

We have to step into the new rhythm
內特-約翰斯頓 Nate Johnston
轉載/轉寄 請註明出處:國度禱告網

我們必須進入新節奏。有一個新流程和一個新鼓點,但許多人只是被卡住了,因為他們試圖按照過期的節拍和不再存在的流程來行走和移動。沒有節奏,我們最終試圖用自己的力量創造一些事物,使我們覺得事情仍然在運作,但在某處,油耗盡了,我們太忙於跟隨別人去的地方,而沒有辨別聖靈轉移了軌道。我們必須回到軌道上,然後我們將再次找到我們的流動。 沒有流動,我們開始把王國變成靈魂的努力。我們不在社交媒體上談論生活,而是把它變成意見、咆哮和性格攻擊的肥皂盒。我們不再代表用棍子追尋迷途羔羊的父親,而是開始聽起來像拿著鞭子的全知全能的教父。我們必須找回來。失去起初的愛使我們變成焦慮的殘骸,帶著我們本不應該帶的重軛,對邪惡和混亂的反應是在黑暗中揮舞我們的劍,而不是清晰和權威地揮舞它們。我們必須把我們的耳朵放在地上,聽到這個時代的鼓點。我們必須活在隱密處。這是我們的呼召。

Nate Johnston

We have to step into the new rhythm. There is a new flow and a new drum beat, but many are only stuck because they are trying to walk and move to the rhythm to an expired beat and a flow that no longer exists. Without the rhythm we end up trying to create something in our own strength to make us feel like things are still working but somewhere along the way the oil ran out and we were too busy following where everyone else was going to discern that Holy Spirit shifted tracks. We must get back on track and then we will find our flow again. Without flow we begin to turn kingdom into soulish endeavours. Instead of speaking life on social media we turn it into a soapbox for opinions, rants, and character assassination. Instead of representing the father in pursuit for the lost sheep with the rod we begin to sound like the all-knowing god-father with a whip. We must get back. Losing our first love turns us into anxious wrecks with heavy yokes we were never meant to carry and reacting to evil and chaos by thrashing our swords in the dark instead of wielding them with clarity and authority. We have to put our ears to the ground and hear the drum beat of the hour. We must live from the floor of the secret place. This is our call.