

拉娜-瓦舍 Lana Vawser
轉載/轉寄 請註明出處:國度禱告網





我可以感覺到神的靈再次提醒祂子民,祂在他們裡面是誰,他們是誰。祂再次提醒他們的權柄,祂再次提醒他們,祂在他們裡面是誰,他們在祂裡面是誰,祂有信心實現祂所說的一切。一下子,我就感覺到聖靈的風從爭戰中帶來了更新、能力和醫治,同時,我聽到聖靈中主的號角呼喚他們從塵土中站起來,從對巨人的任何容忍中站起來,重新與祂的異象、祂的應許對齊,甩掉所有試圖阻止他們的東西(以賽亞書52:2)。這不是靠他們自己能力所能想到的,而是要再次專注於祂所說的,拒絕動搖。那是一種靜止的投降,一種說 "我不會被打敗的屬靈姿態。我在基督裡是個得勝者,這是神所說的。


主繼續說:"我正在帶來第二股風(第二次機會)。我正在帶來復活的風。沒有什麼事情是靠你的能力完成的。不是倚靠勢力,不是倚靠才能,乃是倚靠我的靈方能成事。我在呼喚這些人再次熱切地關注我的信實。再次抬起他們的眼睛和聲音讚美。再次從塵土中站起來,發出 "我的神是信實的"的宣告。


當主說出 "你正步入宏偉的表現 "這句話時,我強烈地感覺到要查考GRAND這個詞的含義。



"爭戰已經很激烈了,火也變得更熱了七倍,但我是火中的第四個人。我在拯救你們。我把你帶出來,我把你帶出來。我預示著你們的解脫。我吹響了 "起來,抖落灰塵"的號角。我在呼喚你們進入一個看到大成就的地方。芥菜種的信心的力量在這個時代迸發出來,釋放我的靈的巨大行動。這場爭戰一直很激烈,因為我在你們裡面和通過你們所做的事很偉大。它比你想像的要大。它比你能想像的更大。在這個新時代,你們真正進入了一個被重新介紹給我的能力的時代。你正在進入一個你所見過的最神奇的奇蹟的時代,這將使你對我是誰感到驚奇和驚歎。不要退縮。不要讓恐嚇壓制你。起來吧!甩掉灰塵。以我的信實為食。為我給你的異象和應許而兇猛起來,因為你已經進入了一個大展拳腳的時代,將看到我的聖潔、威嚴、能力和良善在周圍爆發出來。你將看到我是以弗所書3:20中真正的神,這是前所未有的。


Lana Vawser

Recently as I was talking to the Lord I heard the Lord speaking over many:

“GET UP AGAIN! Get FEROCIOUS IN FAITH over the vision and what I have promised you. You are stepping into GRAND manifestation”

At that moment I felt so strongly that there was an empowering wind of the Holy Spirit blowing fiercely into the lives of many that have felt like they have been ‘beaten down’ over the vision and promises from the Lord that they are carrying and they were teetering on the edge of not fighting for the vision or the promise anymore. When the Lord spoke those words “GET UP AGAIN” there was such a strong sense of RESOLVE. There was such a strong sense of resurrection power in His presence, a fresh empowering wind of the Holy Spirit that was blowing upon these ones as they stood up with a resolve that was ROOTED IN the FAITHFULNESS of God to fulfil and accomplish that which He has spoken and with eyes of ferocious focus they roared “NO MORE”. Immediately it took me back to many encounters I have had over the last year seeing the Lion of Judah standing in different places and His Roar was loud “NO MORE”. The ROAR of recompense. The ROAR of divine justice.
The ROAR of restoration. The ROAR of sevenfold recompense.

I could feel the Spirit of God reminding His people again who He is in them and who they are. He was reminding them again of their authority, and He was reminding them again of who HE IS in them and who they are IN HIM and that He is FAITHFUL to fulfil that which He has spoken. All at once, I could feel the wind of the Spirit bringing refreshment and strengthening and healing from the battle and at the same time, I could hear the trumpet of the Lord in the Spirit calling them to ARISE from the dust, ARISE from any toleration of the giants and to come into alignment again with His vision, His promise and SHAKE OFF ALL (Isaiah 52:2) that has tried to hold them back. It was not something to be conjured up in their own strength but it was in the place of FOCUSING AGAIN upon what HE had spoken and refusing to move. It was a place of rested surrender, a heart posture that said “I will NOT be defeated. I am an overcomer in Christ and THIS IS WHAT GOD HAS SAID”.

I heard the Lord say: “Much of the attack that many have faced has not only been over the manifestation of the vision, but it has been over the release of their voice in this hour. It has been over the release of My prophetic voice TO them and THROUGH them in this hour. It has been over an army arising with a conviction of the power of My Word that burns within them like fire and over the posture of the ferocious focus of faith, to take Me at My Word and NOT move.”

The Lord continued to speak “I am bringing forth the second wind. I am bringing forth the resurrection wind. NOTHING is done in your strength. It is not by might, it is not by power, it is by MY SPIRIT. I am calling these ones to FEROCIOUS FOCUS again on My faithfulness. To lift their eyes again in worship, to lift their eyes and voices again in praise. To arise from the dust again with a decree that says “MY GOD IS FAITHFUL”


When the Lord spoke the words “You are stepping into grand manifestation” I felt strongly to look up the meaning of the word GRAND.

GRAND: “magnificent in size and style”
Synonym: “AWE inspiring”
(Definition taken from google)

The Lord spoke:

“The battle has been fierce and the fire has become seven times hotter, but I am the fourth man in the fire. I am delivering you. I am bringing you forth, I am bringing you out. I am heralding your deliverance. I am trumpeting “ARISE, SHAKE OFF THE DUST”. I am calling you forth into a place of seeing GRAND MANIFESTATION. The power of the mustard faith is bursting forth in this era to release MONUMENTAL MOVES of My Spirit. The battle has been fierce because of the MAGNITUDE of what I am doing IN and THROUGH YOU. It’s bigger than you think. It’s greater than you can imagine. You are truly entering a time of being re-introduced to My power in this new era. You are entering a time of the most MAGNIFICENT MIRACLES you have EVER witnessed that will leave you in AWE and WONDER of who I am. Don’t shrink back. Don’t allow intimidation to keep you down. ARISE! Shake off the dust. FEAST of My faithfulness. Get ferocious over the vision and promises I have given you, for you have entered a time of GRAND MANIFESTATION which will see My holiness, Majesty, power and goodness explode all around.

You will see like never before that I am TRULY THE GOD OF EPHESIANS 3:20”