

內特-約翰斯頓 Nate Johnston
轉載/轉寄 請註明出處:國度禱告網

對於那些每天面臨新巨人、新障礙、反對、阻力、不可能和不可移動的大山的人來說,我預言你們也將看到最大的奇蹟、翻轉和突發事件,比任何其他季節都多。上帝帶你走了這麼遠,為什麼祂現在要離開你?為什麼祂現在要看著你跌倒和失敗?我預言,突破的神將擊穿缺乏的巨人,使你茁壯成長,無論什麼事物對你不利。祂要衝破封閉的門和上鎖的門,穿過繁文縟節,推翻官僚程式,為你帶來你所需要的事物,讓你向前邁進。祂會接受那份負面報告,並向你表明祂仍然是不尋常的、超自然的神蹟,是能在瞬間改變對你不利的水流的神。沒有任何停頓,沒有任何路障可以藐視祂,阻止祂加添你,啟動你,帶領你進入勝利。事實上,祂將在這些山峰釋放出這樣的恩惠,人們會說 "那只能是上帝!"。許多人將在這場危機中簽署偉大夢想的文件,並看到在危機之前無法獲得的神聖機會。因此,今天我敢於讓你改變你所看到的,開始向你的山預言奇蹟。

"大山哪,你算什麼呢?你必成為平地!" 撒迦利亞書4:7


Nate Johnston

For those facing new giants daily, new obstacles, opposition, resistance, impossibilities, and immovable mountains - I prophesy that you will also see the greatest miracles, turnarounds, and suddenlies more than any other season. God took you this far so why would he leave you now? Why would He watch you fall and fail now? I prophesy that the God of breakthrough is going to smash through that giant of lack and cause you to thrive regardless of what turned against you. He is going to break through closed doors and padlocked gates, cut through red tape and override bureaucratic processes to bring you what you need to move forward. He is going to take that negative report and show you He is still the God of unusual, supernatural miracles, and the God that can shift the current flowing against you in a moment. There are NO STOPS, NO ROADBLOCKS that can defy Him and prevent Him from increasing you, launching you, and leading you into victory. In fact He is going to unleash such favor in the very place of those mountains that people will say “that could only be God!”. Many are going to sign the papers to major dreams in the middle of this crisis and see divine opportunities that were not even available before it. So today I dare you to shift what you see and begin to prophesy MIRACLES to your mountains.

“Who are you oh mighty mountain, you will become level ground!” Zechariah 4:7