
中譯來源:2022年3月2日 神國度的資源。蒙允刊載

1. 【主題】爲烏克蘭得平安的宣告
中譯來源:2022年3月2日 神國度的資源。蒙允刊載


弗拉基米爾·普京在 2 月 21 日對俄羅斯聯邦發表講話時,他所說的是只有利維坦leviathan才可以辦到的一套扭曲的謊言。 他在公開聲明,辯稱他已經制定的計劃是正確的,並指責烏克蘭和西方是俄羅斯的威脅。 演講結束時,普京宣布俄羅斯聯邦承認頓涅茨克和盧甘斯克人民共和國為主權國家,並將把「維和」的軍事力量帶入這些地區。




儘管有攻擊的武器形成,烏克蘭教會仍在團結合一中興起。 它為著突破而前進。 凡為攻擊所造成的器械必不利用。















上帝,願恐怖和驚恐臨到敵方的領袖和軍隊身上。 憑藉祢膀臂的力量讓他們像石頭一樣死氣沉沉。




願所有這些領袖都被但以理們包圍。 願普京身邊有位但以理,願拜登身邊有位但以理,願每一位將軍和領袖身邊都有一位但以理。




原文:Declarations Praying for Peace Over Ukraine

As Vladimir Putin addressed the Russian federation on February 21, it was a twisted set of lies that only a leviathan could do. He was making a public declaration justifying the plans he had already made, blaming Ukraine and the west as a threat to Russia. At the close of the address, Putin announced that the Russian federation recognizes Donetsk and Lugansk people's republics as sovereign nations and is bringing in "peacekeeping" military forces to those areas.

The declarations below were written by a Ukrainian Christian pastor who, like many other Ukrainian Christians, are believing God for the protection and restoration of their nation.

Join with them to pray these declarations over Ukraine!

The Church of Ukraine rises in unity despite the weapons formed against it. It moves forward for the breakthrough. No weapon formed against it shall prosper…

We bind spirits of fear, panic and terror that were sent against us and we loose the breaker anointing upon the Church of Ukraine.

God, open our eyes to see the spiritual reality.

I can see the heavenly army and the Lord of Hosts.

This war is not inevitable.

This war is not God’s will.

We speak that neither Putin, nor any other world leader plays their game at the Ukraine’s expense.

We break any secret corrupt deals that bind Ukraine and keep hostage in the current situation.

We speak that no one and nothing is stealing Ukraine’s independence and freedom, for they are God’s will for this nation.

God is raising up a mighty army of intercessors all over the face of Ukraine.

The Ukrainian people are waking to wake the others.

Even in the face of threats we see the awakening in Ukraine.

We pull down the strongholds of communism and bind the strong man behind the demonic power of communism.

This ungodly system is coming to its end.

God is giving the Church new mantels of power and authority in Him.

God, may terror and dread fall upon the enemy’s leaders and armies. By the power of your arm make them lifeless as stone.

The enemy shall not invade Ukraine.

We speak confusion into all the plans and schemes of the enemy against the people of Ukraine.

God, visit Putin and all his leaders and advisors with night dreams of terror making them turn around and cancel their aggressive plans.

May all these leaders be surrounded by Daniels. May there be a Daniel by Putin, may there be a Daniel by Biden, may there be a Daniel by every general and leader.

We loose a new wave of revival and reformation in Ukraine.

Ukraine shall rise as a sheep nation, not a goat nation.

Ukraine shall proclaim the Glory of the Lord and manifest obedience in doing God’s will.

2. 【主題】從烏克蘭代禱者發出的緊急禱告請求
中譯來源:2022年3月2日 神國度的資源。蒙允刊載


烏克蘭軍隊和人民感受到來自上帝的超自然力量和支持! 一切榮耀歸於上帝!!!
俄羅斯領導人已決定使用核武器以增加攻擊力道。 普京對盧卡申科施加了巨大壓力,要求他對烏克蘭宣戰並從白俄羅斯部署軍隊。 俄羅斯聯邦的烏克蘭城市,如烏克蘭的古都——基輔、哈爾科夫、蘇梅、切爾尼戈夫、第聶伯羅、扎波羅熱、馬里烏波爾、赫爾松、尼古拉耶夫、敖德薩、日托米爾,均面臨炮火猛烈的攻擊。



1. 上帝保護烏克蘭所有的城市和村莊
2. 強化捍衛烏克蘭的人們
3. 超自然的智慧和力量賜予烏克蘭總統,軍事總參謀部,國家所有的領導人,地區國家行政機構和領土社區的負責人
4. 在與合作夥伴談判中烏克蘭外交的安全、智慧和遠見。爲了要求侵略者停止敵對行動而談判
5. 防止敵軍今晚登陸;
6. 俄羅斯精英階層向普京施壓;
7. 俄羅斯人和白俄羅斯人克服對克里姆林宮政權血腥震壓的恐懼,在每個俄羅斯城市集會反對戰爭,要求從烏克蘭境內驅逐俄羅斯部隊
8. 烏克蘭最終獲得勝利,被竊奪的土地得以歸還,回歸和平!

Urgent Prayer requests from Intercessors for Ukraine:

The Ukrainian military and people feel supernatural strength and support from the Lord!
All Glory to God !!!

Along with the victories that the Lord gives, we have challenges and prayer needs.
The Russian leader has decided to increase the attack with the use of nuclear weapons.
There is mega pressure on Lukashenko from Putin to declare war on Ukraine and deploy troops from Belarus. There is intense artillery fire from the Russian Federation of Ukrainian cities, such as the ancient capital of Ukraine – Kyiv, Kharkiv, Sumy, Chernihiv, Dnipro, Zaporizhia, Mariupol, Kherson, Mykolaiv, Odessa, Zhytomyr.

We continue to keep our spiritual defense in fasting and prayer for:

1. God’s protection over all cities and villages of Ukraine;
2. Strengthening of Ukrainian defenders;
3. Supernatural wisdom and strength of the President of Ukraine, the Military General Staff and all leaders in the state, heads of regional state administrations and territorial communities;
4. Security, wisdom and vision of Ukrainian diplomacy in negotiations with partners. For negotiations with the aggressor to stop hostilities;
5. Preventing the landing of enemy troops this night;
6. The Russian elites to put pressure on Putin;
7. The Russians and Belarusians to overcome their fear of the bloody Kremlin regime by going to rallies in every Russian city against the war with the demand to remove Russian troops from the territory of Ukraine;
8. The final victory of Ukraine, the return of stolen lands and peace!