

2019.10.30恰克皮爾斯 Chuck Pierce
Chuck Pierce 2019.10.30
I’ve been privileged to come to Hong Kong since the late 1990s, but never has there been what was there yesterday! The power to change has come! In this New Era of declaration, this trip to Asia has exceeded my expectations. As we prophesy and prophesy again, we are seeing the Spirit of God bring incredible change from nation to nation to nation!

2019.10.30 恰克·皮爾斯:我們已結束在香港的大能聚集。在該地區的動盪大家都知道,恰克1990年代末開始就來香港,昨晚(10/29)的聚集是從來沒有過的,那是改變的力量!!!
We just finished a powerful gathering in Hong Kong. We all know the turmoil surrounding this region right now. I have been coming to Hong Kong since the late 90’s. Never has there been what was here tonight! The power to change!!!

Mission & Commssion:對齊香港先知性歷史 信心宣告香港的命定(Chuck Pierce)
10月29日晚6:30-9:30,恰克.皮爾斯 將到香港於「今天神在說什麼」特會中分享信息,及向香港釋放先知性話語,

恰克·皮爾斯 瑪西班月月朔在香港「進入5780新時代的新祝福」特會
恰克 宣告 香港要從混亂進入神的次序!