
作者:耶利米·詹森 Jeremiah Johnson 
轉載、轉寄 請註明出處:國度禱告網

1. 拋棄扭曲的思想


2. 認知到你需要的忍耐

"你們必須忍耐,使你們行完了神的旨意,就可以得著所應許的。"(希伯來書 10:36)

3. 不要滿足於以實瑪利


4. 接受批評和誤解


5. 不要浪費時間試圖與神談判


6. 留心保守你的情緒


7. 恐懼將會以控制、憤怒和操縱的形式彰顯在你身邊



1. Cast Out Perverted Thoughts

There is a perverted kind of slavery that is hard to relinquish. Even though they were free, many Israelites longed to go back to Egypt. They desired the oppression of the former season over walking in the freedom that the current season provided them which required faith. When God transitions you, the way you once thought will not work in the coming days!

2. Recognize Your Need For Endurance

"For you have need of endurance, so that when you have done the will of God, you may receive what has been promised."
Hebrews 10:36

3. Don't Settle for Ishmael's

The Lord will often bless our Ishmael's and sadly because of it, we may never realize that the true promise He gave us in the first place was never fulfilled. Don't mistake the blessing of God for covenant with God!

4. Embrace the Criticism and Misunderstanding

Transition can be plain messy! When you hear the Holy Spirit say "transition", then it's time to go! Expect those closest to you to often fight you the hardest.

5. Don't Waste Time Trying to Negotiate with God

The whole point of sending 12 spies into Canaan was never to decide IF they could take the land, but to develop a strategy for WHEN they were going in. Once God initiates transition, stop going back to Him for an answer. After a while you might discover your own!

6. Guard Your Emotions Carefully

You must not allow where you are emotionally invested become the anchor that holds you when God has called you to move on. Keep watch over your emotions and learn how to respond in the Spirit to those who oppose you rather than react to them in the flesh.

7. Fear Will Manifest As Control, Anger, and Manipulation Around You

Don't be surprised that when you transition, those around you will seek to control and manipulate you because they fear the unknown that you are walking into. You don't have to give them an answer if you don't have one. Sometimes God says, "It's time to go" and that's all you've heard and all you can give them. Learn to see their anger as love that hates to see you go. Release them to the Father and get moving into the place God has called you to.

Standing with you,

Jeremiah Johnson