

作者:內特-約翰斯頓 Nate Johnston
轉載/轉寄 請註明出處:國度禱告網

神要在下一個季節把先鋒們變為植物,並讓他們深入到地裡。在多年帶著行李箱生活在,很容易在腦中形成會一直這樣生活下去的想法,但下一個指示可能只是 "關注你的根部,而不是你的嫩芽",因為上帝要種植你,修復你,並最終呼召你建造你一直在不經意間創造的基礎設施。你同意從一個季節到另一個季節的瘋狂 "之字形"並不是一種浪費,點在連接,你有一天需要的事物在對齊。現在是進入一個出乎意料的階段的時候,因為在你的腦中,你感覺到幕正在落下,而真正的表演即將開始。

God wants to turn pioneers into plants in this next season and drive them deep into the ground. It’s easy to form an idea in your mind after years of living out of a suitcase leaping at the next instruction that you’ll always live that way but the next instruction may just be “Focus on your root system over your shoots” because God is going to plant you and fix you and finally call you to build what you have been creating infrastructure for unawares. Your yes to the crazy zig-zagging from season to season wasn’t a waste - dots were connecting, things were aligning that you’d one day need. And now it’s time to step into a phase that is unexpected because in your mind you are feeling like the curtain is closing when the real show is about to begin.