

作者: 黛安-阿尼爾 DIANE ANIL
轉載/轉寄 請註明出處:國度禱告網


"校準"的意思是 "確定、糾正或標記(某物,如溫度計管)的刻度"。它也意味著 "精確地測量 "或 "精確地調整某項功能"(韋氏字典)。


1. 定義/決定/清晰度

定義、決心、清晰度和藍圖將在地上建造,就像在天堂一樣。我看到迷霧被撥開,精確的方向和智慧被釋放。我看到人們接受超自然的策略、加速和倍增。這是一個 "手在犁上"和 "筆在紙上 "的時刻。這是一個看到夢想通過合作和順服體現為現實的時刻。我看到啟示的河流被釋放,耳朵被調對齊到天堂的聲音和天父的聲音。

2. 衡量/調整/校正

當你花時間在隱秘處,帶著謙卑和開放的態度來接受對你的心和生活的 "搜查令 "時,我看到真理被暴露出來,正在進行調整,事情被擺在正確的位置。這對許多人來說是一個 "暫停、反思和翻轉"的時刻。


3. 畢業日





I heard the Father say, "This is a week of 'CALIBRATING.'"

To "calibrate" means "to determine, rectify, or mark the graduations of (something, such as a thermometer tube)." It also means "to measure precisely" or "to adjust precisely for a particular function" (Merriam-Webster).

There is a weightiness this week for calibrating your life in the secret place. The Father showed me three aspects of the calibration process.

1. Definition/Determination/Clarity

Definition, determination, clarity and blueprints will be ESTABLISHed on Earth as it is in Heaven. I see the fog being lifted and precise direction and wisdom being released. I see people receiving supernatural strategies, acceleration and multiplication. It is a "hand to the plow" and a "pen to the paper" moment. It is a time to see dreams manifest into reality through partnership and obedience. I see the river of revelation being released and ears being tuned to the sound of Heaven and the voice of the Father.

2. Measuring/Adjusting/Rectifying

As you take time in the secret place and come in with humility and an openness to receive a "search warrant" of your heart and life, I see truth being exposed, adjustments being made and things being put in right order. It is a "pause, reflect and shifting" moment for many.

I hear some of you say, "Ouch!" yet smile at the same time, which symbolizes the loving correction and adjustment from the Father to set you up for an upgrade. It is not a space of shame or blame; it is a time of humility, repentance and reordering. I also saw the Father rectifying situations in some of your lives that were unjust, and I saw Him coming in as your vindicator. Where word curses, false accusations, gossip/slander and manipulation were at work, the Father is reversing the curse and making things right! I saw badges of honor being given to those of you who have walked in purity and humility.

3. Graduation Day

For some of you, you are GRADUATING - out of the dust and despair and into clarity and hope; out of depression, doubt, disappointment and discouragement and into A NEW DAY - A NEW WAY; out of holding and waiting and into running, sailing and soaring in HIM; out of torment and into peace; out of exhaustion and into the refreshing and renewing waters of His love!

Some of you are being promoted, and I see an expansion on your voices and territory! The attacks and the stuck-in-the-mud, drought-filled days are being rekindled with a baptism of His fire and love in your lives. Run to Him and with Him! Get ready!

Take time to get still and ask the Father about this moment of CALIBRATION! He wants to give you clarity, adjust you and graduate you! Take Courage!