

新皮袋正在迅速被 "建造"
安德魯-惠倫 Andrew Whalen
轉載/轉寄 請註明出處:國度禱告網

我們正迅速進入一個事物的 "舊秩序 "正在消失的時代。 天堂的進展正在加速,舊皮袋和那些依附於它們的人正在退役和被清除。 新皮袋正在迅速被 "建造",以承載即將傾倒的東西的重量和效力!新的理解正在被添加到神的信仰中。 新的理解正被添加到神的子民身上,使我們更符合聖經,而不是更不符合聖經。 長久以來,我們有一個名字,即我們是活的,但實際上是死的。 我們宣稱有聖經,但很少行出它。 這一切都在改變。 哦,順便說一下,儘管我們可能喜歡 "過去的東西",但上帝沒有為對抗 "西方基督教的宗教事業和人的傳統 "而道歉,這些傳統使上帝的話失效。 "上帝是一位嫉妒的上帝"--既能激發我們的感情,又能使我們感到恐懼"!

-主啊,潔淨我們,使我們沒有汙點,帶出你用自己的血買贖的事物。 讓我們看到你的榮耀!


Andrew Whalen

WE are quickly entering a time where the 'old order' of things is passing away. Heaven's advance is accelerating, and old wineskins along with those who cling to them are being retired and removed. New wineskins are quickly being 'built' to carry the weight and potency of what is going to be poured out! New understanding is being added to God's people that is making us more biblical not less! For too long we have had a name that we are alive, but are really dead. We claim the bible, but rarely demonstrate it. All this is changing. Oh and by the way, as fond as we might be to 'what was', God is making no appologies for confronting 'the religous enterprise of western Christianity, and the traditions of men' that have nullified the word of God. "God is a jealous God"-- is both something to inspire our affection, and our terror"!

-Lord cleanse us, make us spotless, bring forth what you purchased with your own blood. Show us your Glory!!