

2021 每日先知性水流 ( by Doug Addison、Bill Burns / Marsha Burns、… )

中譯:David 職場恩膏
轉載、轉寄 請註明出處:國度禱告網

艾道格(Doug Addison) 每日先知性話語 (作者4月預先領受、於5月按日發佈):

Stand in faith, and watch God move.

艾道格(Doug Addison) 每日先知性話語 (作者當日領受、當日發佈):

Don't stop-Don't back down. Keep moving forward!

瑪莎·伯恩斯(Marsha Burns) 每日先知性話語:

要察覺/意識到你周圍的環境,並謹慎於你回應他人的方式、以及你影響他人的方式。我會要你以愛和關懷對待每一個個體、並且以你希望被他人對待的方式來對待每個人。這就是我的誡命:你們要彼此相愛、如同我愛你們一樣。 箴16:18 驕傲在敗壞以先;狂心在跌倒之前。
Be aware of your surroundings and be careful in how you respond to and affect others. I would have you treat every individual with love and care and in the same way in which you want to be treated. This is My commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you. Proverbs 16:18 Pride goes before destruction, and a haughty spirit before a fall.

貝弗·羅賓森(Bev Robinson) 每日先知性話語:

有一段時間你對某件事情的觀察將會顯得很混亂。你不知道為什麼,但你不會對正在發生的事情感到舒服自在。然後,突然間,(眾)事物都會變得清晰起來。你將會知道該怎麼做。你將會對於未來和即將發生的事情感到興奮。要向你所認識、參與/牽涉在這個我所正在告訴你的構想中的每一個人宣告這一點。你仍需要繼續尋求商議/忠告,我正在準備著。 賽48:3 主說:「先前的事,我從古時就預言過了,已經從我的口裡說出來了,又說給人聽了;我忽然行事,事情就都成就了。」(CNV譯本)
For a while your observations of something will seem very muddled. You don’t know why but you won’t be comfortable with what is going on. Then suddenly things will all come into a clear focus. You will know what to do. You will be excited about the future and what will be happening. Declare this to everyone you know who are involved in the ideas I am telling you. You still need to continue seeking counsel, I’m preparing. Isaiah 48:3 (NKJV) “I have declared the former things from the beginning; They went forth from My mouth, and I caused them to hear it. Suddenly I did them, and they came to pass.”

蘿賓·羅賓森·鮑林(Robin Robinson Bohlin) 每日先知性話語:

要勇於/敢於成為創新風格的引領者。我並沒有呼召你去適應這社會的模式。那很常見,但不適合你。我已經呼召你像施洗約翰和耶穌那樣激進的人士。他們與社會的強勢主流有摩擦/牴觸,而因為他們這樣做,人們才注意到。不要為了成為不同而不同,乃是要讓我的榮耀充滿你、以致人們敬畏那在你裡面的。要將它們指向我! 徒13:52 門徒滿心喜樂,又被聖靈充滿。
Dare to be a spiritual trend setter. I have not called you to fit into the societal mode. That is common and not for you. I have called you to be radical in the likes of John the Baptist and Jesus. They rubbed against the morays of society and because they did, people took notice. Don’t be different for different’s sake, let My glory fill you so people are in awe of what is inside you. Point them to Me! Acts 13:52 (NASB1995) “And the disciples were continually filled with joy and with the Holy Spirit.”