
作者:拉娜·瓦舍 Lana Vawser
中譯/來源:微牧之歌 2021.12.1 蒙允刊載



「眾餘民,要謹記!記得你在我裡面是誰。記得我對你說過有關這個季節的事。記得我在這個季節的規劃。記得我賜你的異象。記得我曾告訴你,這個季節是為你的生命而預備。不要停止進入旨意,我曾告訴你要融入你周圍發生的一切,不要疏離這話。我特意將我所做的新事放在你裡面。我特意將我的火放在你裡面。不要再為自己領受的火而說抱歉。要憑信心持定我對你說過的一切話,明白我正領你進入新的領地。我的規劃滿有火。舊的規劃上有火,我正建立的新框架上也有火。仇敵此時抵擋你的方式是,要你相信你領受的、你看見的我的心意、你聽見的話語,不是從我而來,因為這一切都太過不同。我正行一件新事,我的火此時要臨到聖潔的先鋒,就是那些按著我的旨意建造、不憑人意行事的人。我的火正臨到安營在我同在裡的人。他們按著我所呼召的方式建造。他們與我同工建造、以我為根基建造。他們不是為了自己做工、也不以自己為根基,他們以我的方式、按我的藍圖和戰略做建造的工。要記得我曾說過的話。要記得我曾賜給你的異象,不要為了合群或者討人喜悅,撇棄我給你的異象。我的火此刻強力運行,燒毀對人的恐懼。帶來極深的醫治。燃起膽量。你與我同行,因你的順服,你會與我同工為我榮耀的降臨、為他人跟隨我預備一條寬闊的路。你失去了很多,你踽踽獨行。我看見你放手的過程中承受了怎樣的痛苦,我看見你為了順服我、住在我的榮耀中,而做出拒絕時的痛苦。要記得,你不是依靠人的話語而活著,你是靠著我口中所出的一切話而活(太4:4),我賜你的話語,領你走上一條與眾不同的道路,但這並不意味你錯了。這意味著我領你走向新的方向、新的道路,我賜你膽量能放膽跟隨我,進入未經之地,你要佔領那地、建立家業、看見我的榮民邀。要記得我說過的話,要按著我的旨意做每個決定,不要因人給的壓力做決定。當你跟隨我前行,聖靈會賜你一切供應和需要。你們中很多人都曾聽別人說:’這不是神做的事。’’這太不一樣了你需要謙卑、力量、順服才能繼續跟隨我的腳步,今日,我希望你記得,我透過你釋放的是新事。不要將自己與他人的成就做比較。比較會阻礙我的創造力在你裡面運行。我恩寵、供應、伸冤的手按在你身上。在最意想不到的地方,我的榮耀將厚厚臨到,你會在各樣超乎預期、不同尋常的境遇中,認出我,認出我的手、我的呼吸,你跟隨著我。我看見壓力向你襲來,今日我對你說,記得我說過的話!要謹記! 」


Lana Vawser
Nov. 22, 2021

Recently I had an encounter with the Lord and I heard the Lord speak quite strongly and He said “REMNANT, REMEMBER”. When He spoke those words in a moment I was flooded with revelation of the Lord’s heart for the remnant right now. He spoke strongly and in the tone and strength of His voice I knew clarity was being again, empowerment was being released again, deliverance was happening, healing was happening, activation and igniting was happening.

As I leaned into His heart and asked Him to speak, these words flowed:

“Remnant, REMEMBER! Remember who you are. Remember who I am in you. Remember what I have spoken to you about this season. Remember My framework of the season. Remember the vision I have given you.

Remember the words I have spoken that have set up this season in your life. Stop trying to fit in, stop trying to tailor what I have spoken to you to ‘fit’ what you see around you. I have INTENTIONALLY placed within you the NEW thing that I am doing. I have INTENTIONALLY placed within you the fire that I have. Stop apologising for the fire that you carry. Stand tall in confidence in what I have spoken to you and KNOW that I am leading you into new places. There is FIRE on the FRAMEWORK. There is fire upon the OLD frameworks and there is fire on the NEW FRAMEWORK that I am building. It is SO imperative that you are at My feet listening to what I am speaking and what I’m building. The attempt of the enemy to thwart you in this hour is to convince you that what you carry, what you are seeing in My heart, what you are hearing is not Me because it is so different. I am doing a NEW thing and My fire is falling upon the PURE PIONEERS in this hour who are building according to My voice and not according to platform.

My fire is falling upon those who are ENCAMPING around My presence. They are building in the way I am calling them to build. The are building WITH ME and UNTO Me. They are not building for themselves and unto themselves, they are building according to My ways and My blueprint and My strategy. Remember what I have said. Remember the vision I have given you and water not down the vision I have given you to ‘fit into boxes’ and ‘expectations’ to please people. My fire is moving ferociously now to burn away the fear of man. To bring deep healing. To ignite greater boldness. You are moving with Me and carving a pathway through your obedience to Me for My Glory to fall and others to follow. You have walked away from much, you have moved in ways that are against the grain. I have seen the pain in the letting go. I have seen the pain in the “NO” you have spoken in obedience to Me and awaiting you on the other side of the “NO” is the place of hosting and housing My Glory. Remember you live not by the words of man, but you live by every word that is flowing out of My mouth (Matthew 4:4) and My Rhema word that is leading you in what seems like a different direction to the ‘crowd’ you have run with before, does not mean you are WRONG. It means I am leading you in a new direction and a new pathway and I am releasing boldness upon you to follow Me into the uncharted territory and there you shall host, house and see My Glory. REMEMBER what I said and make your decisions upon what I have spoken and not the pressure of man. ALL provision, ALL you need is being released to you by My Spirit to follow Me where I am going. Many of you hear others speaking “That can’t be God”, “That looks too different” and it has required deep humility, strength and obedience to continue to move where I moving and I want you to remember today, what I am releasing through you is NEW. Do not look at what others are doing and compare yourselves. Comparison is attempting to enter into hearts to hinder My creative flow through you. My hand of favour, provision and vindication is upon you. My Glory will rest HEAVILY in some of the most unexpected places and you are recognising Me, My hand and My breath in the unexpected and unfamiliar and you are following Me. I see the pressure coming against you and today I say unto you REMEMBER WHAT I SAID. REMEMBER!”

“My eagles ASCEND! My eagles ASCEND! Be free and delivered by the power of My Spirit in the expectation of man, the witchcraft, the pressure, come up higher. Catch the wind of My Spirit through your gaze upon Me. Come up! Come up! Come up! Higher and Higher! Eagle eyed focus, eagle eyed vision. Fire upon your eyes. Fire upon your eyes. You shall now see what’s truly going on beneath the surface. Fire! Fire! Fire! Receive My fire upon your eyes to see clearer than you’ve ever seen!”