

作者:安妮-巴拉德 Anne Ballard
轉載/轉寄 請註明出處:國度禱告網








在反思中,你意識到你與這個謊言達成了協定:你不值得被連結。這個協議成了一個邀請,讓拒絕的靈對你產生影響。為了打破這個協議,只需放棄 "我不值得連結"的謊言,並開始宣稱新的真理:"我值得愛和歸屬。" 敵人只擁有我們給祂的力量。因此,用真理更新我們的思想很重要。














上帝的話語永遠是智慧的絕佳來源。祂的話永遠是真實的。我們要永遠生活在與聖靈的聯繫中,但有些時候和季節,我們必須更緊密地被聖靈引導,就像上帝要求亞伯拉罕犧牲以撒時一樣。亞伯拉罕遵從了神的話語,直到他收到神的瑞瑪(rhema),告訴他住手止。亞伯拉罕收到的 "現在"這個字在那一刻是最重要的。這句話改變了一切。





歡喜快樂的心使身體和靈魂都得到醫治。但心被壓碎的人掙扎於疾病和憂鬱之中。(箴言17:22 熱情版本)

快樂的心是良藥,喜樂的心使人痊癒,但心碎卻使使人骨頭枯乾。(箴言17:22 擴大版)

喜樂的心乃是良藥;憂傷的靈使骨枯乾。(箴言17:22 合和版本)


有新研究表明,消極心態會導致心靈的問題,如癡呆症。箴言第17章的這節經文表明,疾病和憂鬱的一個原因是有一顆破碎的心(熱情版本)或一個 "破碎的靈"(擴大版)。它還表明,"喜樂的心使身體和靈魂都得醫治"(熱情版本),或者換一種說法,"快樂的心是良藥,喜樂的心使人痊癒"(擴大版)。





- 在我裡面的那位比在世界更大。

- 上帝正在提升我的分辨力。

- 聖靈一步步地引導我。

- 我正在用天國的事充滿我的心。

- 我每天都在持續不斷地聽到主的聲音。


Be Led of the Spirit and Increase Your Discernment!
Anne Ballard, Bedford, TX

In this season, God is leading us according to His Spirit. He is teaching us to be sensitive to His voice and walk in discernment. We are overcoming the works of darkness, and He is filling us with fresh and overflowing joy. Fill your mind with the things of God and allow Him to lead you step by step in His ways.

Fruit of the Union: Partnering with Truth

"You, dear children, are from God and have overcome them, because the one who is in you is greater than the one who is in the world." (1 John 4:4)

Have you felt like you're under attack, or like you can't get free from a battle – like no matter what you're doing, you're constantly facing opposition or going in circles or reverting back to old patterns?

Just because you're facing a challenge, doesn't mean it's demonic. However, sometimes when we've fought and fought for breakthrough and nothing's happening, it could be a demonic force at work. It's worth asking Holy Spirit to expose if there are any demonic strongholds present in your life and to renounce any agreements you may have made with it, even unintentionally.

There are different ways that we can allow the demonic access to our lives. Unforgiveness, self-pity, fear, and shame, while not demonic in and of themselves, can provide a doorway to the demonic if we stay in these beliefs/emotions for too long.

We can also make an agreement with lies which can create room for a demonic stronghold to take place. For example, say you are struggling with rejection. Something happens that causes you to feel rejected. Then, you notice that in every interaction you have with someone (or group of people), you leave feeling rejected and insignificant. Soon, you spend most of your days feeling rejected and unworthy of connection, almost like there's this constant voice in your head reminding you that you're unworthy of love and belonging.

In reflection, you realize that you made agreement with that lie: that you're not worthy of connection. That agreement became an invitation for a spirit of rejection to have influence over you. In order to break that agreement, simply renounce the lie, "I'm unworthy of connection," and begin declaring the new truth, "I'm worthy of love and belonging." The enemy only has the power that we give to him. Thus the importance of renewing our minds with truth. (Photo via Pixabay)

Evaluate the fruit in your life to help determine what spirit is at work. Compare what you are experiencing with the fruit of the Spirit (Galatians 5:22): love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control.

This word is for people who have been struggling and can't seem to break free. You may feel stuck, like you're in a swirl, or like you are under attack. Ask God if you've allowed access to a spirit that you don't want in your life. If He confirms it, ask Him how you are to get rid of it specifically. It may be that you are to repent for partnering with a lie, get rid of an object, or forgive someone.

If the Lord highlights strongholds to you, the great news is, you have the power to shift things! Ask God if there are any agreements/beliefs He wants to shift inside of you. Know this: none of this is said to stir up fear, rather to remind you of the authority you have in Christ Jesus. God has put all things under your feet. Come back into alignment with Him and call forth the shift you need to see.

Diving Deeper Into Discernment

"But solid food is for the mature, who by constant use have trained themselves to distinguish good from evil." (Hebrews 5:14)

Discernment is critical for the Believer in their spiritual walk. It's not something that is taught on often and not always understood. Discernment is defined as acuteness of judgment. Spiritual discernment, therefore, is judging things in the spiritual realm.

I personally have been diligently pursuing an increase in my discernment with the Lord. When I am about to meet someone new or enter into a new place, I will ask God to increase my discernment. What I've experienced has surprised me, as I often have had feelings of strong dislike for certain things or even people in my new environment.

As I have processed this with Holy Spirit, He has shown me that I am picking up on unclean spirits in that environment. This is not to say that any time I have a strong reaction to someone that it's a spirit; but sometimes I am responding to something I am sensing in the spiritual realm. I can be feeling turned off to the spirit/spiritual agreement, while simultaneously experiencing a great deal of love and compassion for the person.

What I am doing is gathering information. My next step is to ask Him what I'm to do with that information. If I have a strong, negative reaction to someone and the Holy Spirit shows me that it's a spirit, then I can pray and release peace or freedom over them. I can then go into my interactions with them, asking God to show me the person He loves and allow me to see them fully, not the spiritual agreement.

Discernment is available as we press into it, exercising our gifts, and increase our use of it. As Believers, it is so important for us to be sensitive to things in the spirit, so we know what or who we are aligning ourselves with. If you're wanting to grow in discernment, find people with a strong discernment gift and spend time with them! Read books on discernment and ask God to increase this gift in your life.

God is calling us higher, to sharpen our spiritual senses, so we can understand more of the spiritual forces at play around us. He is meeting us when we desire to grow. Intentionally pray as you meet new people and go to new places, asking God to increase your discernment. Process what you're sensing with Holy Spirit, and/or a spiritually discerning person, and pray about what you're to do with that information. He will show you!

In All things, Be Led By the Spirit

"Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying, 'This is the way; walk in it.'" (Isaiah 30:21)

God's word is always an excellent source of wisdom. His word is always true. We are to always live in connection to Holy Spirit, but there are times and seasons when we must be even more closely led by the Spirit, just as when God asked Abraham to sacrifice Isaac. Abraham obeyed God's word until he received a rhema word from God telling him to stop. The "now" word that Abraham received was what mattered most in that moment. That word changed everything.

In your own life, there may be some very practical wisdom that you're believing, but the rhema word is different. For example, maybe last year in your area there was a bad snow storm, and people lost power. Practical wisdom would say that it might be smart to buy a generator to guard against something like that happening again. But if you have a word from the Lord that you don't need to do that, His fresh word always trumps practical wisdom.

In all things, we want to be led by the Spirit, and we know that His Spirit will never contradict His Word (the Bible). He knows the end from the beginning and even the minute details of our situation. He knows about our bank accounts, our health, and even what keeps us up at night. Seek Him in all things, and trust what you hear Him say. If you're wondering if you actually heard the Lord, process it with a spiritually discerning friend.

God is speaking in ways that we can hear and understand. He is answering our questions as we ask them, and He is leading us on our paths. This word is for people that have a deep longing to be led by God in an intimate way. They may not have known that this kind of intimacy was possible, but they desire it. Ask God to lead you. Process the things in your life as they come up with Him. Share your struggles and decisions you need to make; process relationships with Him. He wants to guide you, lead you, and direct you in all things. Be full of faith, expectant that He will speak and lead you.

A Joyful Heart vs. a Crushed Heart

"A joyful, cheerful heart brings healing to both body and soul. But the one whose heart is crushed
struggles with sickness and depression." (Proverbs 17:22 TPT)

"A happy heart is good medicine and a joyful mind causes healing, but a broken spirit dries up the bones." (Proverbs 17:22 Amplified)

There is so much wisdom and truth hidden in God's Word. Sometimes we have to press in and even seek out different translations, or the original words, in order to more fully understand what it says.

There is new research which indicates that a negative mindset can lead to problems with the mind, like dementia. This verse from Proverbs 17 indicates that one cause of sickness and depression is having a crushed heart (TPT) or a "broken spirit" (AMP). It also indicates that "a joyful, cheerful heart brings healing to both body and soul" (TPT), or, said another way, "a happy heart is good medicine and a joyful mind causes healing" (AMP).

We also know that what we think on, we become (Proverbs 23:7). Romans 12:2 tells us that we are transformed by the renewing of our minds. As we focus on the good things that God is doing, take time to sit in gratitude, and fill our minds and spirits with truth and goodness, then goodness will flow out of us. Practically, that looks like making declarations of truth that we hear, because truth/faith comes by hearing (Romans 10:17). As we speak or listen to truth, we are actively renewing our minds. Being recentered in truth and God's Word leads us into hosting the presence of God and yielding the fruit of the Spirit, which includes joy.

God is revealing deeper levels of truth through His Word. He's showing us how easy it is to enter into His presence, into joy, and into healing. Often, simply spending time in His presence lifts our burdens, changes our perspectives, and frees us from our worries.

This word is for those who have been struggling with depression, with illness, or with chronic, ongoing health issues. Truly forgive those who have hurt you. Forgive yourself if you need to. Spend time in God's presence. Rejoice in what you have to be thankful for. Meditate on the good (this may include silencing any negative influences, be they people, TV shows, movies, books – even social media). Add in positive influences to your life instead. Write out some verses of truth to speak over yourself daily and commit to doing that.


• The One who is in me is greater than the one who is in the world.

• God is increasing my discernment.

• Holy Spirit leads me step by step.

• I am filling my mind with the things of Heaven.

• I am hearing the Lord consistently and on a daily basis.

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Anne Ballard
The Crowning Jewels