

"以弗所書3:20 "在房屋上燃燒著
作者:拉娜-瓦舍 Lana Vawser
轉載/轉寄 請註明出處:國度禱告網

我有一個異象,我看到 "以弗所書3:20 "在房屋上燃燒著。












"你知道你對你的生活、對你的家、對你的家庭的夢想只是我心中對你的家庭的夢想的起點而已嗎?還有如此、如此、如此、如此多的東西。你們甚至還沒有開始理解我為你們的家和家庭制定的計畫和夢想。增長的倉庫即將向你們湧來。潮水已經轉向。潮水已經轉向。所有和更多的東西都在恢復。我是以弗所書3:20的神。我放在你們心中的夢想是一口深井,你們一直背負著,現在開始更加清晰地看到,它比你們意識到的大得多。仇敵認為牠可以來偷竊、殺害和毀壞,但我在你們的家庭和你們的家園上咆哮著 "夠了"。你們已經被定位為增加、報償和償還。你們所承受的麻煩有雙倍的回報。你們不是一個不育的家庭。我在你的家庭上說生命。我稱你們為我興旺的家庭,現在你們將在我為你們制定的計畫中像以前一樣興起,並增加和實現我所說的一切。由於我的靈在你們家中的澆灌,爭戰一直很激烈,敵人也受到嚴重打擊。你的家和你的家人是帶來豐收的網絡。現在請注意,我將你的家提升為醫治的天堂。一個健康的天堂。安全的避風港。舒適的避風港。一個社區的避風港。我的榮耀之家!家人們起來吧!你們的時刻到了,要興起,像以前一樣發光,看到我應許給你們的事物在家裡增加。是時候在信心中安息和信靠我!!"


Lana Vawser

Recently I was taken into a vision and I saw homes all across the earth upon their homes was EPHESIANS 3:20 and each letter and number was blazing in flames.

“Now to him who is able to do far more abundantly than all that we ask or think, according to the power at work within us” (ESV)

“Never doubt God’s mighty power to work in you and accomplish all this. He will achieve infinitely more than your greatest request, your most unbelievable dream, and exceed your wildest imagination! He will outdo them all, for his miraculous power constantly energizes you.” (TPT)

I then heard the Lord say:

“I am branding homes with the awakening to the revelation and manifestation of Ephesians 3:20. I am blazing and branding homes with the revelation that I am the God of Ephesians 3:20”

I could feel in the atmosphere the intense battle that many families have faced. I could feel the hardship of the season and past seasons. I could feel such weariness in some homes. I could feel the desperation in homes, in families for breakthrough. I could feel deep hunger for the Lord and I could hear the cry of intercession rising to Him.

His voice broke into that moment and He thundered “THE TIDE HAS TURNED! THE TIDE HAS TURNED”

I was then surrounded by a sense of great awakening. I could hear the sound of revival. I could hear the sound of dry bones coming to life. I could hear the sound of recompense. I could hear the sound of sevenfold payback. I could hear the sound of rapid restoration. I could hear the sound of turning. It was the turning and full circle fulfillment.

I began to see the fire of God’s love falling on homes with intensity as I have NEVER seen it before. I watched as houses and families BLAZED with the fire of His love. It was a fresh baptism of fire. It was ferocious. It was all-encompassing. It was unrelenting. It was glorious.

There was such a deep surrender that had been taking place in homes. It was a fresh consecration of family and home unto Him. “As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord” (Joshua 24:15). Houses and families were altars for His fire to fall. For His presence to rest. For His Glory to reside. The tide was turning and these houses of Glory were arising. These flourishing families were coming alive as they stepped into fullness of restoration, recompense, revival and repayment.
There was such deep healing, such deep deliverance, such freedom that was bursting forth. I could feel in the spirit that SO many families had been waiting such a long time for this season. The Lord’s heart was thundering with encouragement and hope “The full circle fulfilment season has arrived.”

I then heard the Lord speaking over homes and families:

“Do you know that the dreams you have for your lives, for your homes, for your families are just the beginning of the dreams in My heart for your family? There is SO, SO, SO, SO much more. You have not even begun to comprehend the plans and dreams I have for your homes and family. The storehouse of increase is about to flood open upon you. The tide has turned. The tide has turned. All and more is being restored. I am the God of Ephesians 3:20. The dreams I have placed in your hearts are a deep well that you have been carrying and now are beginning to see with greater clarity, but it is SO much bigger than you realise. The enemy thought he could come and steal, kill and destroy, but I am roaring over your family and over your homes “ENOUGH”. You have been positioned for increase, recompense and repayment. There is DOUBLE for the trouble you have endured. You are not a barren family. I am speaking LIFE over your family. I am speaking LIFE over your home. I call you MY Flourishing family and now you shall arise like ever before in My plans for you and the increase and fulfilment of much I have spoken. The battle has been fierce and the enemy hit hard because of the outpouring of My Spirit IN and THROUGH your home. Your home and your family are a NET to bring in the HARVEST. Watch now as I raise up your home as a haven of healing. A haven of health. A haven of safety. A haven of comfort. A haven of community. A HOUSE OF MY GLORY! Families arise! Your time has come, to arise and shine like never before and see the increase released upon your home of what I have promised you. Rest in faith and trust Me. It’s time!!”