

CBN news新聞:2020-11-05


許多久經考驗的真正的先知基督徒說,他們今年從上帝那裡聽說唐納德·川普將贏得第二任期。 雖然現在,這些預測似乎是懸而未決的,但那些先知說的是,堅持下去!還沒結束。
作者兼先知凱特·克爾(Kat Kerr)對《以利亞報》的史迪夫·舒茨(Steve Schultz)表示,先知並沒有弄錯它。 她說上帝正準備好要揭露腐敗和邪惡,這將是揭發邪惡的壓倒性機會。
克爾說:“不管你聽到什麼,岩石都即將要移動,川普將成為總統。” “它將會開始於一通電話,然後我能夠告訴你,你將會震驚地看到有多少的罪惡從這裡曝光。然而川普將獲勝,他將成為美國總統,他將在那個辦公室再多坐四年。上帝將在這個國家有祂的道路。”

Many tried and true prophetic Christians said they heard from God this year that Donald Trump would win a second term. While, right now, those predictions seem to be hanging by a thread, those same prophets are saying, hold on! It's not over.
Author and prophet Kat Kerr told the Elijah List's Steve Schultz that the prophets did not get it wrong. She says God is getting ready to uncover corruption and evil and that it will be a landslide of exposure.
"The rocks are about to move and Trump will be President no matter what you hear," Kerr said. "It will start with a phone call and I can tell you, you will be shocked to see how much exposure comes from that, but Trump will win, He will be President of the United States, he will sit in that office for 4 more years and God will have His way in this country."