
2022 每日先知性水流 ( by Doug Addison、Bill / Marsha Burns、Robinson Family… )

每日先知性話語:2月15 / 16日
中譯:David 職場恩膏
轉載、轉寄 請註明出處:國度禱告網

艾道格(Doug Addison) 每日先知性話語 (作者1月預先領受、於2月按日發佈):

Today is a turning point as the spiritual atmosphere is aligning with Heaven.

艾道格(Doug Addison) 當日先知性話語 (作者當日領受、當日發佈) ~1:

When the Lord looks at you, He sees your past, your present, and your future all at once. And He loves you just the same—now and forever!

艾道格(Doug Addison) 當日先知性話語 (作者當日領受、當日發佈) ~2:

God is moving in a new way that will help people get healed of tough love and zero tolerance experiences. The Lord is bringing restoration of the Father's love to help children, of all ages, hear the Lord and know the Father's heart of love for them.

瑪莎·伯恩斯(Marsha Burns) 每日先知性話語:

要升起,並在我的聖言/話語和我對你的應許的權能之中堅固/強化你自己。你力量的所在乃是在我的裡面、以及你與我的連結之中。要拒絕在那些弱化你的耐力/韌勁和剛毅/決心的生活狀況與世界狀況的問題中沮喪/抑鬱。要剛強! 書1:9 「我豈沒有吩咐你嗎?你當剛強壯膽!不要懼怕,也不要驚惶;因為你無論往哪裡去,耶和華─你的神必與你同在。」
Rise up and strengthen yourself in the power of My Word and My promises for you. Your place of strength is in Me and in your connection with Me. Refuse to dump down in the problems of life and world conditions that weaken your stamina and resolve. Be strong! Joshua 1:9 Have I not commanded you? Be strong and of good courage; do not be afraid, nor be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.