
DAY 11
生命 Life
雷克-喬納 Rick Joyner
轉載/轉寄 請註明出處:國度禱告網


主說祂的子民 "比許多麻雀還值錢"(見馬太福音10:31),所以麻雀對祂來說顯然是有價值的。當祂創造野獸時,祂 "看著是好的"(創世記1:25)。受造物對主來說是寶貴的,這就是為什麼我們在啟示錄11:18中看到,當主的大怒在最後到來時,一個原因是 "敗壞那些敗壞世界之人"。基督徒應該是最忠實的保護主義者,把我們奇妙的造物主給我們在地球上享受的東西算得很珍貴。所有形式的生命都必須得到尊重和保護。然而,這不能與對被造物的偶像崇拜相混淆。

在約翰福音10:10,主說:"我來了,是要叫羊(或作:人)得生命,並且得的更豐盛"。祂被稱為 "生命的主"(使徒行傳3:15)。祂來是為了引導我們走生命的道路。在祂裡面有生命,祂是擁有生命之道的人。如果我們住在祂裡面,生命同樣應該從我們身上流淌出來。我們已經得到了一口永不乾涸的活水井。在我們所做的一切中,我們應該熱愛、尋求、維護和傳播生命。

最古老的哲學問題之一是。什麼是生命?簡言之,生命就是交流。只要我們能與我們的環境溝通,或相互聯繫,我們就有生命。人被稱為 "更高層次的生命形式",因為我們在更高層次上進行交流。同樣,只有當我們在靈裡進行交流時,我們才有屬靈的生命。正如主在約翰福音6章63節所說:" 我對你們所說的話就是靈,就是生命。"我們只有聽到祂的話語,或在屬靈的層面上交流,才有屬靈的生命。如果我們在靈裡活著,那麼他們可以殺死我們的身體,但他們不能奪走我們的生命。正如祂在約翰福音11:25-26所說:"耶穌對他說:復活在我,生命也在我。信我的人雖然死了,也必復活,凡活著信我的人必永遠不死。你信這話嗎?"

在聖經中,我們的靈有時被稱為我們的心。這就是為什麼我們在箴言4:23中讀到:"你要保守你心,勝過保守一切(或譯:你要切切保守你心),因為一生的果效是由心發出"。主在路加福音6:45中解釋說:"善人從他心裡所存的善就發出善來;惡人從他心裡所存的惡就發出惡來;因為心裡所充滿的,口裡就說出來。" 我們之前引用了箴言18:21,"生死在舌頭的權下,喜愛他的,必吃他所結的果子。"正如一位著名的政治家曾經說:"讓你的話語是甜的,因為你永遠不知道什麼時候你可能要吃它們!"

我們的話語是我們心中所想的一個標誌。箴言10:11指出,"義人的口是生命的泉源"。正如雅各所寫的:"泉源從一個眼裡能發出甜苦兩樣的水嗎?" (雅各書3:11)令人驚訝,但卻是事實,我們的話語實際上可以有生命或死亡的力量。傳播福音的話語中實際上可以有永生的種子。讓我們始終守住我們的話語,使它們傳授生命。

主熱愛生命。祂創造世界是為了讓生命 "蜂擁而至"。如果我們與祂合一,我們就會在一切事物中促進生命。死亡是入侵受造物的敵人。死亡將被打敗,但在它最終被打敗之前,讓我們用生命來對抗和戰勝它。我們應始終考慮如何促進和保護生命。讓我們永遠說著生命和希望的話語,決心通過結出仍然存在的果實,以生命戰勝死亡。我們應該始終確信,我們的話是祂的話,是 "靈與生命"。


DAY 11
Rick Joyner

Then God said, "Let the waters teem with swarms of living creatures,
and let birds fly above the earth in the open expanse of the heavens."
And God created the great sea monsters, and every living creature that moves, with which the waters swarmed after their kind, and every winged bird after its kind;
and God saw that it was good (Genesis 1:20-21).

The Lord said that His people were worth "more than many sparrows" (see Matthew 10:31), so sparrows are obviously worth something to Him. When He created the beasts He "saw that it was good" (Genesis 1:25). The creation is precious to the Lord, which is why we see in Revelation 11:18 that when the Lord's great wrath comes at the end, one reason is "to destroy those who destroy the earth." Christians should be the most devoted conservationists of all, counting precious what our wonderful Creator has given us to enjoy on the earth. Life, in all of its forms, must be esteemed and protected. However, this must not be confused with the idolatrous worship of the creation in place of the Creator.

In John 10:10 the Lord said, "I came that they might have life, and might have it abundantly." He is called "the Prince of life" (Acts 3:15). He came to lead us in the path of life. In Him is life, and He is the One with the words of life. If we are abiding in Him, life should likewise be flowing from us. We have been given a well of living water that will never run dry. In all that we do, we should love, seek, preserve, and spread life.

One of the most ancient philosophical questions is: What is life? In simplified terms, life is communication. We have life for as long as we can communicate, or interrelate, with our environment. Man is called a "higher form of life" because we communicate on a higher level. We are likewise alive spiritually only if we communicate spiritually. As the Lord said in John 6:63, "the words that I have spoken to you are spirit and are life." We only have spiritual life if we hear His words, or communicate on a spiritual level. If we are alive in the Spirit, then they can kill our bodies but they cannot take our lives. As He said in John 11:25-26, "I am the resurrection and the life; he who believes in Me shall live even if he dies, and everyone who lives and believes in Me shall never die."

In Scripture, our spirits are sometimes referred to as our heart. That is why we read in Proverbs 4:23, "Watch over your heart with all diligence, for from it flow the springs of life." The Lord explained in Luke 6:45 that "the good man out of the good treasure of his heart brings forth what is good; and the evil man out of the evil treasure brings forth what is evil; for his mouth speaks from that which fills his heart." We quoted before from Proverbs 18:21, "Death and life are in the power of the tongue, and those who love it will eat its fruit." As a famous statesman once said, "Let your words be sweet because you never know when you may have to eat them!"

Our words are an indication of what is in our hearts. Proverbs 10:11 states, "The mouth of the righteous is a fountain of life." As James wrote, "Does a fountain send out from the same opening both fresh and bitter water?" (James 3:11) Amazing, but true, our words can actually have the power of life or death in them. The words of the gospel preached can actually have the seed of eternal life in them. Let us always guard our words so that they impart life.

The Lord loves life. He created the world to "swarm" with life. If we are in unity with Him, we will promote life in everything. Death is an enemy that has invaded the creation. Death will be defeated, but until its ultimate defeat, let us confront and overcome it with life. We should always consider how we can promote and protect life. Let us always speak words of life and hope, determining to overcome death with life by bearing fruit that remains. We should always be sure that our words are His words and are "spirit and life."

In Psalm 16:11 we read, "Thou wilt make known to me the path of life; in Thy presence is fulness of joy." The Lord Jesus is the Source of all life. The closer we are to Him, the more life we will have in us. As King David also wrote in Psalm 36:9, "For with Thee is the fountain of life; in Thy light we see light." Let us choose today to abide in the Source of all life, and let His life flow through us to bring life to others.