

作者:泰勒-梅迪納 TYLER MEDINA
轉載/轉寄 請註明出處:國度禱告網

有一天晚上在敬拜中,主把我帶入一開放異象。在異象中,我看到整個基督的身體中有許多教會。有些是枯萎的,黑暗的,看起來被拋棄了,我問主:"我看到的是什麼?" 祂說:"這些是那些用聖潔換取大眾意見的教會。他們用公義換取了教會成員。最重要的是,他們拒絕了我寶貴的聖靈,有敬虔的形式,卻否認其中的能力。"


然後我看到一條巨大的被子,它是由主形成和塑造的。它的顏色非常豐富,就像多色的外袍。每個補丁都是象徵性的,完美地排列在一起。我問:"我看到的是什麼?" 主回應我說:"這些是許多世代的衣裳。它們是過去屬神的男人和女人的衣襟,也是過去神的行動。" 祂說:"我把它們散佈在飢渴的人身上;散佈在那些飢渴和絕望的呼喊使我的耳朵轉向天堂的人身上(歷代志下7:14);散佈在那些為聖潔而站立並成為他們這一代的公義支柱的人身上;散佈在那些已經絕望到在我面前躺下,放棄他們所有的事物來尋求我直到我為他們行動的人身上。我在賞賜飢渴的人。"

然後祂拿起外袍,開始把它們扔在發光的教會(公義之家)上,並說:"他們要成為我榮耀的主人。" 我今天向你們預言,有一些教會沒有拋棄舊約。他們追求聖潔,堅持公義。他們渴慕聖靈的真實感動,在禱告中沒有動搖。在這麼多教會為了方便而拋棄毛巾的時候,他們沒有妥協。祂說:"這些教會將在他們這一代主持復興,他們將以耶穌基督的大能之名為他們的城市、地區和國家帶來釋放。"


The other night in worship, the Lord took me into an open vision. In this vision, I saw many churches throughout the Body of Christ. Some were withered, dark, and looked abandoned, and I asked the Lord, "What am I seeing?" He said, "These are the churches who have traded holiness for popular opinion. They have traded righteousness for church members. And above all, they have rejected My precious Holy Spirit, having a form of godliness but denying the power thereof."

Then He panned the view around and I saw churches that appeared as if they were glowing. They were fluorescent white with the greenest grass. Each church, from top to bottom, was well kept and looked whole. Then He took me inside and I saw fathers, mothers, and kids travailing in prayer as tears rolled down their faces. There were rocking back and forth, wailing for the move of God and a hunger for holiness to be returned to the house of God. The fire of God's presence radiated in the room as the assembly of angels gathered around. Their prayers and petitions filled the prayer bowls of Heaven until they began to tip over, pouring out fresh oil upon the people.

I then saw a giant quilt that was formed and fashioned by the Lord. It was very colorful, like the coat of many colors. Each patch was symbolic and perfectly aligned. I asked, "What am I seeing?" The Lord responded to me and said, "These are the mantles of many generations. They are the mantles of past men and women of God, but also past moves of God." He said, "I am dispersing them upon the hungry; upon the ones whose cries of hunger and desperation have turned My ear toward Heaven (2 Chronicles 7:14); the ones who have stood for holiness and have become pillars of righteousness in their generation; the ones who have become desperate enough to lay on their faces before Me, forsaking all they have to seek Me until I moved on their behalf. I'm rewarding the hungry."

Then He took the mantles and began throwing them upon the glowing churches (houses of righteousness), and said, "They will be hosts of My glory." I prophesy to you this day that there are churches that have not forsaken the covenants of old. They have pursued holiness and stood for righteousness. They have hungered after the authentic move of the Spirit and have not wavered in prayer. They have not compromised in a time when so many churches are throwing in the towel for the sake of what's convenient. He said, "These churches will host revival in their generation, and they will bring liberation to their cities, their regions, and their nations in the mighty name of Jesus Christ."