

作者:內特-約翰斯頓 Nate Johnston
轉載/轉寄 請註明出處:國度禱告網

昨天我開車時看到許多隱藏在地面的樹根。這些樹已經被砍到地面以下,隨著時間的推移,草已經重新長在上面,但樹根仍然躺在那裡。然後我聽到主說:"我正在拔出樹根!" 這是神在處理根源的季節,以便他能把你向前推。有許多你過去處理過的情況仍然籠罩著你,因為根部仍然完好無損,牽制著你,把你拴在你不再處於的季節和你已經打過的仗上。但請注意,在接下來的幾個月裡,神會用斧頭砍掉每一個隱隱約約讓你陷入困境的情況。這是新突破的時刻了!是重新開始的時刻了!有一些你甚至不知道你還與之有聯結的人和地方的屬靈的連結被切斷,神正在帶來最終的結果。對你幾十年的綑綁和不公義正在揭開,被耶穌的寶血潔淨和覆蓋。你要去的地方需要你丟掉背上的猴子,脖上的蟒蛇,以及你聲音中的口罩。




Nate Johnston

I was driving yesterday when I had a vision of many tree roots that were hidden under the ground. The trees had been cut down below the soil and the grass had grown back over them over time but the roots were still just laying there. Then I heard the Lord say “I’m pulling out the roots!” This is the season God is dealing with roots so he can launch you forward. There are many situations you had dealt with in the past that have still been hanging over you because the roots are still intact, holding you, chaining you to a season you are no longer in and a battle you have already fought. But watch as over the next few months God takes an axe to every looming situation that has been stealthily keeping you in limbo. It’s time for a fresh break! It’s time for a fresh slate! There are spiritual ties being cut to people and places you didn’t even know you were still connected to that God is bringing finality to. Decades of bondage and unresolved injustices against you are being brought to light and being washed and covered in the blood of Jesus. Where you are going is going to require you lose the monkey on your back, the python around your neck, and muzzle from your voice.

This is the clean up you need to break all ties with apathy, confusion, and the internal conflict you have been living in so you can embrace the new roads before you. Don’t let the momentary discomfort stop you from seeing God deliver you from giants you didn’t even know were still taunting you from the sidelines, but watch as the freedom of the Lord comes upon you in ways you have never experienced it! Then in the same place as the roots God will establish strong foundations and build something new upon it. In the place of former devastations will spring up new movements that carry the fresh wind of the Spirit. Do it lord in Jesus name!

“Even now the axe is laid to the root of the trees” Matthew 3:10

“Just as I watched over them to uproot and tear down, and to overthrow, destroy and bring disaster, so I will watch over them to build and to plant,” declares the LORD” Jeremiah 31:28