
作者:拉娜·瓦舍 Lana Vawser
中譯:Esther Toung


當主說這話的時候,我被一種神奇的一夜之間突然轉變和變化的強烈感覺所包圍。 這不是「漸進」,而是「緩慢建造」,這是一種神奇的、不可思議的突然變化之風,似乎「憑空而來」,將許多神的子民的方向轉變為一個全新的季節。

如此突然降臨的變革之風改變了許多神子民的軌跡。他們即將進入的新季節裡,神美善的聲音比我聽到的還要響亮。這個新的季節見證了神的大能、神的供應、神的信實和神難以置信的仁慈,祂比我們所知道的還要好。祂愛的聲音響徹大地,神的靈正在許多人心中帶來醫治。 我能聽到祂的心在說許多「我愛你重生」。這種突如其來的季節性轉變使許多人進入這個令人難以置信的深沉季節,比他們以前所知道的更深地瞭解祂的愛,使他們變得更加完整。神的仁慈和愛正把他們從過去和過去的季節中根深蒂固的恐懼、創傷、痛苦和悲傷中解救出來。


新大陸震動了,但震動還不錯,是光榮的。由於祂同在的重量和祂聖靈的能力,它在顫抖。 我看著大地震動,在這些新的土地和季節上,「SHALOM」這個詞被烙上了他們的烙印。在這些新的季節和新的土地上,在基督裡的 SHALOM 的聲音是如此響亮。


當我看著這些新方向,以及許多人突然進入的新季節時,我看到了箴言 13:12:「所盼望的遲延未得,令人心憂;所願意的臨到,卻是生命樹。」




然後我看到在與主相遇時,發生如此深入的以弗所書 3:17-19:





以弗所書3:20 的宣告從他們心中湧出,因為他們遇到了祂的良善、恩慈和溫柔的愛,以全新的方式使他們變得完整。


「永遠不要懷疑神在你身上動工並成就這件事的大能。 祂會實現無限的超越你最大的要求,你最不可思議的夢想,超越你最瘋狂的想像!祂會勝過他們所有人,因為祂神奇的力量不斷地為你提供能量」(TPT)




Lana Vawser

Recently I heard the Lord say “The winds of sudden change are changing the directions for many into a completely new season”

When the Lord spoke this I was surrounded by the strong sense of miraculous overnight sudden shift and change. This was not a ‘gradual’ it was ‘slowly building’, this was the sense of miraculous incredible sudden winds of change that seemingly “came out of nowhere” and shifted the directions of many of God’s people into a completely new season.

The winds of change that landed so suddenly shifted the trajectory of many of God’s people. The new seasons that they were landing into had the sound of the goodness of God louder than I have heard it. This new season was testifying to the power of God, the provision of God, the faithfulness of God and the incredible kindness of God that He is better than we know. The sound of His love resounded loudly in the land, and the Spirit of God was bringing forth healing in so many hearts. I could hear His heart speaking over many “I am loving you back to life”. This sudden seasonal shift catapulting many into this incredibly deep season of knowing His love deeper than they have known before, was bringing them into greater wholeness.The kindness and love of God was delivering them from deep seated fear, trauma, pain and grief of the past and past season.

As the winds of change blew fiercely and brought a shift in the season I saw so much haze, so much fog, so much debris from the brokenness and pain of the previous battles, away. As the winds of change blew fiercely and cleared the pathway in hearts, souls and lives bringing many into this beautifully deep season of healing, deliverance and wholeness the ‘fresh air’ that was in the atmosphere was so strong. The air was clear, it was crisp, it was life. It was His life. His breath. I began to see many of God’s people taking such deep breaths. They were coming to life again. Where the enemy has tried so hard for so long to muzzle God’s people, to steal their breath and steal their song, to suck the life out of them, the Holy Spirit was bringing life to these ones in such deep ways that they could breathe again with such peace and moving so deep into the SHALOM of God.

The new land shook but the shaking was not bad, it was glorious. It was shaking because of the weight of His presence and the power of His Spirit. I watched as the land shook and upon these new lands and seasons the word “SHALOM” was branded upon them. The sound of SHALOM in Christ was SO loud in these new seasons and new lands.

These new directions and seasonal shifts were so different to the previous seasons and there was a shifting and adapting that had to take place in the change that these glorious fierce winds of change were bringing, there was such a deep rest being found in these new directions and these seasonal shifts. The deep place of encounter with Jesus and His kindness and power, the beauty of His presence and manifestation of what He has promised was making the heart glad.

As I looked at these new directions, and new seasons that many were suddenly catapulted into I saw Proverbs 13:12:

“When hope’s dream seems to drag on and on the delay can be depressing, but when at last your dream comes true, life’s sweetness will satisfy your soul” (TPT)

“Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but desire fulfilled is a tree of life.” (NASB)

I heard Him whisper “I am filling them with HOPE again. I am filling them with HOPE again”

I then saw such a deep plunge into Ephesians 3:17-19 taking place in encounter with Jesus:

“Then, by constantly using your faith, the life of Christ will be released deep inside you, and the resting place of His love will become the very source and root of your life. Then you will be empowered to discover what every holy one experiences - the great magnitude of the astonishing love of Christ in all its dimensions. How deeply intimate and far-reaching is his love! How enduring and inclusive it is! Endless love beyond measurement that transcends our understanding - this extravagant love pours into you until you are filled to overflowing with the fullness of God” (TPT)

Such a deep work of the Spirit of God was taking place in these ones. His love becoming the source and root of their lives in deeper ways than was ever imagined.

The awakening to the incredible power and victory of God. Faith continues to arise within them ‘there’s NOTHING God cannot do’. Their faith was arising to new levels in the God of abundant goodness, increase and love.

The declaration of Ephesians 3:20 flowed from their hearts as they encountered His goodness, kindness and tender love bringing them into wholeness in a whole new way.

“Now to Him who is able to do far more abundantly beyond all that we ask or think, according to the power that works within us” (NASB)

“Never doubt God’s mighty power to work in you and accomplish this. He will achieve infinitely more than your greatest request, your most unbelievable dream, and exceed your wildest imagination! He will outdo them all, for his miraculous power constantly energises you” (TPT)

The Lord is bringing forth deep wholeness, seasonal shifts and greater clarity in hearing His voice and revelation of HIs love that is bringing many back to life.

“I am loving them back to life”

Welcome to a new season of wholeness.