

作者:拉娜•瓦舍 Lana Vawser
轉載/轉寄 請註明出處:國度禱告網








不僅打破阻礙進步的鎖鏈,而且清晰度的大大提升也被釋放出來。這不僅是異象和清晰度的恢復,而且也是清晰度的擴展。我開始看到許多人通過望遠鏡觀看,"隧道視野"( TUNNEL VISION)這幾個字圍繞著我。我知道主說的是像硬臉像堅石一樣專注於祂(以賽亞書50:7)和祂的話語(馬太福音4:4),當祂的子民鎖定在祂和祂的聲音的"隧道視野 "中,通過這些望遠鏡看時,他們可以看到比以前更遠的東西,但當他們通過望遠鏡看時,望遠鏡的末端突然開始移動。這是精確銳利的視覺,可以看到細節,然後鏡頭會延伸,伸展,然後他們可以看到一個全景。


然後主把我帶回到異象的開始,當耶穌走近時,鐵鍊在嘎嘎作響,祂說 "乾枯的骨頭在嘎嘎作響"。主讓我看到一些乾枯的骨頭,他們身上的死亡臭味和他們所感受到的死亡已經造成了很多的心痛,復興之火和上帝的氣息現在正降臨在他們身上,奉耶穌的名帶來復活。在這些屍骨上傳揚耶穌的名。在這些屍骨上宣揚祂是誰。在這些乾枯的骨頭上宣講祂的話語,因為它們正在活過來。復活的能力正落在他們身上,是時候來一次強有力的神聖回歸了。


Lana Vawser

Recently I had a vision and I saw many in the body of Christ that have felt stuck like they have been in chains recently and for many different reasons they felt like they just can’t move forward without hindrance.

I saw many feeling like they had heavy chains around their feet and even if they took one step forward, they were then pulled ‘ten steps back’. I saw many have become really tired of the constant “to-ing and fro-ing.

They were crying out to the Lord for freedom, they were crying out to the Lord for these chains that were hindering advancement to be removed. Chains of disappointment, chains of loss, chains of attack, chains of trauma, chains of fear, chains of anxiety, chains of hope deferred, chains of words spoken over them, chains of lies believed, chains of pressure of circumstances and the list went on. But this ‘list’ of things that have tried to hinder their advancement was NOTHING to Jesus.

As He approached them the closer He got, the chains began to shake, they began to rattle. These chains could not remain in His presence. His Glory, His power, His NAME began to see these chains begin to lose their hold. JESUS STEPPING IN changed EVERYTHING. Encountering Jesus brought such freedom and deliverance. Deep, deep things were taking place in that moment.

As they violently shook and as they were about to shatter off, I saw Him place His hands around them and remove them. As the chains hit His hands they SUDDENLY TURNED. They suddenly turned into TELESCOPES.
He then spoke “The very areas where advancement has been hindered, CLARITY and INCREASE OF VISION is upon you."

Not only were the chains that hindered advancement, broken, but a huge increase of clarity was being released. It was not only a restoration of vision and clarity, but it was also an EXTENSION of clarity. I began to see many looking through the telescope and the words “TUNNEL VISION” surrounded me. I knew the Lord was speaking about flint like focus on Him (Isaiah 50:7) and upon what He is speaking (Matthew 4:4) and as His people locked into the “tunnel vision” upon Him and upon His voice and looked through these telescopes they could see FURTHER than they’ve seen but also as they looked through the telescope the end of the telescope suddenly began shifting. It was precise sharp vision to see the details, and then the lens would extend and almost stretch and they could then see a PANORAMIC view.

This PANORAMIC view saw the Lord revealing to them new lands they were about to enter into and pioneer. This PANORAMIC view also saw the Lord revealing to them lands that they would now occupy that they knew were theirs but finally they would ‘take’ and they saw that the land was actually so much bigger than they realised it was. I also saw lands with HUGE WELLS and the Lord was releasing revelation to His people to unlock the wells in these new places, spaces and assignments.

The Lord then took me back to the start of the vision where the chains were rattling as Jesus approached and He said “The dry bones are rattling”. The Lord showed me that some of the dry bones that the stench of death upon them and how dead they have felt has caused so much heartache, revival fire and the breath of God is coming upon them now to bring forth RESURRECTION in Jesus name. Prophesy the name of Jesus over these bones. Prophesy who He is over these bones. Prophesy His Word over these dry bones as they are coming alive.
Resurrection power is landing upon them and it’s time for a powerful divine comeback.

What has hindered your advancement is being shifted, it’s being broken, it’s being removed and you are entering into a depth of clarity and vision that is deeper than you’ve been in before. It’s time to RUN with the vision and RUN with NEW VISION in Jesus name.