

不管你什麼時候收到/看到這 21天的禱告重點,從第一天開始,進入祂“神聖醫治”,以全新的方式體驗祂的寶血!
No matter when you receive this 21-day prayer focus, begin on DAY ONE, enter into His "divine treatment," and experience His Blood in a new way.(Chuck D. Pierce)

血戰:21天的強化治療(包括 21 天的禱告重點)pdf
恰克·皮爾斯 2021.6.23 

原文出處:Chuck D. Pierce from Glory of Zion International :
The Blood War: 21 Days of Intense Treatment (Including a 21-Day Prayer Focus)
中文:血戰:21 天的強化治療(包括 21 天的禱告重點)