

喬喬-道森 Joe Joe Dawson
轉載/轉寄 請註明出處:國度禱告網






Joe Joe Dawson

The gift God has given you needs to be stewarded and developed. We each need to learn what our gifts are, how to operate in them and how to develop them. God needs for us to use those gifts to advance His Kingdom and benefit the body of Christ! We must realize that if we do not develop or use our gifts, we are doing a disservice to the people around us. Your gift is not just for you. God gave it to you so that you could minister to unbelievers, bless everyone God places in front of you and see God’s power and presence manifested through your life.

Many people use past failures or disappointments as an excuse for not using or developing their God-given gifts. The thing is we are all going to experience trials, tests and tribulations. Even Jesus experienced those things. The enemy will always be trying to stop or delay you and discourage you from using your gift. However, we must know that what God has given us is valuable and vital to see the Kingdom of God advanced in and through us!

Luke 17:21 tells us that the Kingdom of God is within us. If the Kingdom is within you then you must know how to get it out! The most common way God does that is by using our gifts, talents and abilities that He has already placed inside of us. In this season you have to focus on what God has called you to do, prepare for it, and go do it! God is looking for people who want to move forward with Him and those that will develop the gift He has given them. The world needs you to be the best Kingdom version of yourself. Lean in and listen to the Holy Spirit. Allow Him to speak to you about and activate your gift. Take natural steps to develop your gifting. Find well-seasoned believers that can teach and equip you in your gifting. Read books, study scripture, listen to podcasts and become an expert on your gift so you can use it effectively.

I believe God is about to use those who have put in the work to develop their gifting both in the natural and in the spirit. You need to be operating to the fullest