
2021 每日先知性水流 ( by Doug Addison、Bill Burns / Marsha Burns、… )

每日先知性話語:3月10 / 11日
中譯:David 職場恩膏
轉載、轉寄 請註明出處:國度禱告網

艾道格(Doug Addison) 每日先知性話語 (作者2月預先領受、於3月按日發佈):

As you agree with others in prayer, you will get a breakthrough.

艾道格(Doug Addison) 每日先知性話語 (作者當日領受、當日發佈) ~1:

It is time to step up and not back down. Trust the Lord. Even if things are not clear right now.

瑪莎·伯恩斯(Marsha Burns) 每日先知性話語:

要獻出時間來進入我的同在之中,並探究你自己的靈與魂的高度和深度,以看到你在屬靈上真實所在之處。允許我揭露在你的裡面沒有與我的話語和我的旨意的真理對齊一致的地方。與我合而為一意味著我們在思想、言語、和行為上完全合而為一。 約17:20-21 「我不但為這些人祈求,也為那些因他們的話信我的人祈求,使他們都合而為一。正如你父在我裡面,我在你裡面,使他們也在我們裡面,叫世人可以信你差了我來。」
Dedicate time to come into My presence and to search the height and depth of your own soul and spirit to see where you really are spiritually. Allow Me to reveal the places in you that are not aligned with the truth of My Word and My will. Being one with Me means that we are in complete unity of thought, word and deed. John 17:20-21 "I do not pray for these alone, but also for those who will believe in Me through their word; that they all may be one, as You, Father, are in Me, and I in You; that they also may be one in Us, that the world may believe that You sent Me."

凱文·羅賓森(Kevin Robinson) 每日先知性話語:

你已經透過從罪惡中悔改和你相信我作為你救主的信仰中第一手/親自看到了謙卑的權能,對吧?要擁抱這些知識,並盡最大努力把謙卑帶入你生活的每個面向。你可以藉著踏出你的舒適區來開始認識人們。藉著謙卑的方式,你努力問候/招呼、並建立聯繫。謙虛不是給懦弱的人,而是給那些理解我的柔順與力量的人。 雅4:6 但是他賜更多的恩典,正如經上說:「上帝抵擋驕傲的人,但賜恩給謙卑的人。」(合和本2010)
You have seen firsthand the power of humility through your repentance from sin and your belief in Me as your Savior, right? Embrace that knowledge and do your best to bring humility into every facet of your life. You get to know people by stepping out of your comfort zone. You make the effort to greet and establish contact by means of humility. Being humble is not for the fainthearted, but for those who comprehend My meekness and strength. James 4:6 (VOICE) “You may think that the situation is hopeless, but God gives us more grace when we turn away from our own interests. That’s why Scripture says, God opposes the proud, but He pours out grace on the humble.”