
雷克-喬納 Rick Joyner
翻譯:Kate 2022.6.14
轉載/轉寄 請註明出處:國度禱告網

我們已經知道,我們是 "被揀選的族類,君尊的祭司,聖潔的國民"(見彼得前書2:9)。我們被呼召成為萬國中的一個獨立國家。我們在這裡的生活見證了我們所服事的王的卓越性。那些重生到這個國度的人是 "新造的人"與舊造的人有很大的不同和優勢。我們在這裡代表未來時代的榮耀和能力。我們是來自未來。


主也有一個實際的、系統性的計畫來 "恢復萬物"。這個計畫基本上與我們個人從舊的、墮落的屬性中恢復到揭示復活生命的能力和榮耀的過程相同,這是在十字架上為我們買贖的。我們正在經歷這個過程,以便我們能夠幫助帶領其他墮落的受造物回到與神的和諧之中。

這個恢復過程將在我們與基督一起統治全地的時代完成。這就是彼得所說的 "恢復萬物的時期"(見徒3:21)。我們被呼召成為即將到來的王國的先行者和信差。我們資訊的能力將與在我們裡面的生命的能力直接相關。正如使徒保羅在哥林多前書4:20所宣稱的,"因為神的國不在乎言語,乃在乎權能。"而我們被賦予為即將到來的國度作證的能力就是生命的能力。

沒有能力,我們就不能成為全能神的見證。當我們想到能力時,我們往往會想到神蹟,但這只是神的能力的一個例子,而不是它的屬性。神能力的屬性是神的生命。這就是為什麼《希伯來書》的作者解釋說,主的聖職是基於 "無窮(原文是不能毀壞)之生命的大能"(見希伯來書7:14-17)。因此,我們的目標不僅僅是知識或能力,而是生命。


我們的目標是活出並揭示在基督耶穌裡的生命的能力。我們用道路和真理來引導人們獲得生命。正是我們的生命使真正的基督徒與地上所有其他人有著顯著的不同。同樣地,我們是萬國中的"異邦"。我們是 "新造的人",與其他的人大大的不同。這種不同不僅僅是在我們的教義和信心上--不同的是我們生活的能力。我們來自另一個現實和另一個時代。為了使好消息完全傳給世界,它必須通過我們的生活實際地揭示出來。基督的身體將在最後的日子裡興起,向世界,甚至向主治者和有權者展示在基督裡的生命的能力。

Where Are We Going?
Rick Joyner

As we have learned, we are "a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation" (see I Peter 2:9). We are called to be a separate nation within the nations. We are here to live lives that testify of the excellencies of the King we serve. Those who have been born again into this kingdom are a "new creation,"vastly different and superior to the old creation man. We are here to represent the glory and the power of the age to come. We are from the future.

The reason the Lord did not catch us up into heaven immediately after our salvation is because we have a mission on earth. Though we were redeemed from the corruption of the Fall and already have eternal life, we are going through the process of renewing our minds and natures into the new creation nature of Christlikeness. His whole creation testifies that the nature of God is practical and systematic.

The Lord also has a practical, systematic plan for the "restoration of all things." This plan is basically the same as the process of our personal restoration from the old, fallen nature to revealing the power and glory of resurrection life that was purchased for us at the cross. We are going through this process so we can help lead the rest of fallen creation back into harmony with God.

This restoration process will be completed in the age when we rule and reign with Christ over the earth. This is the time that Peter called "the period of restoration of all things" (see Acts 3:21). We are called to be fore-runners and messengers of the coming kingdom. The power of our message will be directly related to the power of the life that is in us. As the Apostle Paul declared in I Corinthians 4:20, "For the kingdom of God does not consist in words, but in power," and the power that we have been given to testify of the coming kingdom is the power of life.

We cannot be witnesses of the Almighty God without power. When we think of power we often think of miracles, but they are only one example of God's power, not the very essence of it. The essence of God's power is the life of God. This is why the author of the Book of Hebrews explains that the Lord's priesthood is based on "the power of an indestructible life" (see Hebrews 7:14-17). Therefore, our goal is not just knowledge or power, but life.

This life is infinitely more precious than anything we could possess on this earth. Many who have walked in the greatest abundance of true life have actually had very few possessions on earth, just like the Prince of Life Himself. There have also been some who have had great possessions, such as the patriarchs Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, King David, and some of the great Christians in history like Count Zinzendorf. However, in all who have true life, there is an obvious focus on things much higher than the treasures of this earth. Those who had true life may have possessed treasures from time to time, but they were not possessed by them.

Our goal is to live and reveal the power of the life that is in Christ Jesus. We use the Way and Truth to lead people to the life. It is our life that makes true Christians strikingly different from all other people on the face of the earth. Again, we are an "alien nation" within the nations. We are a "new creation" that is vastly different from all other men. The difference is not just in our doctrines and beliefs—the difference is the power of the life that we live. We are from another reality and another time. For the message to be fully given to the world, it must be practically revealed by our lives. The body of Christ will arise in the last days as a demonstration to the world, and even to the principalities and powers, of the power of the life that is in Christ.