

內特-約翰斯頓 Nate Johnston
轉載/轉寄 請註明出處:國度禱告網

先知的聲音 - 先知聲音稀少的季節並不總是表示著你在脫節,被蒙蔽,或被人的恐懼所影響。現在,神一直在為祂的傳聲筒重新接線,並為新季節在他們的舌頭上放上熱炭。在這個過程中,不試著說話來安撫或取悅別人,這本身就是一種考驗。神想用更大的烈度和能力加厚你的聲音,並向你敞開和啟示祂心中的奧秘,你留在喧囂中根本無法得到。進入祂的榮耀,放掉你的犁,讓完全的工發生。神正在將百姓的先知從祭司中分別出來。

Nate Johnston

Prophetic voices - seasons of saying less doesn’t always mean you are in disconnect, being muzzled, or influenced by the fear of man. Right now God has been rewiring His mouthpieces and putting hot coals on their tongues for a new season. Leaning into that process without trying to speak to appease or please people is a test in itself. God wants to thicken your voice with a greater ferocity and power and open you up to revelation and mysteries on His heart you simply won’t get by staying in the hustle. Get in His glory, let go of your plow, and let the full work take place. God is separating the peoples prophets from the priests..