
每日先知性話語: 01月08 / 09日
中譯:David 職場恩膏
轉載、轉寄 請註明出處:國度禱告網

艾道格(Doug Addison) 每日先知性話語 (作者12月預先領受、於01月按日發佈):

Watch for something new to come out of the blue.

艾道格(Doug Addison) 每日先知性話語 (作者當日領受、當日發佈):

他們上了船,風就平靜了。(太14:32, CNV譯本)
And when they climbed into the boat, the wind died down. Matthew 14:32 NIV
We have been in the midst of turbulent times, but the Lord is calling you to have peace.
God is preparing us to do great things and it will require us to not be moved by the storms of life.
You need to stay close to Jesus and invite Him in during turbulent times.

瑪莎·伯恩斯(Marsha Burns) 每日先知性話語:

當你心痛時,我和你一起哭泣,並把你的眼淚收集在一個瓶子裡。但是,不要絕望。我與你同在,要帶著你通過每一個考驗、並幫助你超越痛苦和無盼望。要抬頭仰望。要記得我、以及我為你所做/成就的一切。當你相信/信任我的時候,你的盼望不會白費的。 詩56:8-9 我幾次流離,你都數算;求你把我的眼淚裝在你的皮袋裏。這一切不都記在你的冊子上嗎?我呼求的日子,仇敵敵都要轉身撤退後。上帝幫助我,這是我所知道的。
When your heart aches, I weep with you and collect your tears in a bottle. But, do not despair. I am with you to bring you through every trial and to help you rise above anguish and hopelessness. Look up. Remember Me and all that I have done for you. Your hope is not wasted when you trust Me. Psalm 56:8-9 You number my wanderings; put my tears into Your bottle; are they not in Your book? When I cry out to You, then my enemies will turn back; this I know, because God is for me.

凱文·羅賓森(Kevin Robinson) 每日先知性話語:

當你感到士氣低落/洩氣而不能對它做些什麼時,它是如此困難。你似乎更努力地嘗試;響亮的麻痺性念頭使你停滯不前。未解答的/懸而未決的問題似乎來自所有可能的角度、如同雨水正落下把你弄濕,在看得見的範圍中幾乎沒有想的到的任何解決辦法。你要去哪裡?你要向誰尋求幫助(指教)呢?在好與壞的時刻中,答案總是/都是一樣的: 要信靠我、並單單相信我。 詩20:7 有人靠車,有人靠馬,但我們要提到耶和華─我們神的名。
It’s so difficult when you feel demoralized and cannot do anything about it. It seems the harder you try; the resounding paralyzing thoughts stop you in your tracks. Unanswered questions seem to be raining in on you from every angle possible with little to no thought of any solutions in view. Where do you go? To whom do you turn? The answer is always the same in good and bad times. Trust in Me and Me alone.Psalm 20:7 (TPT) “Some find their strength in their weapons and wisdom, but my miracle deliverance can never be won by men. Our boast is in the Lord our God, who makes us strong and gives us victory!”

貝弗·羅賓森(Bev Robinson) 每日先知性話語:

有一些東西已經為你安排/擺設好了。你很快就會想要它們。它們就在那裡了。它們並非是必不可少的,但有一些你想要的東西已在你的腦海中思索。我是你的供應者。我是你的天父,而且我知道你需要什麼、以及你想要什麼。你在你想要的東西上已經稱頌/祝福我了。我知道你所需要的。我已在你需要的時刻提供了你所需要的東西。 太6:30-31 你們這小信的人哪!野地裡的草今天還在,明天就丟在爐裡,神還給它這樣的妝飾,何況你們呢!所以,不要憂慮說,吃甚麼?喝甚麼?穿甚麼?
There are some things already laid out for you. You will want them soon. They are there. They are not essential, but some things have been on your mind that you want. I am your provider. I am your Father and I know what you need and what you want. You have blessed Me in the things you want. I know what you need. I have provided what you need at the time of your need. Matthew 6:30-31 (ESV) “But if God so clothes the grass of the field, which today is alive and tomorrow is thrown into the oven, will he not much more clothe you, O you of little faith? Therefore do not be anxious, saying, ‘What shall we eat?’ or ‘What shall we drink?’ or ‘What shall we wear?’"

蘿賓·羅賓森·鮑林(Robin Robinson Bohlin) 每日先知性話語:

尋求是美好的。尋求耶穌的智者知道時候與季節。他們正在尋求王、如同他們跟隨著那星。你正在尋求我嗎?真正的尋求者將會對社區/社群團體產生影響/衝擊;你將會在城門口為人所認識。官員將會認識你並找到/找出你。要尋求我、而你將會為人所認識。 詩14:2 耶和華從天上垂看世人,要看有明白的沒有,有尋求神的沒有。
Seeking is good. The wise men who sought Jesus knew times and seasons. They were seeking the King as they followed the star. Are you seeking Me? The true seekers will make an impact in communities; you will be known at the city gates. Officials will know you and seek you out. Seek Me and you will be known. Psalm 14:2 ( NASB) “The Lord has looked down from heaven upon the sons of mankind To see if there are any who understand, Who seek God.”