
每日先知性話語:9月11 / 12日
中譯:David 職場恩膏
轉載、轉寄 請註明出處:國度禱告網

艾道格(Doug Addison) 每日先知性話語 (作者8月預先領受、於9月按日發佈):

You will need to get wisdom and advice on important issues.

瑪莎·伯恩斯(Marsha Burns) 每日先知性話語:

這個改變/變化的季節將會需要你的柔韌彈性/靈活度,並倚賴那唯有我能夠賜下的智慧與指引。你最寶貴的資產乃是與我的關係、以及能安靜你的魂來聆聽我聲音的能力。不要對你四周圍的事件過度反應,反倒要保持/維持冷靜/鎮定的穩定感。信心乃是一個從混亂邁向平安之極其重要的成份。 來11:1 信就是所望之事的實底,是未見之事的確據。
This season of change will require your flexibility, and dependence on the wisdom and direction that only I can give. Your most valuable asset is relationship with Me and the ability to quiet your soul and listen for My voice. Do not overreact to events that surround you, but rather maintain a sense of calm stability. Faith is a vital component of moving from chaos to peace. Hebrews 11:1 Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.

貝弗·羅賓森(Bev Robinson) 每日先知性話語:

已經發生了一個改變,這是個受歡迎的改變。將會需要花些功夫來適應,然而其實並不難調整。偕同最初的改變,還有各式各樣其他的改變。當在做調整的時候,不要讓事情堆積起來。要保持事情井然有序,否則你會傾向於變得沮喪而退卻回到以前的方式。要保持警醒、並守望/觀看正在發生的事物。你將能夠迎面/正面應對這個改變。 書1:9 我豈沒有吩咐你嗎?你當剛強壯膽!不要懼怕,也不要驚惶;因為你無論往哪裡去,耶和華─你的神必與你同在。
There has been a change, a welcomed change. It will take some getting used to, but it is not hard to adjust. With the original change, there are all kinds of other changes. Don't let things pile up when adjusting. Keep things in order or you will tend to get discouraged and fall back into the old ways. Keep your mind alert and watch what is happening. You will be able to meet the change head on. Joshua 1:9 (NKJV) "Have I not commanded you? Be strong and of good courage; do not be afraid, nor be dismayed, for the LORD your God is with you wherever you go."

凱文·羅賓森(Kevin Robinson) 每日先知性話語:

有時很容易陷入仇敵的詭計之中,是因為你讓你的心思遊蕩/閒逛。我乃是這一位已經賦予了你可以敏銳地察覺/意識到你周圍屬靈領域的。我已經設定了你對超自然事物的辨識能力和敏銳性。我已經呼召你上到高處、並且設置/定位你成為守望者。絕對不要對你的恩賜打折扣。要熱烈/熱情地禱告。說出你所看到和聽到的內容。 賽55:11 我口所出的話也必如此,決不徒然返回,卻要成就我所喜悅的,在我發他去成就的事上必然亨通。
Sometimes it is easy to get caught up in conspiracies because you let your mind wander. I am the one who has given you a keen sense of awareness of spiritual realms around you. I have set in place your strong ability for discernment and sensitivity to the supernatural. I have called you up to the high places and positioned you as a watchman. Never discount your gifting. Pray fervently. Speak up about what you see and hear. Isaiah 55:11 (AMPC) "So shall My word be that goes forth out of My mouth: it shall not return to Me void [without producing any effect, useless], but it shall accomplish that which I please and purpose, and it shall prosper in the thing for which I sent it."

蘿賓·羅賓森·鮑林(Robin Robinson Bohlin) 每日先知性話語:

自由的代價一直是巨大的─綜觀許多年代人們一直為自由而戰。地上的列國不時地被奴役,而且已一直為他們的自由而戰。我告訴你,現在是為你的自由爭戰的時候了。要站立起來、並拒絕仇敵的戰術/策略。要對牠的謊言和欺騙睜開你屬靈的眼睛。然後,只有那時,真正的自由才會來到。要打破奴役的鎖鏈、並行走自由之路。 彼前2:16 雖然你們是自由的,卻不可藉着自由遮蓋惡毒,總要作上帝的僕人。(和合本2010)
The price of freedom has been great - freedom has been fought for throughout the ages. The nations of the earth have been enslaved from time to time and have fought for their freedom. I tell you, now is the time to fight for your freedom. Stand up and refuse the enemy's tactics. Open your spiritual eyes to his lies and deceit. Then, and only then, will true freedom come. Break slavery's chains and walk freedom's road. 1 Peter 2:16 (NIV) "Live as free people, but do not use your freedom as a cover-up for evil; live as God's slaves."