

Vision: The Emerging Army of God! 
作者:Faith Marie Baczko



當時我在密西根州安那堡(Ann Arbor)的榮耀教會(Shekinah Church),順服在使徒芭芭拉尤德(Barbara Yoder)的領導下。達屈席茲(Dutch Sheets)是講員之一,史提夫史瓦森(Steve Swanson)正在帶領敬拜。聚會的名稱是吼叫(ROAR),因我們剛進入希伯來字”口”(Pey)的10年。聚會從一聲吼叫開始,並以天堂吼叫與教會吼叫的合一漸強聲量結束。當在敬拜中,我領受二個異象,並且我相信那是對神現在正在給我的啟示,是重要的。








“現在有一軍隊,正從天上奉差遣而來。這軍隊是帶著摩西的力量興起,就是他的眼睛沒有昏花,精神沒有衰敗。他們正在出現,與天上音調一致;當他們興起與天上聲音的音調一致時,他們將會以同心協力的力量行進,橫跨這塊土地。神說,’我要把得勝放在他們手中。’ 但你必須站立,並且你必須進到你的成形,’因為神說,’我正在運行,我正在創始全新的運動。並且這運動將不會被停止,因為我正在釋放與分賜我的能力,甚至現在,是超越你從前未曾去過[地方]。’


“ ‘我正在集結我的軍隊。我的軍隊不應遇見戰敗!’主說,’你們不能也不應被打敗!他們應一直突破直到勝利,因為,甚至現在,有一件新事發生,有一股天堂之風的漩渦。’ “



當吹號手吹號時,我聽見父宣告: "它已經開始",在我寫下來那時刻,”現在它看起來很清楚,我們不再等候神來運行,祂已經運行!神的百姓在他們的靈裡,突然正在感受興起臨到他們,以及在他們下面地基的震動。”









神在祂的話說到,”凡事都有定期,天下萬務都有定時。………爭戰有時,和好有時(傳道書3:1, 8)。”神已經為祂的計畫,在這我們已經進入的爭戰的季節造就了供應!這場戰爭還沒有結束!它是一場全面的作戰,由許多戰役所組成。



我們不可以像法利賽人和撒督該人,無法分辨時候和在他們面前正確的事。耶穌對他們說: “…… 你們知道分辨天上的氣色,倒不能分辨這時候的神蹟。”(馬太福音16:3)






預備好讓神來做些不尋常的事! 2020年開始了一個任何事情都可能也將會發生的不尋常季節,我們將看見在神百姓身上開始發生超自然的事與能力的彰顯。在神愛的根基中扎穩的人將不會被2021年的震動給震倒。在2019年,我跟其他人有寫下神當時說的話”預備好!”以及”不論有無預備好,我來了!” 祂當時正是給我們關於事情將會改變的警告,以及我們需要把錨穩穩拋在基督裡—我們安全的網。

在1940年代,赫步里底大覺醒(great Hebrides Awakening)期間,但肯.坎貝爾(Duncan Campbell)在他的書"復興的代價與能力(The Price and Power of Reviva)”中提到,”能力的秘訣在於從所有不潔分別出來;對我而言,沒有甚麼比今日有些人持守的自由觀點更是如此不潔。我們不敢觸摸他們! 我如此論述是對我,這是一個篤信的信念: ‘從他們中間出來並且分別….不沾染不潔淨的物;我要接納你,我要成為你的父”。








耶穌說的本質是:"所有權柄都給了我,你為我工作! 現在,去,使萬民做我門徒,你求我,我就將列國賜給你。繼續進攻並爭戰,成為我創造你要成為的得勝者,用我在啟示錄2:27已經對你說的鐵杖來轄管他們。這委任先是給,現在要給在裡面的你”。



“.. 我必以公平為準繩,以公義為線鉈。冰雹必沖去謊言的避所;大水必漫過藏身之處。你們與死亡所立的約必然廢掉,與陰間所結的盟必立不住。敵軍(原文是鞭子)如水漲漫經過的時候,你們必被他踐踏;


Vision: The Emerging Army of God!
Faith Marie Baczko
Mar 8, 2021

Recently, God reminded me of a vision that He gave me at a conference in November of 2019. This vision was an indication of a move that He had begun at the time, then its progression during 2020, and lastly, its present significance in 2021.

Heaven Descending

I was in Ann Arbor, Michigan, at Shekinah Church, under the leadership of Apostle Barbara Yoder. Dutch Sheets was one of the speakers and Steve Swanson was leading worship. The name of the conference was ROAR, as we had just entered the decade of pey, which in Hebrew means "the mouth." The conference began with a ROAR and ended with a crescendo of HEAVEN'S ROAR uniting with the Church's ROAR. While in worship, I received two visions that I believe are significant to the revelation that God is presently giving me.

The first vision I received was on the Friday night. I have been in many meetings at this church when the worship moved spontaneously into prophetic worship. This night surpassed anything I had ever experienced. However, it was far more than just an experience; something significant was initiated by Heaven that night and the following day!

Worship began on a supernatural note that continued to build in power to an ethereal intensity. The sound continued to build to such a degree that it became difficult to not be completely overwhelmed and overtaken. Then there was a period that commanded the absolute silence of all voices. In the silence there was just the reverberation of the sound from the ROAR. Then suddenly, the emphasis shifted from worship ascending to Heaven to Heaven descending and invading the sanctuary!

The Glorious Blue and White Horses

As I was caught up in the worship, I was taken into a vision. The vision began with Jesus taking hold of my hand and pulling me into swirls of what I can only describe as "glorious blue" (I believe this signified revelation). As I passed through the blue, I then looked and saw thousands of white horses, each jostling to get into formation. A line was formed, stretching as far as the eye could see. Suddenly, the scene switched, and I was now seeing the church sanctuary filled with these horses and their riders from wall to wall. On the platform was a great white horse with Jesus sitting on it, with a banner in His hand. A few horses were on either side of Him. He sat there watching, as the room filled up with these heavenly riders.

The scene then quickly switched again. This time it was an open field of green with trees lining the far side from where I was standing. The horses were again in formation, galloping as swiftly as the wind. As they passed by me, a white cord was wrapped around me like a lasso. I found myself lifted high into the air and firmly planted on the back of one of these horses, riding fiercely with this army. Later, I saw that the vision was timed perfectly with what was happening during worship. I then understood that the armies of God—which are the saints of God, along with the angelic hosts of Heaven—were being released together, in unison, from the sanctuary into the fields!

A Brand-New Day

After the time of awe in the silence, Apostle Barbara stood and released a confirming word to what I was seeing in the spirit. She prophesied:

"There is an army that is, right now, being commissioned from Heaven. It is arising with the strength that Moses had; that his strength didn't fail and his eyes didn't go dim. They are arising to the tune of Heaven; and as they arise to the tune of the sound of Heaven, they are going to march in a coordinated effort across this land. And God said, 'I am going to deliver the victory into their hands.' But you must stand, and you must get into your formation,' for God says, 'I am on the move, and I am initiating a brand-new movement. And this movement will not be stopped, for I am releasing and imparting My strength, even right now, to go beyond [where] you have ever gone before.'

"For God is putting the sword of Gideon in your hand, the sword of victory, the sword of the Lord and of Gideon! Shout to the Lord! This is a brand-new day and God is doing a brand-new thing!

"'I am mustering My army. My forces shall not encounter defeat!' The Lord says, 'You can not and shall not be defeated!' The Lord says, 'My forces can not and shall not be defeated. They shall break all the way through to victory. For, even now, there is a new thing happening and there is a swirling of the Winds of Heaven.'"

The following day the atmosphere and dynamic of worship continued, and God took me into a second vision. This vision began with the color purple, which I understood meant royalty. I then saw an enormous throne with a magnificent and ornate, golden chair with One seated on it. It was God the Father! He had a large, golden crown on His head with jewels embedded in it and a scepter in His hand. I could not see His face. On either side of His throne stood a line of trumpeters with extremely long, golden trumpets. They were all blowing with their trumpets lifted high into the air. The line of them on either side went on and on, again, as far as the eye could see. (Photo via Unsplash)

I then noticed that God the Father was not seated on His throne; He was now standing. I thought this was unusual, but He was observing us intently. I then saw a large, fearsome lion swagger out in front of the throne. The lion stopped and stood there, exuding immense power and strength. His eyes were blazing with the intensity of what was about to take place.

As the trumpeters blew their horn, I heard the Father announce: "IT HAS BEGUN!" At the time I wrote down, "It now seems clear that we are no longer waiting for God to move, HE HAS MOVED! The people of God are suddenly sensing a RISING in their spirits coming upon them and a shaking of the ground beneath them."

An Empowered Remnant

Apostle Barbara then again began to prophesy:

"'The trumpets are sounding! I have now commissioned and empowered My remnant. They are arising as a mighty army that cannot be defeated. They are arising. They are advancing. They will break through and victory is in their hands. Let the roar arise and run to the battle!'"

God reminded me of this encounter as an indication of the initiation of the move He had begun, and of its significance to this present time. I saw that at the end of 2019, the army of God was released in preparation for what was about to occur in 2020; the clash and warfare that was coming between the light and darkness.

In the spring of 2020, after COVID-19 had begun, the Body of Christ experienced some holy moments of integration in fellowship. This integration in fellowship brought with it a new sense of unity between many streams of God's Ekklesia, and a repositioning for transformation into a new wineskin.

Things intensified throughout the year, especially regarding the U.S. election, as saints around the world understood the significance of what the outcome would mean for Christians and the people of the world. We began to pray and intercede globally, as a mostly united Body. The army of God began to emerge and take its place on the front lines of the battles, as we recognized that the world had entered a new and intensified season of spiritual warfare.

A Disciplined, Powerful and Supernatural Strategic Force

Over the last week God began to bring to light the process and the progression of the training, equipping, and the maturing of His army. He had taken a divided, ragtag army and began to work to transform it into a disciplined, powerful, and supernatural strategic force. I sensed that He was saying that we were on our way, but not there quite yet! Through the battles of 2020, we cleaned up in measure, came together and learned to fight as an army. I believe God is pleased with our desire to commit to intercede in newly formed teams and streams, and our willingness to move out into the fields.

God has said in His Word, "To everything there is a season, a time for every purpose under Heaven...a time of war, and a time for peace" (Ecclesiastes 3:1, 8). God has made provision for His purposes in the season of war we have entered! This war is not over! It is a comprehensive campaign, comprised of many battles.

The definition of the word "campaign," in regard to war, is a series of military operations intended to achieve a particular objective, confined to a particular area. We are presently positioned in the midst of this campaign, with many battles to come, as the objective has not yet been achieved!

We have just come through an intensely fierce battle and many are confused about the outcome, with many not understanding the times, and judging things before their time. We cannot afford to become battle weary, there is too much at stake. Many are weary from the length and intensity of the fight and some have even given up completely. However, my sense is that God has given a measure of rest to become re-energized in His Spirit, and to refocus with fresh revelation and understanding.

We cannot be like the Pharisees and the Sadducees, who could not discern the times and what was right before them. Jesus said to them: "... You know how to discern the face of the sky, but you cannot discern the signs of the times" (Matthew 16:3).

These are not days to be compared with the past few decades. We have entered a wholly unique and unusual time that God will use for a reset to His purposes and to save the world from spinning totally out of control. However, it may get darker before light begins to break through. The word that God keeps highlighting to me is from Isaiah 28:21:

"For the LORD will rise up as at Mount Perazim, He will be angry as in the Valley of Gibeon—that He may do His work, His awesome work, and bring to pass His act, His unusual act."

The name "Perazim" means to breakthrough and to break forth, and the significance of the Valley of Gibeon is that five kings colluded to attack the Gibeonites who made peace with Joshua. It is also the place where God intervened with an unusual work and made the sun stand still for Joshua to finish the defeat of the enemy.