed," "arise," and "set up." When we are declaring and decreeing, we are establishing or putting the Word of God like a stake in the ground.

Spiritual Substance

The powerful thing about decreeing and declaring is that we're not just releasing a statement. When we decree, we are legislating the law of the Kingdom of God into being. In order for it to be on Earth as it is in Heaven, we have to decree and declare what Heaven is saying and doing so Earth can reflect Heaven. We do this by faith. Hebrews 11:1 (NKJV) says, "Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen." (Photo via Unsplash)

Faith is the spiritual substance or currency we use to bring Heaven to Earth. Faith enables us to make the unseen realm become a visible reality on the earth. When you decree and declare and allow God to establish, everything has to shift and come into agreement with the declaration. It has to come into alignment because the authority, or the Kingdom of God, is greater and trumps the earthly realm.

Don't be silent in this season. Open your mouth and begin to declare what Heaven is saying. The Word says that what we loose on Earth will be loosed in Heaven, and what we bind on Earth will be bound in Heaven (see Matthew 18:18).

In the month of June, there was a great tipping point for America with the overturning of Roe v. Wade. I believe the scales have been tipped toward justice over America.

In June 2020, I had a dream where I went to the courtroom of Heaven and I was standing in front of the court with the Books of Justice open. I began to prophesy to the court and the leaders there that God was releasing His justice in this hour. I declared that the Lord was dealing with the injustice in the land and that He was bringing down those who had exalted themselves, and He was raising up the humble. The books are open; Heaven is reviewing your case.

I declare and decree: just as abortion was reversed, there's a divine reversal being released over your case in Jesus' name. You will see and experience the turnaround in this. As the scales have tipped toward justice over America, there is a wind of justice that will sweep over this nation. Justice is bringing order.

In the Month of July, Enter the Promise Through Rest

One of the things that the Lord has been speaking to me, as we've stepped into the month of July, is the word rest. July is the seventh month. We are familiar with the prophetic meaning of seven representing completion and perfection.

I declare and decree: anything that is crooked, or standing in front of you, is being perfected by the Lord.

Another prophetic meaning of the number seven is rest. In Genesis 2, it even tells us that the Lord rested on the seventh day of creation and declared it was good because it had come to completion. We're in a time and hour of transition. Many things are coming to an end so the new can start. We are seeing this in the nations, the Church and in our personal lives.

As things are shifting, it's making way for us to enter into the rest of God. The rest of God isn't just laying down or doing nothing. The rest of God is a place and realm in God.

It was always the heart of God for His people, when they came out of Egypt, to enter His rest, which was represented in the Promised Land. The Promised Land was a type and shadow of what the Garden of Eden was. In the Garden, Adam and Eve didn't have to strive and labor; they rested and abided with God. The Israelites had a hard time grasping this concept of rest because they had been in a place of constant labor and slavery. Even when they physically came out of Egypt, they were still mentally and emotionally in Egypt, which caused them to miss entering into the rest and promise of God. (Photo via Unsplash)

What has been taking place in our nation of America is a prophetic picture of what is taking place in the spirit. There is deliverance being released on many levels. As the scales have tipped, deliverance has been released.

Deliverance makes a way for us to enter into rest. As we enter rest, we enter into the promises of God. How do we enter into the rest of God? Faith. Hebrews 4:2-3 (NLT) says, "For this good news – that God has prepared this rest – has been announced to us just as it was to them. But it did them no good because they didn't share the faith of those who listened to God. For only we who believe can enter His rest..." Faith will give you access to this place in God.

There are times when we have to war to enter into promise, and then there are times when rest gives us access to the promise. The Bible, in Ecclesiastes 3, teaches us there are times and seasons for everything. It will be very vital for us to discern our season properly in the days ahead.

Another revelation about entering the rest of God is that it's part of a system and the dynamics of how the Kingdom of God works. While things are in chaos, strife and fear because of the world systems, as the people of God, we have a different system by which we can operate under, which trumps the world systems.

Hebrews 4:9-10 (NLT) says, "So there is a special rest still waiting for the people of God. For all who have entered into God's rest have rested from their labors, just as God did after creating the world." The place or the realm of rest is our portion. Rest in what the Lord has done. Rest opens the way for new beginnings as we enter into the month of August.

The Books of Justice are open. Watch God move on your behalf. Divine reversals are being released and there is victory in the land. Enter into His rest.