
2020年7月25日 Arise Conference


我現在要對澳洲說預言,上帝對澳洲說: 仇敵會試圖從其他國家如洪水一般的湧進來,但我說我會設立一道準繩,並且在接下來的日子,我將與你和紐西蘭和美國建立一個更強大的聯盟,來護衛你們的海岸線。上帝說: 我要透過這個聯盟保護你們不被共產主義、激進極端主義和中國的攻擊(傷害)。

上帝說有許多中國的間諜在你們當中,但上帝說: 這是一個兆頭,當你們開始禱告的時候,我不僅會開始來處理這些的間諜問題,也會同時處理來自中國和蘇聯的共產主義問題。上帝說: 我也會將一些自認為隱藏得很好不會被發現的間諜顯明出來。


上帝對全紐西蘭(to New Zealand, to the kiwis)說: 你們國家要成為一個避難所,我看到人從亞洲和其他國家湧進來。我感受到上帝在這件事上的同在非常強烈。上帝說: 要歡迎他們。並且你們的國家要與以色列的結盟。但有些人來會反對;有些人說這絕不可能。上帝現在要特別對澳洲說:這即將發生!

上帝說:使人和睦人的有福了!紐西蘭,我看到你們是締造和平的國家。上帝要把你們帶到一些關於和平的會談之中。上帝說:達爾文,達爾文,我很快的就要幫你解決你的問題,是有關於你和中國之間的港口問題。上帝說:達爾文,我不只把你定位在過去的歷史而已,更把你放在未來一個重要的位子。上帝說: 我把你定位成澳洲的保護者。我將要保護,我把一座火牆設立在澳洲周圍。並且上帝對西澳洲說:“新金”,我想我之前有預言過這個部分,你們會看到那些以為要被關閉的礦井又再度開啟。你們會看到那些原本好像要被關閉的產業將會更多的開放。

上帝說: 即便你們現在看來是處在一個很艱困的景況,但因著你們的禱告,我已準備好了。我聽到在澳洲和紐西蘭的禱告,我聽到在這火環帶國家的禱告,在巴布亞、在東加、在薩摩亞,我看到許多國家的禱告,甚至會連結到馬來西亞地區,你們會驚訝於你們所看到的。並且上帝說: 我要給你們能力看到那些難民可以進入,那些難民必須阻擋不讓進入。

上帝說: 我聽到我子民的禱告,將會再有一次的大復興(甦醒) ,你們將要被恢復成為聖靈的大南方之地。有些人會說這永遠不會發生,但上帝說: 在我沒有不可能的事!

這是給澳洲-這個火環帶國家的話。上帝說: 且看我即將要做的!在阿得雷德的這些大學會有帶著火的復興運動者!還有在墨爾本、在雪梨、在塔斯馬尼亞、在維多利亞這些地方的許多大學,以及在布里斯本。上帝說我即將釋放聖靈的火,會有一波耶穌子民的復興運動,會有許許多多的人得救。這些將會在陡然間發生。


上帝說: 將會有一個新的敬拜運動要開始,由許多國家所組成的聯盟將會產生。上帝的大能要興起!這是上帝說的,阿們!阿們!


Cindy Jacobs from Generals International releases a prophetic word over the nations of Australia and New Zealand. 
Cindy released this at Orbis Ministries, Arise! conference 2020 on 25 July, 2020.


Now I'm gonna prophesy over Australia and New Zealand and I was praying today and some of you may know I'm a prophet to nations, and what does that mean?

Well I've been spending my time talking to presidents over zoom; you know I just spoke to 70 congressional leaders from all over uh some continents and I mean this is
this is my job! Other people have other jobs and that's my job.

So. I'm going to prophesy this is what the lord says to Australia, the Lord says, "The enemy will try to come in like a flood from other nations but I say I will raise up a standard; and the Lord says, I'm going to give great greater alliances with Australia and even New Zealand in the coming days with the United States to protect your shores.

And the Lord says that I am going to make these alliance to protect you from communism, and protect you from radicals, and to protect you from China. And the Lord says there are Chinese spies that are you are among you but the Lord says it's a sign that as you pray I'm going to deal with these spies and even communism from China and Russia. The Lord says I'm going to reveal some spies that thought they were so hidden that they couldn't be seen.

And the Lord says, in the coming days, there is going to be a move of God that comes, to not only Australia, but to New Zealand.

The Lord says to New Zealand, to the kiwis, the Lord says you are going to be a nation of refuge, and I see the that people coming in from Asia and from other nations, and I just feel the presence of the Lord so strongly upon this, and the Lord says welcome them and you're also going to see that your nations will come in alliance with Israel. And some people will it'll be a fight and some people will say, "it never could happen." but the Lord says particularly wants to speak to Australia right now. It's going to happen!

And the Lord says blessed are the peacemakers, and I see New Zealand you are a peacemaker country. And the Lord is going to put you in the middle of some talks that will be about making peace and the Lord also says, Darwin, Darwin, I'm going to sort some things out for you concerning your port and concerning the Chinese. And the Lord says, I have positioned you Darwin, not only historically, but for the future says the Lord I have positioned you as a protector of the nation of Australia. I'm going to protect and I'm going to put I see like um just a wall of fire being put around Australia and the Lord says to Western Australia, "new gold", I think I prophesied this before, you will see mines that thought they were going to close up open up again; you will see things that that look like they were shutting down different industries to open up more; and the Lord says, even though uh it appears right now that you are just in such a tough situation the Lord says, I am getting ready because of the prayers I hear in Australia, and the prayers in New Zealand, and the prayers of in the ring of fire nations, and Papua, and uh uh Tonga, Samoa, um just I see uh many nations uh even the connection that will come from uh the area of Malaysia, and you will be surprised at this, and the Lord says, I'm gonna give you strength to know which refugees to let in and which refugees to keep out.

So the Lord says, I am hearing the prayers of my people, there is going to be a great awakening once again. You'll be restored as a great south land of the Holy Spirit. And some people say, "oh this can never happen", but the Lord says, "nothing is impossible to me!" and this is for you Australia the ring of fire nations, and the Lords just watch and see what i will do! The universities of Adelaide will come on fire with revivalists! The universities in Melbourne, and Sydney, uh Tasmania, uh Victoria, many places, Brisbane, and the Lord says, I am going to release a fire of the Holy Spirit and there will be a Jesus people movement, and many many many will be saved.

It is going to happen in such a suddenly moment and the Lord says, "I have revivalist, i have revivalist that are burning with the Fire of God!" and you think you have seen revivalists in the past, but it's nothing like I am losing in this generation. I am raising up anointings like William Booths. Im running the and the Salvation Army.

I'm raising up anointings uh like uh even the children are gonna prophesy. I'm gonna cause the children to fall on their knees and prophesy, even three-year-olds, five-year-olds, eight years old, will want to preach the Gospel!

And the Lord says, "there is a new worship movement that is going to come out of a number of nations and there will be alliances in down under and in various nations that will come" and the Lord will cause the Power of God to arise says the Lord Amen! Amen!