
A New Breed Will Emerge to the Forefront
作者:鄧特利-格林 Dontrell Green
原文來源:以利亞名單 https://www.elijahlist.com/words/display_word.html?ID=27492 
轉載/轉寄 請註明出處:國度禱告網

"他用以利亞身上掉下來的外衣打水,說:耶和華─以利亞的神在哪裡呢?打水之後,水也左右分開,以利沙就過來了。" (王下2:14)

新品種的 "奉差者"

在此時,主的手正放在新一批 "奉差者"的身上。是的,確實如此,因為我聽到主說:"我正在興起一批新的使徒和先知,他們將在這樣的時刻出現在前線。主說:"新品種和新一代將在地上開創和建立新傳奇,以及新王朝,以促進我的國度。




"耶和華的僕人摩西死了以後,耶和華曉諭摩西的幫手,嫩的兒子約書亞,說:我的僕人摩西死了。現在你要起來,和眾百姓過這約但河,往我所要賜給以色列人的地去。(約書亞記1:1-2 )


"品種"一詞的定義(根據Dictionary.com)是 "產生(後代)"。品種的其他意義是 "生"、"養"、"產生"、"促進"、"場合"、"培養"、"產生"、"誘導 "和 "發展"。



就像神興起約書亞,派他代替摩西去應許之地一樣,神現在也在興起約書亞,帶領人民渡過現在這個 "約旦河"。







"凡你們腳掌所踏之地,我都照著我所應許摩西的話賜給你們了。" (約書亞1:3 )



"我們既有這許多的見證人,如同雲彩圍著我們,就當放下各樣的重擔,脫去容易纏累我們的罪,存心忍耐,奔那擺在我們前頭的路程," (希伯來書12:1)







A New Breed Will Emerge to the Forefront
Dontrell Green

"And he took the mantle of Elijah that fell from him, and smote the waters, and said, Where is the LORD God of Elijah? and when he also had smitten the waters, they parted hither and thither: and Elisha went over." (2 Kings 2:14 KJV)

A New Breed of "Sent Ones"

The hand of the Lord is upon a new breed of "sent ones" in this hour. Yes, indeed, for I hear the Lord saying, "I am raising up a new breed of apostolic and prophetic ones who will emerge upon the forefront for such a time as this. A new breed and a new generation will pioneer and build a new legacy, as well as a new dynasty in the earth, for the advancement of My Kingdom," says the Lord.

"Yet once more, I will do a new thing through this new breed of fire ones, who have accepted their assignment without any hesitation; but with open arms and with participation, they have yielded themselves unto me. For I am no respecter of persons, nor am I looking for those who feel as if they have it all together; but with great obedience and a heart yielded unto Me, I have found a new breed who will soon lead My people unto a place of victory and glory.

"They will emerge on the scene, strengthening the Body of Christ and giving the world new strategies and solutions that will shape cultures and societies in new ways, which many can only imagine.

"These new 'sent ones' are those who have been forgotten—the underdogs—and those whom many have written off. But I, the Lord thy God, will cause favor to come upon them, and cause My hand to lead them into a place of greatness and success as they carry out My plans for all humanity. For, in fact, I have consecrated them unto Myself, and have marked them in a time when the world needs them most. Make no mistake about it, this new breed will succeed," says the Spirit of the living God.

"Now it happened after the death of Moses the servant of the LORD, that the LORD spoke to Joshua the son of Nun, Moses' servant (attendant), saying, 'Moses My servant is dead; now therefore arise [to take his place], cross over this Jordan, you and all this people, into the land which I am giving to them, to the sons of Israel.'" (Joshua 1:1-2 AMP)

Forging Paths - Where No Man Has Gone Before

The definition for the word "breed" (according to Dictionary.com) is "to produce (offspring)." Other words for breed are "beget," "bear," "generate," "promote," "occasion," "foster," "produce," "induce" and "develop." (Photo via Pxfuel)

I believe that we are in an era where we will begin to see an uncommon breed of leaders hit the ground running, as much work needs to be done to bring forth the end time harvest. They will be innovators who will generate new ideas and skills that will set the tone for the generations ahead.

Just as the early fathers and mothers paved the way for many of us in years past, I believe the Lord is now raising up a new breed for this hour who will have the grace to run within their society and forge something that has never been created. They will have the mindset (mentality) and desire to lead with excellence, and will be trusted with greater responsibility, wisdom, knowledge and understanding.

Just as God raised up Joshua, sending him to the Promised Land in Moses' place, God is now raising up Joshuas to lead the people across this present "Jordan."

The Lord says, "The new breed will operate with extraordinary strength, power and grace, and will not deal with the failures of old. I have given them boldness! Yes, they are bold and cannot be bought. They are sold out to the Father and will carry out the load which has been given unto them for this day and age. A new breed will emerge from a place of obscurity and will shine for such a time as this."

Passing the Baton

Recently (on June 2, 2022), I experienced an open vision at work while doing my normal duties. Things were kind of slow that day, so I took out time to go into the back office. While there, I noticed a shiny, cherry-red baton that was sitting in our mail bin. I asked my boss where the baton had come from, and she responded by saying that she had no idea but was informed that we had a track team staying at our hotel.

Immediately, I went into a vision concerning this same baton that I had seen. In this vision, I found myself running with the exact baton I had glanced at in the natural. As I watched myself running, I heard these words: "Run the race I have set before you." Then, quickly, the vision ended.

In that moment, after coming out of that vision, all I could do was ponder what I had been shown. I knew, undoubtedly, that this was a corporate word for people who have been feeling overlooked and have been waiting for their moment of fulfillment. Nevertheless, as I meditated on this and prayed into it further, I kept hearing the Father say, over and over, "A new breed will emerge to the forefront."

In this hour, there is a baton being passed to the new breed. Not only is God miraculously and purposely raising up a new breed, but they will also carry the baton of those who once carried it before them. This new breed shall carry a double-portion anointing (read 2 Kings 2:9)—an inheritance and the promises of the previous generation. They shall be guarded and reassured that they will be guided and taken care of by Almighty God. They will carry a baton that will lead them to the finish line; a baton that will usher in a new wave of glory. This baton will make the impossible possible and will make the unbelievers believers, because the hand of God is upon them.

"I have given you every place on which the sole of your foot treads, just as I promised to Moses." (Joshua 1:3 AMP)

The word "baton" is defined as: "A short stick or tube passed from runner to runner in a relay race." (see Lexico dictionary website). One of the most vital things that stuck out to me (concerning this vision) was the cherry-red color of the baton. I knew, immediately, that this was a sign that the Blood of Jesus was sealing the matter. As I glanced at where the baton was positioned (in the natural), I realized that it had been placed in a specific spot so that specific people would notice it. I believe that the baton being placed in the mail bin was significant and was no coincidence; it was symbolic of delivery. (Photo via Flickr)

In this hour, Heaven is supernaturally delivering batons to a new breed of sent ones, so that they may continue to run the race that has been set before them. I hear the Lord saying that Heaven has endorsed this new breed that's emerging.

"Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses [who by faith have testified to the truth of God's absolute faithfulness], stripping off every unnecessary weight and the sin which so easily and cleverly entangles us, let us run with endurance and active persistence the race that is set before us." (Hebrews 12:1 AMP)

Take Heart! Your Time Is NOW

"Take heart, NEW BREED, and be encouraged, because your moment has arrived, and you're not just next, but you're NOW," says the Spirit of the Lord.

I hear the Spirit of grace saying, "Anchor yourselves and brace yourselves, because the face of the Father shines upon you to do something that has never been done, and to carry that which was buried. You were born and chosen for this. You are different and were never made to fit in but designed to do great exploits for your generation, releasing tangible power, signs and wonders—a new breed moving throughout the earth, reaching nations, cities and regions—all unto the very glory of God. You are the history makers, the legends and the heroes of your day. Rise up, new breed, and take charge, for the world is waiting on you! Have faith, I say. Have faith and come unto the forefront."

"What else can I say? There isn't enough time to tell about Gideon, Barak, Samson, Jephthah, David, Samuel, and the prophets. Their faith helped them conquer kingdoms, and because they did right, God made promises to them. They closed the jaws of lions and put out raging fires and escaped from the swords of their enemies. Although they were weak, they were given the strength and power to chase foreign armies away." (Hebrews 11:32-34 CEVUK)

The Lord says, "From the deep pits and from the ashes of the dust, a new breed shall arise. From the corners of trouble and the opinions of men, a new breed shall arise. Watch and see," says the Lord, "as I do a new thing; and it shall tickle the ears of many, as My new breed of faithful ones emerge. The guards are changing!"

"Forget what happened long ago! Don't think about the past. I am creating something new. There it is! Do you see it? I have put roads in deserts, streams in thirsty lands." (Isaiah 43:18-19 CEV)