

國度戰 - 請為 衣索比亞(埃塞俄比亞) 禱告 
"A Kingdom War - Pray for Ethiopia!"
Chuck D. Pierce with Alemu Beeftu


2019年6月,我到埃塞俄比亞進行了一次歷史性的訪問。我們會見了許多重要的民間領袖,並在 Addis Ababa.舉行了令人難以置信的聚會。這些會議在許多方面影響了國家。我給出的說法是,在 2 1/2 年內,國家將陷入混亂。當一場針對總統的政變發生時,我們實際上是在那裡,並在機場的氣氛非常緊張的情況下,經歷了高度的安全檢查。 Daniel 和 Amber Pierce、Aaron Smith、Marty Cassady、Melinda Richardson、John 和 Sheryl Price、Alemu 和 Genet Beeftu 以及 Amman Beeftu 當時都和我在一起。


這是一個我們必須意識到的近代國家。 Alemu 和 Genet Beeftu 是這個事工的重要組成部分。我們最近派Alemu回去為教會和政府的主要領導人祈禱。他在下面提供了概述和祈禱點。請花時間停下來為埃塞俄比亞祈禱。



Alemu Beeftu 對埃塞俄比亞的概述




"From beyond the rivers of Ethiopia My worshipers, the daughter of My dispersed ones, shall bring My offering." (Zeph. 3:10)



因此,埃塞俄比亞國家目前的戰爭是一場國度戰爭,以阻止該國回歸其使命。我相信你在新聞中聽說過最近的戰爭。這場戰爭不是普通的民族衝突,而是大國之間的戰爭。埃塞俄比亞正在與 TPLF 的所有支持者(聯合國、歐盟、英國、美國和主要媒體)進行鬥爭。 (照片來自維基共享資源)



• 祈求主的光加增並消除黑暗。
• 為福音的推進禱告。
• 為阿比 Abiy 總理和致力於在國家和非洲遵行上帝旨意的政治領導人祈禱。


"A Kingdom War - Pray for Ethiopia!"
Chuck D. Pierce with Alemu Beeftu
Nov 9, 2021

Dear Nation Changers:

In June 2019, I made a historic trip to Ethiopia. We met with many of the key civil leaders and had incredible gatherings in Addis Ababa. These meetings affected the nation in many ways. The word I gave was that in 2 1/2 years, the nation would go into chaos. We were actually there when a coup was going on against the president, and experienced heightened security with a very intense atmosphere at the airport. Daniel and Amber Pierce, Aaron Smith, Marty Cassady, Melinda Richardson, John and Sheryl Price, Alemu and Genet Beeftu, and Amman Beeftu were all with me at that time.

The nation is now in a terrible chaotic swirl. If you read the headlines from Ethiopia, you find great disaster, bloodshed and conflict going on from north to south.

This is a latter-day nation that we must be aware of. Alemu and Genet Beeftu are a vital part of this ministry. We recently sent Alemu back to pray for the key leaders of the Church and government. He provides an overview and prayer points below. Please take time to stop and pray for Ethiopia.


Chuck D. Pierce

Overview of Ethiopia by Alemu Beeftu

"...Ethiopia will quickly stretch out her hands to God." (Ps. 68:31)

Ethiopia has been mentioned throughout the Bible because of the plan of God. The primary call of Ethiopia as a nation is to honor God through worship and be a gateway for the Gospel.

The nation is located strategically to honor the continent of Africa for Kingdom purpose. As such, it has been attacked by the Babylonian spirit for centuries and has been distracted from worshiping God and becoming a prosperous nation. At the same time, the Lord's desire has been to receive true worship from Ethiopians even in persecution.

"From beyond the rivers of Ethiopia My worshipers, the daughter of My dispersed ones, shall bring My offering." (Zeph. 3:10) (Photo of Alemu Beeftu)

Recently, the historical, spiritual war over the nation of Ethiopia has intensified to stop worship and the last day harvest. The Gospel came to Ethiopia through a government official who went to Jerusalem to worship. This has two dimensions to it.

First, the Gospel came to Ethiopia at the beginning of the New Testament revival. Ethiopia became the first gentile nation to accept the Gospel. Second, the Gospel came to the nation through a political leader. At present, the Lord has raised God-fearing, Bible-believing, key political leaders to restore that call by bringing the nation back into its prophetic destiny.

Therefore, the present war in the nation of Ethiopia is a kingdom war to stop the nation from coming back to its calling. I am sure you have heard in the news about the recent war. This war is not a regular ethnic conflict, but a war among big nations. Ethiopia is fighting with all the supporters of the TPLF (UN, EU, UK, US, and major medias outlets). (Photo via Wikimedia Commons)

All are focused on one small nation: Ethiopia! It is a kingdom war between the kingdom of darkness and the Kingdom of light. That is why this war requires prayer warriors.

Prayer Points for Ethiopia

• Pray for the light of the Lord to increase and remove the darkness.
• Pray for the advancement of the Gospel.
• Pray for Prime Minister Abiy and the political leaders who are committed to do the will of God in the nation and Africa.