
主說:"預備好踏入新季節。" 當我們進入新年,神賜下祂的新計畫。2020年最大的改變之一就是,教會比以往更加在互聯網上(網路上)活躍。

一直以來我總在說,全新的復興要透過互聯網興起。網路上的禱告和敬拜興起,實際上就是與過去掌管互聯網(網路 the internet)的黑暗勢力開戰。





以賽亞書5章19 節,任以色列的聖者急速前行,快快成就他的作為,好讓我們看看;任他的籌算臨近成就,好使我們知道。

當羅馬人建路,讓萬國的人可以與羅馬帝國連接,推動更繁茂的經濟政策和文化交流時,主耶穌在。今日,我們有超自然的高速公路,就是互聯網(網路 the internet)。










直到亙古常在者來到,為至高者的眾聖者伸冤,眾聖者得到國度的時候就到了。”(但以理書 7章22節 )




God’s Repayment Plan Is Unfolding Now
Doug Addison
December 31, 2020

In 2018, I had a vision of the Daniel 7:21–22 Court of Heaven being opened over us. The Lord spoke to me recently that this is happening right now, and a repayment plan is unfolding!

In the vision, God the Judge “pronounced judgment in favor of the holy people of the Most High”—that’s us! The Lord has a repayment plan in mind, and it’s our privilege as the sons and daughters of God to get resources into the hands of those in need.

Get online or get left behind

“Let the prophetic plan of the Holy One of Israel quickly come to pass so that we can see what it is!” Isaiah 5:19 TPT

Jesus came at a time when the Romans built roads that connected all the people in the empire and allowed for greater economic and cultural access. Today we have a supernatural superhighway called the internet!

The Lord says, “Get ready to step into a new season.” As we move into the new year, God is releasing the new plan. One of the most-needed changes that happened in 2020 was that the Church showed up on the internet in a greater way than ever before.

For a long time, I’ve been saying that the new revival is coming through the internet. The increased amount of online prayer and worship is actually waging war against the darkness that once ruled it.

God is establishing us to take the ground of the internet and access the repayment plan He has set in motion.

God is establishing us to take the ground of the internet.

This is a time to be generous

I keep releasing this word, “The storehouses on Earth are empty.” God has been using the challenges of 2020 to test our hearts for new assignments in 2021. A supernatural release of finances is coming for those who have passed the test and can now be trusted with it.

Get creative! Are you working from home and as a result your expenses are lower right now? Maybe you can donate the extra to your local food bank or a homeless shelter.

Your time has financial value. Do you know someone who can’t go out because of health reasons during the pandemic? Maybe you could help with grocery shopping or other errands—in a safe and socially-distanced way.

What are you good at? The internet is a great tool for teaching, resumé writing, podcasting, selling items from home and so much more! Whether you volunteer your time or use the proceeds to bless someone else, look for the new opportunities that God is showing you right now.

Look for the new opportunities that God is showing you right now.

It’s time to possess the Kingdom

“… until the Ancient of Days came and pronounced judgment in favor of the holy people of the Most High, and the time came when they possessed the kingdom.” Daniel 7:22 NIV

The word for “possess” in the Bible can also mean “inherit.” So, what does it mean to inherit the Kingdom?

In last week’s blog, I wrote that we need to see ourselves as sons and daughters of God. So, as His legal heirs, we have the authority to roll out God’s repayment plan to others with whatever tools, talents and resources He’s given us.

What will you do with your part of the inheritance in 2021?
