

克里斯塔-以利沙 Christa Elisha
原文:以利亞名單 https://www.elijahlist.com/words/display_word.html?ID=27313   
轉載/轉寄 請註明出處:國度禱告網










我去年在一篇題為 "我看到七千萬未出生的孩子作為證人站在最高法院法官面前"的文章中預言了這點。"從現在起不出幾年,當世界讀到墮胎的暴行時,他們會哭泣。看著我在你們國家的頭腦和心靈中進行偉大的顛覆。甚至不公義的法官也對我的教會的嘮叨請求感到厭倦。在未來的日子裡,將有三次紅色浪潮到來,我的人民將看到每一次浪潮都會給這個國家帶來壓倒性的勝利和公義。即使白宮裡坐著的是不合法的人,我也要這樣做......" 主說祂會這樣做以證明只有祂是神,因為祂不會與人分享祂的榮耀。



在今年1月對史蒂夫-舒爾茨(Steve Shultz,以利亞名單負責人)的訪問中,主告訴我,2022年是 "咆哮"和"劍"之年。從預言的角度來看,數字2象徵一位忠實的證人,因為通過2位或更多的證人,一個見證就建立起來了(哥林多後書13:1)。見證是如此強大,因為當我們談論上帝為我們所說的和所做的,它在靈裡創造了一扇門,讓上帝再次做這件事。

在阿摩司書3:7中,神說祂不會在地上做任何事,除非祂先向祂的僕人先知們透露祂的秘密計畫。這意味著(因為預言的靈是耶穌的見證),先知們先在靈裡 "見證"祂的計畫,然後他們釋放他們所見證的見證,以便在地上彰顯祂的計畫!這就是預言的靈。

主說,這十年的 "咆哮"將是"主的公義"通過祂的子民在每座文化影響的山峰上釋放的聲音。祂說,"劍"將是祂見證的真理,它將分離肉體與靈、邪惡與善良、黑暗與光明。

2022年是神的兒子們在耶穌的見證上重建神的家的一年。教會,在我們今天的禱告中,讓我們首先敘述祂所有的大能神蹟,見證我們一次又一次看到的勝利! 當我們這樣做,並很好地管理見證時,祂將施展更多的勝利和奇蹟,這將繼續產生永遠不會停止給祂帶來榮耀的見證!這就是為什麼我們要做見證。

2020年被蒙在鼓裡的新婦終於找到了她的咆哮,我們不會再忍受不公義的待遇了 這些"叫醒"的暴徒沒有預料到他們的喋喋不休會喚醒沉睡中的復興巨獸。

舉起慶祝的呼聲吧! 勝利就在眼前!



為 "大分裂 "做準備



"通過展示你對單親媽媽、寡婦和孤兒的支持,表明你愛我所愛,因為這是純粹的宗教。為了愛的緣故,向那些還不知道我愛他們的人,大膽地宣佈愛的真理,以此表明你恨我所恨!" 開始禱告,求我打開你的心門,讓你獲得智慧、策略和資源,以醫治這片地土,拯救屬於我的產業--孩子們。


"......耶和華如此說:我必向列國舉手,向萬民豎立大旗;他們必將你的眾子懷中抱來,將你的眾女肩上扛來。" (以賽亞書49:22)




A Mother's Day Surprise! Plus Overturning Roe!
Christa Elisha

Prophetic word released on May 3, 2022:

The Very Special Surprise

Just this past Saturday (April 30, 2022), while in prayer before a meeting in Colorado, the Lord reminded me that Mother's Day was fast approaching. My own mother went home to be with Jesus on May 4, 2019. For the last three years, celebrating Mother's Day without her hasn't been easy, so I was a bit surprised when the Lord mentioned it to me. As He reminded me of the upcoming holiday, I could feel my heart sink as I began to miss her.

All of a sudden, in the spirit, He so sweetly showed me a glimpse of my mother with my three beautiful children beyond the veil, celebrating along with all of Heaven in the midst of a rose garden.

Then the Lord said to me, "This Mother's Day, We have a very special surprise for you and many others. The time for weeping has ended and a time of great celebration is upon you. I am giving beauty for ashes, joy for mourning, and praise for heaviness to the mourning mothers in this hour."

I could hear the children dancing and singing, "O praise the One who paid my debt and raised this life up from the dead!" as hundreds of white doves began to fly around them. Then the veil closed...

Overturning Roe

With the recent release of the SCOTUS draft to overturn Roe, I'd like to remind the Church that we do not war in intercession from fear but from FAITH and CERTAIN VICTORY. Death has been swallowed up in victory, my friends! Hallelujah! Now more than ever, we must get our HOPES UP, for hope is the seed form of FAITH, which is the evidence of things not yet seen! Hope leads to faith, which always leads to the MANIFESTATION OF PROPHETIC PROMISES.

Now, I do believe we must continue to pray for the judges until this is officially rendered, BUT we do so trusting in the word of the Lord and His faithfulness.

I prophesied this last year in a word titled: I Saw 70 Million Unborn Children Standing as Witnesses Before Supreme Court Judges: "In not so many years from now, the world will weep when they read of the atrocities of abortion. Watch as I am performing a great overturning in the heads and hearts of your nation. Even the unjust judges are weary of the nagging pleas of My Church. In the days ahead, there is coming three red waves, and My people will see each wave bring overwhelming victory and justice to the land. I will do this even with the illegitimate one seated in the White House..." The Lord said He would do this to prove that He alone is God, and because He would not share His glory with a man.

The Year of the ROAR and the SWORD

Many other prophets have received similar words as well. In 2020-2021, the enemy tried to shut down and discredit the prophetic voices in an attempt to silence the rhema word that shifts, creates, and impregnates the atmosphere with Heaven's agenda.

During an interview with Steve Shultz in January of this year, the Lord told me that 2022 was the year of the ROAR and the SWORD. Prophetically, the number two can symbolize a faithful witness, because through two or more witnesses, a testimony is established (2 Corinthians 13:1). A testimony is so powerful, because when we speak about what God has said and done for us, it creates a door in the spirit for God to do it again.

In Amos 3:7, God says that He will not do anything in the earth unless He reveals His secret plan first to His servants the prophets. This means (since the spirit of prophecy is the testimony of Jesus) that the prophets "witness" His plans first in the spirit, and then they release the testimony of what they witnessed in order to manifest His plans on Earth!

The Lord said that the "ROAR" in this decade would be the sound of the "righteousness of Adonai" being released through His people over every mountain of cultural influence. He said that the "SWORD" would be the truth of the word of His testimony spoken which would separate flesh and spirit, evil from good, and darkness from light.

2022 is the year of the sons of God rebuilding the House of God on the testimony of Jesus. As we pray today, Church, let us first recount all of His mighty miracles and testify of the victories that we have seen time and time again! As we do this and steward the testimony well, He will perform more victories and miracles, which will continue to produce testimonies that will never stop bringing Him glory!

The muzzled Bride of 2020 has finally found her ROAR, and we simply will not take the injustice anymore! The "woke" mob did not anticipate that their chatter would AWAKEN THE SLEEPING GIANT OF REVIVAL.

Raise Up a Shout of Celebration! Victory Is at Hand!

Saints, we are standing at the cusp of OVERWHELMING VICTORY, and we must not retreat! At the edge of Jubilee, we must raise up a shout of celebration! In passionate supplication, we must beat our fists on our priestly breastplate of righteousness covered in stones, which represents the people we war for. We must let the enemy hear the sound of our SWORDS rattling against our SHEILDS OF FAITH.

I can hear the pounding of Jael's hammer through the temple of Sisera, and the song of the "Deborahs" rising on the winds over the valleys. I can feel the shock wave through the atmosphere and the shaking of the ground at the fall of our modern-day Goliath – Roe v. Wade – as it is being taken out at the head of our national government.

Prepare for the "Great Divide"

Before I close, I want to share this one last thing with you. Last night as I was getting ready for bed, the Lord said to me, "Prepare for the 'Great Divide.' The issue of abortion will be what slavery was during the era of the Civil War. I have drawn a line in the sand. I will bless the states that choose life but will remove My hand of protection from those who choose death. (

"I am putting a demand on My people to SHOW UP, STAND UP, and SPEAK UP FOR LIFE IN THIS HOUR. It is time to put your money where your mouth is and to walk the walk and talk the talk. Choose this day whom you will serve.

"Show that you love what I love by demonstrating your support to single mothers, the widows, and the orphans, for this is pure religion. Show that you hate what I hate by boldly declaring the truth in love, for the sake of love, to those who don't know that I love them yet! Begin to pray and ask Me to open your heart and mind for wisdom, strategies, and resources to heal the land and save the children who are MY INHERITANCE.

"THIS PROMISE I GIVE YOU: For those who will support the cause of life, I will pour out a DOUBLE PORTION of FAVOR, HONOR and PROVISION. No matter where you are, My hand of protection and provision will never be removed from you. You will be known in the midst of famine and destruction as a people whom I have blessed and chosen to be My own."

"...'Behold, I will lift My hand in an oath to the nations, and set up My standard for the peoples; they shall bring your sons in their arms, and your daughters shall be carried on their shoulders." (Isaiah 49:22)


Before there ever was an original Jesus or John the Baptist movement, there were two mothers singing and prophesying over the unborn children in their wombs. We are in that moment, warring women of Zion! Lift up your heads in hopeful song!