

安德魯-惠倫 Andrew Whalen
轉載/轉寄 請註明出處:國度禱告網

我們的新前院和 "風暴前的平靜"。

昨晚,就在我和一群先知領袖的zoom會議前,我聽到了 "風暴前的平靜"。 我想知道這是否是我自己的想法,還是聖靈的聲音。 所以在會議中,我問小組成員,他們從主那裡聽到和感覺到了什麼。 幾乎每個人都強烈地感覺到,神在呼召他們安靜下來,切斷噪音和干擾,找到與主連結的親密場所。 現在似乎比以往任何時候都更難靜下心來,安靜下來,為一個聽眾找到空間。

當我的小組在分享時,我真的感覺到了來自主的解釋......祂需要我們 "重置",保持對齊,不受干擾,並習慣於只聽祂的聲音。

因為即將到來的是前所未有的 "屬天的風暴",將帶來如此多的榮耀、突破和覺醒,以至於地上被震動和咆哮。 它將會變得很響亮!!


我貼出這張照片是為了反映我相信主現在希望我們在哪裡......看祂的美,在安靜的休息中......聽 "鳥聲,風聲,以及大自然敬拜我們的創造者的場景!


Andrew Whalen

Our New front yard and the 'calm before the storm'.

Last night just prior to jumping on a zoom call that i lead with a group of prophetic warriors, I heard 'calm before the storm'. I wondered if it was my own thought or if that was the Holy Spirit. So on the call, I asked the members of the group what they had been hearing and sensing from the Lord. What emerged from literally every person was their strong sense that God is calling them to get quiet, to cut off the noise and distractions, and find that intimate place of connection with the Lord. It seems more difficult than ever before to just be still, be quiet, and find room for the audience of one.

As my group was sharing, I really sensed an explanation come from the Lord... that He needs us to 'reset', get aligned, undistracted, and accustomed to His voice alone! For what is coming in times ahead are unprecedented 'heavenly storms' that will bring so much glory, breakthrough,and awakening that the EArth will be shaking and roaring. Its about to get loud !!! - God doesn't want us moved from his still small voice, and word!
I posted this picture as a reflection of where I believe the Lord wants us right now.. beholding his beauty, in quiet rest.. listening to the 'sounds of birds, wind in trees, and the scene of nature worshiping our creator!'

Praying you find peace and rest in the quiet beauty of God's presence!