

2022年3月7日-4月15日《全球耶穌禁食》GLOBAL JESUS FAST 40天但以理禁食 

helpful fasting resources: 禁食禱告資源(英文):
Mike Bickle's The Rewards of Fasting (free ebook download) 免費電子書下載
IHOPKC's "Fasting Guidelines."
Further teachings are available on Mike Bickle's website

Let's Fast and Pray - for the Greatest Revival in the Nations!

作者:盧恩格 Lou Engle
轉載/轉載 請註明出處:國度禱告網


在過去幾個月裡,主一直在向我們啟示2022年的預言性禱告策略,包括從3月7日至4月15日的40天但以理禁食。早在1999年,我就禱告:"我怎樣才能讓美國回到上帝身邊?" 當時,我正在閱讀尼希米的大規模動員計畫。他召集了耶路撒冷所有領袖,並命令他們:"在你們自己的房子旁邊建造,當你們聽到號角聲時,向我聚集,耶和華要為我們作戰!" (意譯,見尼希米記4章)。

最近,我做了一個夢,夢中我召集全球各地的將軍到五角大樓禁食。我向他們宣稱:"這將會成功!" 自從這個夢之後,我一直在呼召屬靈的將軍們、他們自己領域的領袖、列國領袖,考慮與我一起呼召他們的人民進行為期40天的但以理禁食,以便在地球上的列國揭開基督的面紗。


我們做了一系列的夢,強調以賽亞書25:7,"在這山上,我要除去遮蓋萬國的幔子"(意譯)。1996年,我做了第一次40天禁食。當時,主對我說話,稱那40天禁食為 "耶和華的山"。我相信我們即將迎來歷史上的 "耶和華的山"時刻。例如,2022年是阿蘇薩街復興之父威廉-西摩爾去世100周年。他曾預言,100年後,將發生一場遠超阿蘇薩街的復興。

1983年5月14日,鮑勃-瓊斯在坎薩斯城預言,一場屬靈的乾旱將覆蓋美國,但在神指定的時間內,乾旱會解除。在不知道任何時間的情況下,今年5月14日,"差派"( Send)聚會安排在坎薩斯城的箭頭體育場聚會。我們正在進入鮑勃-瓊斯預言後的第40年,也正是現代以色列國建國紀念日。

今年1月22日,是 "羅伊對韋德 "案49周年,該案是使墮胎合法化的法庭案件。我們相信,我們正處於禧年,是時候讓未出生的孩子和這一代人獲得自由了。但僅僅說 "嗯,這是一個很酷的年份"是不夠的。我相信這是對大規模突破的邀請。

在過去幾年,神給了我們理解和夢想,即國度復興預備爆發,耶穌的寶血將覆蓋地上列國。我們相信全世界教會都有一個突破性的渴望,這個40天禁食可以揭開遮蓋列國的面紗,在2022年全年大規模釋放傳道人和宣教士。因此,我們呼籲這次為期40天的但以理禁食,敢於相信 "它將會成功!"




如果全世界數以百萬計的人在逾越節前對猶太民族說這句話,會怎麼樣?"看哪,神羔羊!" 如果整個美國和它的教會都在禱告和宣告。"看哪,神羔羊,他除去全地的罪孽!"?如果我們進入信心,在逾越節那天,面紗會被撕開,突然在耶路撒冷,以及在世界各地,人們都在做著關於耶酥的夢,那是怎樣的景象呢?



但以理禁食並不難。我們可以一起做,每天領聖餐,並向地上列國發出命令:"看哪,神羔羊,他除去全地的罪孽!" 而且,當我們從不認為"差派"是一個'好活動',我們要看到天堂的突破,打破黑暗,並釋放出美國和列國有史以來最大的復興。



"Let's Fast and Pray - for the Greatest Revival in the Nations!"
Lou Engle, Colorado Springs, CO
Mar 7, 2022

Turning America Back to God: Prophetic Prayer Strategy for 2022

In the past few months, the Lord has been revealing to us a prophetic prayer strategy for 2022, involving a 40-day Daniel fast from March 7 - April 15. It was back in 1999 that I prayed, "How can I turn America back to God?" At that time, I was reading about Nehemiah's massive mobilization project. He had gathered all the leaders of Jerusalem and commanded them, "Build next to your own house, and when you hear the sound of the trumpet, gather to me there, and there the Lord will fight for us!" (paraphrased, see Nehemiah 4).

Recently, I was given a dream in which I was summoning generals from across the globe into a Pentagon for a fast. I was declaring to them, "It's going to work!" Since this dream, I have been calling spiritual generals, leaders in their own spheres, leaders in nations, to consider joining me in calling their people into a 40-day Daniel fast for an unveiling of Christ in the nations of the earth.

A Mountain of the Lord Moment in History

We've had a series of dreams emphasizing Isaiah 25:7, "On this mountain, I will remove the veil that covers all nations" (paraphrased). In 1996, I did my first 40-day fast. At that time, the Lord spoke to me, calling that 40-day fast the "Mountain of the Lord." I believe we are coming to a Mountain of the Lord moment in history. For instance, 2022 is the 100-year anniversary of the passing of William Seymour, the father of the Azusa Street Revival. He prophesied that in 100 years, a revival far eclipsing Azusa Street would take place.

On May 14, 1983, Bob Jones prophesied in Kansas City that a spiritual drought would cover America, but in God's appointed time that drought would lift. Unaware of any timing, The Send was scheduled to gather in Kansas City's Arrowhead Stadium this year on May 14. We're entering the 40th year since Bob Jones' prophecy, and the very anniversary of the founding of the modern State of Israel.

This year, on January 22, it was the 49th anniversary of Roe v. Wade, the court case that legalized abortion. We believe we're in a year of Jubilee, and it's time for the unborn and for this generation to be set free. But it's not enough just to say, "Well, this is a cool year." I believe it is an invitation for a massive breakthrough.

Over the past couple of years, God has given us an understanding and dreams that The Great Communion Revival is ready to break out, and the Blood of Jesus is going to cover the nations of the earth. We believe there is a breakthrough desire in the Church worldwide, and this 40-day fast could remove the veil that covers the nations and release evangelists and missionaries in a massive thrust throughout 2022. Therefore, we are calling this 40-day Daniel fast, daring to believe "it's going to work!"

40-Day Daniel Fast: An Invitation to Pray

Let us pray together and plead the Blood of Jesus for 40 days, ending on April 15, which is Passover and Good Friday.

We're calling Believers all over this nation and all over this world to take communion daily and to declare: "Behold the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world!"

What if millions worldwide would speak this over the Jewish nation right up to Passover? "Behold the Lamb of God!" What if all of America and its churches would be praying and commanding: "Behold the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world!"? What if we entered into faith that on Passover a veil would be ripped, and suddenly in Jerusalem, and around the world, people are having dreams of Yeshua and dreams of Jesus?

We are believing, because of what we've seen, that a veil is going to be removed during these 40 days... and then we'll converge! We're calling thousands of evangelists, thousands of singers and musicians, thousands of intercessors from across the globe to rally to Arrowhead Stadium in May. After 22 years of day and night prayer at IHOP-KC, led by Mike Bickle, we believe the days have come in which the overflow of the bowls is taking place and great salvation is going to break out.

So, would you join us for this 40-day season of fasting?

The Daniel fast is not hard. We can do this together, taking communion each day, and commanding the nations of the earth: "Behold the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world!" And, as we look toward The Send, we've never been into 'good events.' We want to see a breakthrough in the heavens, to shatter the darkness, and loose the greatest revival that maybe America and the nations have ever seen.

It's time for The Passover Fast!

Lou Engle
Lou Engle Ministries
Email: [email protected]
Website: louengle.com