





在這異夢中, 那團旋風非常強大,當我看著正在運轉的漩渦時,啟示的靈對我說:「要守望並禱告,因為這個時候,空中的惡魔們正在與眾聖徒的宣告激烈對抗。」

當我聽到這句時,我看到了「Demonic Media!(邪惡的媒體)」字樣。然後我睜開了眼睛。







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The Key and the Crown Will Break the Code
Veronika West
March 4, 2020

In a dream I had two nights ago I heard these words, “The Key and The Crown will break the code of the Crownedvirus.”

I declare the Governmental Authority of The King will be lifted up over the nations and every counterfeit crown will be cast down.

I will share dream soon…!

But in the early hours of the morning, I was caught up in a vision/ dream where I saw a mighty swirling in the realm of The spirit over the nations and as I looked at the swirling, it was like a whirlwind of heavy dark and white light clouds, all intermingled.

The winds in the dream were very powerful and as I looked at this swirling and whirling that was taking place, The Spirit of Revelation spoke to me saying, “Watch and pray, for the demon spirits of air are warring against the declarations of the saints in this hour.”

As I heard that, I saw the words, “Demonic Media!” And I opened my eyes.

Friends, I submit that the enemy is using the media in a powerful way to completely saturate the atmosphere with fear and terror.

We must continue pray fervently, and continue releasing decrees of life over the airwaves. Many nations have come under a heavy dark cloud of demonic declarations and its having a great effect…!

Let’s decree: “The Key and Crown when lifted up over the nations, will shift the atmosphere of death and destruction and every counterfeit crown and every demonic voice will be cast down and silenced!”

‘The Key and The Crown’…. The (crown) kingly/ high priest’s mantle carries the (Key of David 22:22) power and governmental authority to shift, transform, heal and reform a nation…!

Every demonic crown will be cast down in jesus mighty name!

“The key of the house of David
I will lay on his shoulder;
So he shall open, and no one shall shut;
And he shall shut, and no one shall open,” Isaiah 22:22.