

Celebrate Today! Signs of Roe V. Wade and the Trumpet
作者:強尼-恩洛 Johnny Enlow
原文來源:以利亞名單 https://www.elijahlist.com/words/display_word.html?ID=27572 
轉載/轉寄 請註明出處:國度禱告網


羅伊訴韋德案已被推翻。地獄會有抗議和反擊。無論如何要慶祝! 這將是未來許多慶祝活動的多米諾骨牌,但這肯定是第一件。是的,藍州(譯註:藍色則是民主黨的代表顏色長期傾向支持該黨的州份則爲「藍州」。)仍然可以縱容殺害嬰兒,但現在的戰線已經發生了巨大的變化。用慶祝活動、燭光塔的聲音和公義的法令來扼殺惡魔的境界。

Trumpet the Bloodhound Is National Champion

羅伊訴韋德案被推翻了! 多麼令人興奮。本週早些時候,狗界最令人垂涎的獎項給了我們一個先知性的暗示,這將會發生。一隻名叫"小號"的獵犬以7號的身份參加了所有的紅色比賽,贏得了著名的威斯敏斯特犬業俱樂部犬展活動--在這個過程中擊敗了3000多隻犬類。那是在紐約的塔里敦。看到了嗎?TARRY鎮。Tarry的意思是拖延。夥計們,它已經拖延了。

小號是有史以來第一個贏得該賽事的獵犬,一隻以耐心和 "嗅覺靈敏 "而聞名的狗贏得了一切。在西部養犬俱樂部的網站上有一個短語 "吹響號角",以紀念小號。根據《聖經》,吹響號角標誌著每50年一次的禧年的開始。我們正處於羅伊訴韋德案以來的50年。多麼巧啊,嗯?

Prophetic Sign: Trump Had to Defeat Fox

先知性的信息是不可避免的...... 有七個決賽選手,亞軍狗的主人是一個姓福斯的人。這個人本身沒有什麼不好,但在先知性的信息傳遞中,它告訴你。川普必須擊敗福斯新聞和他們背信棄義的選舉之夜的盜竊策劃,作為這次勝利的一部分。

此外,入圍者是一隻名叫MM的狗(主流媒體) 另一個入圍者是一隻名叫好萊塢的狗。不難解讀! 儘管福斯、好萊塢和主流媒體密謀反對川普和小號(Trump and Trumpet) --但他們不會被嚇倒!

現在是表演時間! 我假設你們所有人都看到,沒有川普,就沒有推翻羅伊訴韋德案,因為他提名的三位大法官至關重要。Bloodhound(獵犬)這個字也很有意義,因為墮胎是以流血的邪惡為標誌的。




Celebrate Today! Signs of Roe V. Wade and the Trumpet
Johnny Enlow, Nashville, TN
Jun 24, 2022

Celebrate Today!

Roe v. Wade has been overturned. Hell will protest and backlash. Celebrate anyway! This will be the lead domino for many more coming celebrations but this certainly is #1. Yes, blue states can still connive to kill babies but the battle lines have now drastically changed. Suffocate the demonic realm with celebration, with the sounds of the shofar and with decrees of justice.

Trumpet the Bloodhound Is National Champion

Roe v. Wade overturned! How exciting. Earlier this week the most coveted prize in Dog World gave us a prophetic hint this was to happen. A Bloodhound named "Trumpet" who went as #7 and in all Red, won the prestigious Westminster Kennel Club dog show event – defeating over 3000 canines in the process. It was in Tarrytown, NY. See that? TARRY town. Tarry means to delay. Boy has it delayed.

Trumpet was the first Bloodhound to EVER win the event and a dog famous for being patient and "sniffing things out" won it all. On the Western Kennel Club website is the phrase "Sound the Horns" in honor of Trumpet. Biblically, blowing the trumpets marked the beginning of the Year of Jubilee that occurred every 50 years. We are right at 50 years since Roe v. Wade. What a coincidence, huh?

Prophetic Sign: Trump Had to Defeat Fox

The prophetic message is inescapable... There were seven finalists and the runner-up dog was owned by a man with the last name of FOX. Nothing bad about the man himself, but in prophetic messaging it tells you: Trump had to defeat FOX News and their treacherous election night theft orchestration as part of this win.

Also, the finalist was a dog named MM (Mainstream Media, anyone?)! Another finalist was a dog named Hollywood. Not hard to decipher! Though Fox, Hollywood and Mainstream Media conspired against Trump and Trumpet – they would not be deterred!

It is show time! I am assuming all of you see that without Trump there is no overturning of Roe v. Wade as the three Justices he put in were vital. The term Bloodhound is quite significant as well, as abortion is marked by the evil of blood shedding.

Nothing Is Coincidence

Finally, for those who understand the deep state's Luciferian numerology, today is 666 on their calendar. You get it from 06/24/2022. There is 6 total in each bracket of numbers. So this was all done right in the face of evil reversing their curse on our nation.

Nothing about any of this is a coincidence. Celebration is in order, even as Hell seethes.