

為 烏茲別克斯坦和土庫曼斯坦 祈禱
Prayer for Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan
來源:Silk Road Prayer 2020.6.5。蒙允刊載。蒙允中譯。

Dear Friend,

Thank you for praying for the precious people of Central Asia!

I recently connected with pastors in Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan and they have given some detailed information for prayer.


如您所知,烏茲別克斯坦的基督徒在過去15至20年中遭受了很多迫害。許多人因信仰被捕,罰款,有些人被判入獄數年。註冊教會非常困難(在某些地區是不可能的)。但是,最近情況發生了變化,政府已經大大開放,甚至向數所教會授予了註冊權。但是,現在正在考慮有關宗教自由的新法律,該法律可以賦予信徒更多的自由,也可以再次施加限制。這是為政府領袖們辯論和考慮這一新法律而祈禱的關鍵時刻。 6月8日星期一將舉行有關該法律的聽證會,預計新法律將於7月1日通過。請禱告所有困難的限制都將被刪除,以便註冊教會變得容易。


As you may know Christians in Uzbekistan have suffered much persecution over the past 15-20 years. Many have been arrested, fined and some have spent several years in prison for their faith. It has been very difficult (in some regions impossible) to register churches. However, recently the conditions have changed and the government has opened up significantly, even granting registration to several churches. However, now a new law regarding religious freedom is being considered that could either grant more freedom to believers or impose restrictions again. This is a very crucial time to pray for government leaders as they debate and consider this new law. On Monday June 8th there will be a hearing regarding this law and the new law is expected to be passed on July 1st. Please pray that all of the difficult restrictions will be removed so that it will be easy to register a church.

Pray as well for the general attitude of the people towards Christianity to change. As a result of negative propaganda, many view Protestantism as a cult and Christians as criminals (as many have been arrested and some have spent time in prison for their faith). Pray that Christians would be accepted and given honor in society.
Please pray for a new day for the church in Uzbekistan!


請為這個國家的精神氛圍的改變祈禱。為復興和為教會加強團結而祈禱。為該國的經濟形勢陷入困境的許多人祈禱。在Covid 19危機爆發之前,人們在經濟上遭受苦難,如今,隨著邊界的關閉,情況變得更加糟糕。
Please pray for a change in the spiritual atmosphere in this nation. Pray for revival and for the churches to be strengthened and in unity. Pray for many people who are suffering as the economic situation in the country is in crisis. The people were suffering economically before the Covid 19 Crisis and now things are even worse with the borders closed.

Recently, there was a very bad storm of hurricane proportions in one city. Many people died and some are still missing. Roofs were blown off houses and trees uprooted. In some areas there is still no electricity, gas or water.

Please pray for the government to help people who are suffering after this storm or as a result of the Corona Virus. Pray for peace in the country and that the people will not rise up against the government. Also, pray for the church to rise up and use this opportunity to care for those who are suffering and that many people will be drawn to faith in Christ.

Thank you for standing in prayer with us for these two nations that are on the heart of God.

Thank you so much for your prayers!

Eunice Danielson
Silk Road Prayer Coordinator

屬靈覺醒臨到 烏茲別克教會漸合法化。為中亞有福音大復興禱告
來源:國度復興報 2020.06.05 - 文取材自Evangelical Focus

擁有3,300萬人口的前俄屬中亞國家烏茲別克,素以限制宗教和其他自由聞名。但世界福音聯盟(World Evangelical Alliance)的和平和解網絡(Peace and Reconciliation Network)主任芮莫(Johannes Reimer)認為情況正在改變。











來源:Silk Road Prayer






Eunice Danielson
Silk Road Prayer Coordinator
[email protected]

Facebook ‌ Instagram ‌


Pray for a Great Harvest during Ramadan

Dear Friend,

Today the month of Ramadan (or fasting) begins in the Muslim world. This year the dates of Ramadan are April 24th - May 23rd. This is a time when Muslims fast from sunup to sundown as part of the 5 pillars of Islam. It is meant to be a time of spiritual discipline — of deep contemplation of one's relationship with God. PLEASE PRAY THAT GOD WILL REVEAL HIMSELF TO MANY DURING THIS TIME! We are praying that during this season of Corona Virus - a very different Ramadan from what people are used to - that many will be open to the truth of the Gospel. Pray for Live Chrisitan broadcasts that are going out every day all over Central Asia. Pray that people will tune in and hear the Gospel and connect with churches. Pray that God will reveal Himself through dreams and visions as many search for the truth. Pray for Christians living in the Silk Road nations to reach out to their neighbors and friends during this time; for divine opportunities to share the Gospel.

Please go to the following website for more information on how to pray during this time:

Would you please connect with us on Facebook and Instagram? We also have Telegram Channels set up for secure prayer communications. Please send us an email to sign up for the Telegram Channel. Click on Facebook and Instagram icons below to connect on a daily basis.

Thank you so much for your prayers!

Eunice Danielson
Silk Road Prayer Coordinator

Facebook ‌ Instagram ‌

Silk Road 365 Prayer Initiative

Dear Friend,

Thank you for your heart to pray for Central Asia and the Silk Road Region!

In these uncertain and unprecedented times this area of the world needs our prayers like never before!

We would like to invite you to join with us in an exciting new initiative to mobilize 365 days of prayer for the nations of Central Asia.
Please watch for more information in your email inbox and connect with us on Facebook and Instagram. We also have Telegram Channels set up for secure prayer communications. Please send us an email to sign up for the Telegram Channel. Click on Facebook and Instagram icons below to connect on a daily basis.

Thank you so much for your prayers!

Eunice Danielson
Silk Road Prayer Coordinator

Facebook ‌ Instagram ‌





您可點擊/透過Facebook和Instagram與我們聯繫。我們還建立了電報頻道Telegram Channels以進行安全的祈禱交流。請給我們發送電子郵件以註冊電報頻道。


Eunice Danielson
Silk Road Prayer Coordinator
[email protected]

Facebook ‌ Instagram ‌

Дорогой друг,
Благодарим за Ваше сердце молиться за Центральную Азию и регион Шелкового Пути!
Как никогда раньше, в это неопределенное и беспрецедентное время - регион Шелкового Пути нуждается в нашей молитве!
Мы хотим пригласить вас присоединиться к нам в новой инициативе по мобилизации молитвы 365 дней за народы Центральной Азии.
Пожалуйста, следите за дополнительной информацией в электронной почте, также свяжитесь с нами на страницах Фейсбук и Инстаграм. В мерах безопасности, у нас есть Телеграм каналы для рассылок молитвенных нужд в регионе. Пожалуйста, отправьте нам письмо чтобы подписаться на канал. Для ежедневного подключения к молитве, нажмите на значки Facebook и Инстаграм ниже. 
Благодарим Вас за Ваши молитвы! 
Юнис Даниэлсон
Молитва за Шелковый Путь