

作者:曼迪-伍德豪斯 Mandy Woodhouse
原文來源:以利亞名單 https://www.elijahlist.com/words/display_word.html?ID=27455 
轉載/轉寄 請註明出處:國度禱告網

兩個月來,我做了一系列有關"不攙雜 "一詞的夢。直到今天,我才覺得有必要對此發表任何看法。最近我又做了一個這樣的夢,這個夢讓我的內心有了一種緊迫感,那就是"不攙雜"這個詞對基督的身體的重要性。


- "沒有劣質或添加的物質"
- "純潔"
- "未曾混合"
- "沒有摻雜或稀釋任何額外的元素"
- "完整和絕對"




在夢中,以及當我醒來時,這對我的靈來說是非常不安的。我查閱了我在2022年3月做的第一個夢,當時聖靈第一次對我說 "不攙雜"這個詞,我讀到了祂對我說的關於這個詞的話。









1. 如果你的皮膚上有灰燼,我聽到祂說要用這些灰燼換取祂的美貌!這是很重要的。以賽亞書61章講到了這一點。提交灰燼,悔改你可能與仇敵對齊的地方,然後接受祂的美麗,相信祂將為你的利益而運行(羅馬書8:28)。

2. 我聽到祂說,"改變曲調"。如果播放清單上有一首你不喜歡的歌,你只需改變它或關掉它。祈求智慧和啟示的靈,祈求分辨力和恩典,然後改變談話的主題。任何話題都可以轉到祂身上。

3. 預備好被誤解。這可能需要祈禱和在祂面前的時間,讓祂愛你,但祂會加強你軟弱的膝蓋和疲憊的手(以賽亞書35:3)。我們也可以相信,祂將為愛祂的人謀求一切的好處(羅馬書8:28)。

4. 祈禱、敬拜和記住神是誰,這些事物總是能穿過破碎或扭曲的視角而產生裂痕(以弗所書5:19)。在領導對話,不要讓它脫離對我們偉大上帝的敬拜。



- 稀釋你的信仰
- 稀釋你對神的恩典的理解
- 稀釋你的權柄
- 污染你對當地教會或教會領袖的感情
- 沖淡耶穌已完成的工作



What Does It Mean to Remain Unadulterated?
Mandy Woodhouse

For two months now, I have had a series of dreams that involve the word "unadulterated." I have not felt led to release anything about this until today. I recently had another one of these dreams, and that put an urgency in my heart regarding the importance of this word, "UNADULTERATED," for the Body of Christ.

Unadulterated is defined as:

• "Having no inferior or added substances"
• "Pure"
• "Unmixed"
• "Not mixed or diluted with any extra elements"
• "Complete and absolute"

A Residue of Mixture

In my most recent dream, there were a group of Christians walking around with a veil over each of their faces. The veil represented a perception filter. In science fiction, a perception filter changes one's perception of reality, drawing attention away from the main focal point, even tricking the memory. (Photo via Unsplash)

The people who had these perception veils over their faces were having conversations, hugs and coffees with other Believers who did not carry these veils. When the conversations ended, I noticed that there was an ash-like powder being left as a residue on those who did not have a perception veil. It was as if an INFERIOR SUBSTANCE was being left upon the skin of those who had come into the conversation unadulterated. They were leaving with a residue of mixture.

In the dream, as well as when I woke up, this was very disconcerting to my spirit. I looked up the first dream I had in March 2022, when the Holy Spirit first spoke the word "unadulterated" to me, and I read what He had spoken to me regarding this word:

"I want your words to remain unadulterated."

"I want your home to be unadulterated."

"I want your friendships – and what you converse about – to be unadulterated."

"I need your thoughts to remain unadulterated."

"I desire anything you teach to remain purely, unadulteratedly JESUS."

"You must live, in every way, unadulterated."

Keys to Remaining Unadulterated

As I prayed into this, I felt the Lord give me four keys to remaining unadulterated, especially in the context of friendship with those who may be affected by a warped perspective at the moment.

1. If you have ashes on your skin, I heard Him say to exchange those ashes for His beauty! Isaiah 61 speaks of this. Submit the ashes, repent of where you may have agreed with the enemy, and then receive His beauty and trust that He will work it out for your good (Romans 8:28).

2. I heard Him say, "change the tune." If there's a song on a playlist that you don't like, you simply change it or turn it off. Pray for a spirit of wisdom and revelation, pray for discernment and grace, and then change the topic of conversation. Anything that is inferior to who Jesus is can be redirected to Him.

3. Prepare to be misunderstood. This may take prayer and time in His presence, allowing Him to love on you, but He will strengthen your feeble knees and weary hands (Isaiah 35:3). We can also trust that He WILL work EVERYTHING out for the GOOD of those who love Him (Romans 8:28)...

4. Prayer, worship and remembering who God is are things that will always crack through broken or warped perspectives (Ephesians 5:19). Take the lead in the conversation, and don't let it get away from worshiping our great God.


I felt an urgency on this word to remain UNADULTERATED; to refuse a spirit that will mix anything inferior into your thinking, or that will:

• Dilute your faith

• Dilute your understanding of God's goodness

• Dilute your authority

• Pollute your feelings about the local church or church leaders

• Water down the finished work of Jesus

Stay close to Him, and allow His love to wash over you today. We break off all wrong perceptions, all ashes and offense, and all the effects of any spirit of the age, in Jesus' MIGHTY name!