
作者:底波拉-帕金斯 Deborah Perkins
原文來源:以利亞名單 https://www.elijahlist.com/words/display_word.html?ID=27522 
轉載/轉寄 請註明出處:國度禱告網


2022年5月26日淩晨2點13分,聖靈喚醒了我,把我帶到好像是辦公室或 "書房"的地方,在那裡我遇到了天父。我站在桌子旁,看著天父用銀色墨水寫下的字母,這些字母既出現在頁面裡又出現在頁面上。

在靈裡,這些 "活生生的字母 "開始桌面上盤旋。智慧和啟示似乎充滿了祂辦公室的氛圍。我知道,從天父筆下出來的每一個字元都有自己的故事,源於天父的心,每一個都非常珍貴。我感覺到,這些人物代表了組成主的新婦的許多人;每個人都有自己美麗獨特和救贖的故事。

天父讓我拿起其中一個銀色字母 "吃 "下去,就像吃一卷書一樣。當我這樣做的時候,我的心裡充滿了某種程度的啟示。我聽到天父說,祂希望祂的新婦成員能夠成為 "活的書信"。在歷史上的這個特殊時期,祂正派遣某些信徒作為使者,帶著非常具體的信息出去。





當我們騎馬穿過天際時,我聽到主大聲說話,重複這些話。"誠信真實!誠信真實!" 啟示錄19:11中的這句話在我的靈裡燃燒起來,我看到主正帶領天國的軍隊,好像在打仗。

我聽到聖靈說: "施行仁慈的,令人愛慕;窮人強如說謊言的。"(箴言19:22),以及,"你所喜愛的是內裡誠實;你在我隱密處,必使我得智慧。"(詩篇51:6 NKJV)。詩篇51:6(NIV)說:"然而你甚至在子宮裡就渴望信實......"




我們的旅程把我們帶到了一座高大、黑暗的山的頂端。這座山由於其黑色,幾乎與大氣層無法區分。我試圖在頭腦中弄清楚我們在哪裡,我猜想這一定是文化中的 "七山"之一。於是我問主:"這是七座山中的哪一座?" 祂回答說這不是其中之一。"祂說:"這是心之山"。



當我們一起站在山頂時,主命令我說"現在是下山的時候了,就像摩西那樣,去指導人們。" 我看到,祂希望祂的餘民成員--特別是基督身體裡受膏的教師--大膽地帶著祂的話下山,就像幾千年前的摩西一樣。當我朝山腳下看時,我意識到山腳下黑的主要原因(這與摩西時代一樣):偶像崇拜。


主提醒我注意變像山,基督在那裡與摩西和以利亞會面。將會有一個新的恩賜給五重教師,他們知道如何 "正確地劃分"祂的道。這些教師不僅知道神的話語,也知道祂的方法。那些具有忠心和真理、謙卑和愛等輔助品格特徵的人。這些人毫不畏懼地解決使信徒彼此之間和與神之間產生分歧的問題,以便為基督重新做真實的"見證"。



信徒如果首先在 "主的山"的頂端與耶穌交流,就可以帶著權柄和光芒下山,當他們面對人心中常見的偶像崇拜和冒犯時(心之山),就會顯出這種權柄和光芒。


"到那時候,凡求告耶和華名的就必得救;因為照耶和華所說的,在錫安山,耶路撒冷必有逃脫的人,在剩下的人中必有耶和華所召的。" (約珥書2:32)


在這個暴力、無法、無愛和不名譽的時代,能堅定地站立的人是那些與上帝親密的人。他們會勤奮地學習聖經,分辨真理和錯誤。他們會認真對待 "不太受歡迎 "的經文,如彼得後書2-3和猶大書,這些經文警告上帝的子民不要拜偶像。他們將受膏,帶來令人悔改的糾正。


主正在帶來一個純潔、成熟的新婦和一支由聖潔的 "使者 "組成的強大的末世軍隊--宣教士、信使和事工及市場中的解決方案提供者,他們不懼怕對抗,因為他們在祂裡面是公義的。

在這個異象中,我再次看到,無愛、冒犯和不寬恕已經累積,導致心變得剛硬,像石頭的山--心之山。以主的權柄,他們將對這些山說:"移開,投在海裡!" 而這將為他們做到(見馬太福音21:21)。

"摩西上山,有雲彩把山遮蓋。耶和華的榮耀停於西乃山;雲彩遮蓋山六天,第七天他從雲中召摩西。" (出埃及記24:15-16)

The Mountain of the Heart
Deborah Perkins,

In the Father's Office

Dear Friends,

On May 26, 2022, at 2:13 AM, the Holy Spirit awakened me, bringing me into what seemed to be an office or "study" where I encountered the Father. I stood by a desk and watched as the Father wrote, with silver ink, letters which appeared both on and over the page.

These "living letters" began circling above the desktop in the spirit. Wisdom and revelation seemed to saturate the atmosphere in His office. I knew that each character coming from the Father's pen had a story of its own, originating in the Father's heart, and each was very precious. I sensed that these characters represented the many people who make up the Lord's Bride; each individual containing beautifully unique and redemptive stories of their own.

The Father told me to take one of the silver letters and "eat" it, as I might eat a scroll. As I did so, I was filled with a measure of revelation. I heard the Father say that He wanted members of His Bride to become "living epistles." At this particular time in history, He is sending certain Believers out as emissaries with very specific messages.

I had to look up this unusual word, "emissary"! I found that while an ambassador may reside long term in a foreign country, an emissary usually does not; instead, he or she is sent on temporary (and sometimes secret) special missions as a diplomatic representative for a government official.

Faithful and True Emissaries of the Kingdom

Immediately, the vision shifted and I found myself outside the Father's office, riding behind the Lord Jesus on a white horse.

The warm, amber glow of the study faded and everything became very dark. We were surrounded by thick, billowy storm clouds; beyond them, the atmosphere was pitch black.

As we rode through the heavens, I heard the Lord speak loudly, repeating these words: "FAITHFUL AND TRUE! FAITHFUL AND TRUE!" This phrase from Revelation 19:11 burned in my spirit, and I saw that the Lord was leading the armies of Heaven as if to war.

I heard the Spirit say: "What is desirable in a man is his fidelity (faithfulness or steadfast love); better to be a poor man than a liar" (Proverbs 19:22 HCSB, emphasis added), and, "Behold, You desire truth in the inward parts, and in the hidden part You will make me to know wisdom" (Psalm 51:6 NKJV). Psalm 51:6 (NIV) says, "Yet you desired faithfulness even in the womb..."

The Lord and those who rode with Him were to be known for their faithfulness and truth. I saw the edge of Christ's robe which was dipped in blood. I knew this same Blood represented that which is made available for both the saints and sinners. I believe the Lord was emphasizing the qualities of purity, faithfulness, love and honesty, which marked those who rode with Him in the end-time army. (Photo via Pixabay)

Jesus did not seem bothered at all by the dark atmosphere in the vision. When I asked Him about this, the Lord said that the darkness of the end times would merely serve as a backdrop to the white horses and the brightness of His coming.

The Mountain of the Heart

Our ride brought us to the very top of a high, dark mountain. The mountain was almost indistinguishable from the atmosphere because of its blackness. Trying to figure out in my mind where we were, I assumed that this must be one of the "seven mountains" of culture. So I asked the Lord, "Which of the seven mountains is this?" He replied that it was none of those. "This," He said, "is the Mountain of the Heart."

Everything suddenly became clear. I was deeply moved by the existence of such a mountain. It had never occurred to me that there was a Mountain of the Heart, yet the vision made perfect sense.

While identifying this "mountain" from the Lord's perspective inspired me at first, I was then troubled by the utter blackness of it, which I knew was not good. I saw that lovelessness, offense and unforgiveness had amassed, causing hearts to become hard like mountains of stone.

As we stood together at the top, the Lord commanded me: "It is time to go down the mountain, as Moses did, to instruct the people." I saw that He wanted members of His remnant – especially anointed teachers in the Body of Christ – to descend boldly with His words, just as Moses had thousands of years ago. As I looked down toward the base of the mountain, I became aware of the chief reason for its blackness (which was the same as in Moses' day): idolatry.

Rise of the Fivefold Teachers

The Lord reminded me of the Mount of Transfiguration, where Christ had met with Moses and Elijah. There will be a fresh anointing on fivefold teachers who know how to "rightly divide" His Word. These are teachers who know not just God's words, but also His ways. Those with the supporting character traits of faithfulness and truth; humility and love. Those who are unafraid to tackle issues that divide Believers from each other and from God, so that an authentic "witness" for Christ may be rekindled.

In times of heresy and lawlessness, and in nations where the Babylonian spirit seeks to deceive even Believers, people need strong, revelatory teaching as well. They need wisdom-filled teachers and leaders who will prayerfully confront and bring deliverance from idolatry and faithlessness.

2 Timothy 2:23-25 (BSB) encourages Christians to "...reject foolish and ignorant speculation, for you know that it breeds quarreling. And a servant of the Lord must not be quarrelsome, but must be kind to everyone, able to teach and forbearing. He must gently reprove those who oppose him, in the hope that God may grant them repentance leading to a knowledge of the truth."

Scriptures from Amos 2 and Exodus 32 also came alive in my spirit. It was clear that whoever speaks to people to confront issues within the Mountain of the Heart will need to be absolutely true themselves – straight as a plumb line – with honesty and integrity in the inner man.

Believers who first commune with Jesus at the top of the "Mountain of the Lord" can then descend with an authority and radiance that will be evident as they confront the idolatries and offenses common to men's hearts (the Mountain of the Heart).

As Moses was backed by the Lord when opposed by the sons of Korah, and Peter was backed by the Holy Spirit against Ananias and Sapphira's lies, so God will back Believers who boldly proclaim His ways in times of opposition.

"And it shall come to pass, that whosoever shall call on the name of the LORD shall be delivered: for in mount Zion and in Jerusalem shall be deliverance, as the LORD hath said, and in the remnant whom the LORD shall call." (Joel 2:32 KJV)

Study to Show Yourself Approved!

People who stand firmly in these times of violence, lawlessness, lovelessness and dishonor are those who know God intimately. They will be diligent students of the Word, discerning truth from error. They will take seriously "less popular" passages, like 2 Peter 2-3 and the book of Jude, which warn God's people about idolatry. They will be anointed to bring the kind of correction that leads to repentance.

These Believers will see the Father's discipline as lovingly protective – not inhibiting or restrictive. They will be marked by quick, eager repentance when the Lord calls attention to areas in their own hearts. They will receive healing and forgiveness, and understand what it takes to rescue others from the same stoniness. They are the healers, teachers and deliverers in God's Kingdom, full of compassion, light and fire!

The Lord is bringing forth a pure, mature Bride and a powerful end-time army of holy "emissaries" – missionaries, messengers and solutionists in ministry and the marketplace, who are unafraid of confrontation because they are righteous IN HIM.

Again, in this vision, I saw that lovelessness, offense and unforgiveness had amassed, causing hearts to become hard, like mountains of stone – Mountains of the Heart. With the authority of the Lord, they will say to these mountains, "Be removed and cast into the sea!" And it will be done for them (see Matthew 21:21).

"When Moses went up on the mountain, the cloud covered it, and the glory of the Lord settled on Mount Sinai...and on the seventh day the Lord called to Moses from within the cloud." (Exodus 24:15-16 NIV)