
5779 五旬節 - 榮耀無極限(耶路撒冷)
來源:AP.Media/命定的榮耀 蒙允刊載 

主說 - 「我所呼召你要在前面的日子建造的,正開始浮現出來。我正在帶來給你,它比你所認為的要離你更近」。因為雖然有很多碎片在你四周盤旋,我對你說 - 「我正運行在這些碎片、與過去破碎的異象之上。在前面的日子,為著我要給你的建造計劃,你所需要的,我都會使之生出來」。我說 - 「它正開始浮現出來。留心觀看。不要去看那些已經破碎、墜落、往這邊那邊遠去的。因為一個新的建造計劃,現在正在你面前浮現出來」。我說 - 「接下來的兩個月裡,你會做新的異夢,你會看見新的異象。你會說 ‘那是我要建造的高速公路。那個地方是我所要參與的。那是我要去成就的’。」我跟你說 - 「我會運行在你支離破碎的過去之上,並帶來、孕育出你正建造的未來的一部分。」

第一件事 - 個人而言,我們都被死亡觸碰過。在某種程度上,死亡喜歡觸碰我們,致使我們所穿戴的外袍被玷污。(死亡)它會導致這(外袍)失去某種生機勃勃的活力,直到突然間祂住在你裡面的那復活的大能開始攪動、開始建造。你無法使之發生,你無法造成它(發生)。你所能做的,只有等候、觀看,直到你與那個墳墓面對面對抗,說 - 「等一下。一個新的攪動正在我裡面升起。一個新的運行正在透過我起來」。在這(新運行)裡面,突然間那件舊外衣被推開了。就如同那個墳墓的石頭被推開,那件舊外衣也被推開了。突然間,異象開始進來升起。在這當中,對此的拒絕(的靈)離開了。突然間,你看入一個從未見過的層面。你意識到仇敵會多樂意讓刺痛你的那一叮受到感染,好來自始至終毒害你。

主說 - 「就在這個日子,我的聲音正隆隆作響,我的聲音正在升起。我正以一個新的方式在我的子民裡頭興起,因為一個新的呼召正被擴展開來。甚至對於耶路撒冷、以色列,即使仇敵將「替代神學」置於你身上,意思就是「以色列被替代了」,我說 - 「雖然有很多不屬於你的(事)透過你運行,我的隆隆聲正發出來。你將要擺脫被置於你身上的。一個季節裡無法被看見的,現在會在一個新的季節裡開始迸發出來。這個世界將會看到,以色列已經以一個列國預料之外的方式復甦。」我跟你說 - 「榮耀正在你裡面、和這片土地裡興起。你會穿戴我要給你的榮耀。」

有時候,我們會忘了在我們裡面的是什麼 - 那個就是神準備好要從我們突破而出的。自從我聽到了這兩個詞 - 「榮耀無極限」,它就攪動主正在說的 - 「脫去(限制)!將界限從你的思維中脫去!將界限從你的信心中脫去!」突然間,那些你已經全部走過的片斷,神將它們都歸位對齊。祂正在歸位對齊,這正在給你寬闊之地,為著你將來的服侍。主說 - 「你一直持續地在跳舞,但現在我會加添恩典的節奏到你的腳步中。」 我們最終變成只是不停地在跳舞,然而因著這樣或那樣,我們失去了「榮耀無極限」的節奏,那個節奏會使我們運行在我們從未運行過的恩典的領域裡。主說 - 「我正在你的裡面恢復一個新的恩典的節奏,你將能夠以一種新的方式邁步移動,是你在其它季節所無法移動的。」 我看見突然間,主從耶路撒冷、以色列身上脫去了一件舊的衣袍,並以一個全新的活力來打破,從這裡(蔓延)到列國。

這是給到中國和華人教會(China and Chinese Church)的預言:主說 - 「仇敵想要限制住你。但是在這加諸於你的限制中間,有一個新的運動節奏正在來到你的身上」。不論你經歷過什麼,你會成功進到一個新的寬闊之地。主,我們將這無限量的榮耀吹氣到他們身上。主說 - 「猶大支派的血脈線正開始在華人(the Chinese people)中興起。那龍企圖要阻止來自我子民的聲音。但是猶大現在要開始以一個新的方式聚集。猶大的聚集遍布華人的土地和人民(the Chinese land and people),這會開始形成一個行動的聲音」。主說 - 「我正在你裡面興起,為著(我的)榮耀能開始透過你被聽見。你一直不得不隱藏你所在的榮耀領域。但是我正在開始將那個榮耀拉出來,而天堂開始運行,貫穿全部的華人群體(the entire Chinese people group)。觀看,因為這是中國(China’s Day)要被全世界都看見的日子。但我說,我正在將中國(China)高舉起,好叫我的榮耀能從我的子民身上被看見」。

父啊,我們為著這個以賽亞書60章的彰顯而感謝祢。我們宣告我們進入這恩膏,來移進、推動我們向前進入一個新的界限 - 一個平安的界限、信心的邊框。主,我們宣告一個平安的界限圍繞著我們,我們說 - 「以信心框住我們!」 我們現在宣告,有一個信心的印記正被按在我們身上,我們將這信心發出去倍增,去進入一個領域,並去打破任何我們置身其中的限制。我們發出新的信心來去到下一個層次,新的信心來往前邁進。主,我們說 - 祢是以色列這個國家的王,祢是列國的王,祢也是這個世界的王。我們尊榮祢,因祢仍在看顧耶路撒冷!我們為著(耶路撒冷)她的平安禱告,也因著我們宣告她的平安,我們會得著平安。對你自己宣告 - 「一切的限制都脫落」!

ChuckPierce & Team:5779 Pentecost - Limitless Glory (Jerusalem)

The Lord says – 「What I am calling you to build in days ahead is beginning to emerge. I am bringing it closer to you than you know」. For though many fragmented pieces have been swirling around you, I say to you - 「I am hovering over the broken pieces and fragmentation of vision past. I will bring to birth that which you need for the building plan that I have for you in the days ahead.」 I say - 「It’s beginning to emerge. Watch carefully. Don’t look at that which has fragmented and fallen and gone this way and that way. For a new building plan now is emerging before you.」 I say - 「In the next two months, you will dream a new dream, you will see a new vision. And you will say ‘That’s the high way I am to build. That’s the place I need to be a part of. That’s what I am to accomplish’.」 I say to you - 「I will hover over your fragmented past, and bring in and conceive that which will be a part of your building future.」

The first thing - personally we have all been touched by death. Some way, death loves to touch us, and it begins to cause the mantle that we wear to be stained. It causes it to lose some sort of vibrant dynamic, until all of a sudden that Resurrection Power that He is dwelling within you begins to stir and begins to build. You can’t make it happen, and you can’t cause it. All you can do is to wait and watch, until you face off that tomb, and say - 「Wait a minute. There is a new stirring rising up within me. There is a new movement coming up through me」. And in it, all of a sudden it pushes off that old garment. Just as the tomb stone is pushed off, the old garment is pushed off. And all of a sudden, vision starts to come in up. And in the midst of it, the rejection of it goes. And all of a sudden, you see into a dimension you have never seen before. And you realize that how the enemy would have loved that sting that stung you to be infected, to poison you throughout.

And the Lord says - 「This is a day My voice is rumbling, and My voice is rising. I am rising up in My people in a new way, for a new call is being extended. Even to Jerusalem, to Israel, even though the enemy has put upon you that which says 「replacement theology」, meaning that 「Israel is replaced」, I say - 「Even though there is much moving through you that is not of you, there is My rumbling. You are going to cast off that which has been put upon you. What couldn’t be seen in one season, now will begin to break forth in a new season. And the world will see that Israel has come to life in a way that nations didn’t expect.」 I say to you - 「The Glory is arising within you and within this land. And you will wear the Glory that I intend.」

Sometimes we forget what is inside of us that God is ready to break out of us. Ever since I heard these two words - 「Limitless Glory」, it just stirred what the Lord is saying - 「Take it off! Take the boundaries off your thinking. Take the boundaries off your Faith.」 All of a sudden, God is snapping things into place those pieces that you have all walked through. He is snapping them into place, and it’s giving you this broad place to minister in your future. The Lord says - 「You have continued to dance the dance, but now I will add the rhythm of Grace to your steps」. What we end up doing is that we just keep dancing, but someway or another we lose the rhythm of that Limitless Glory that causes us to move in a Grace realm that we have never moved in before. The Lord says - 「I am restoring a new rhythm of Grace in you, and you are going to be able to step and move in a new way that you couldn’t move in the other seasons.」 I saw all of a sudden, the Lord took an old robe off Jerusalem and Israel, and bust through with a whole new dynamic, and from here to the nations.

Here is the Prophecy to China and Chinese Church: The Lord says that - 「The enemy would love to limit you. But in the midst of the limitations that have been placed on you, there is a new rhythm of movement that’s coming upon you」. No matter what you have been through, you will make it into a new broad place. Lord, we breathe this Limitless Glory over them. The Lord says - 「The line of the tribe of Judah is beginning to rise up in the Chinese people. The dragon has attempted to stop the voice coming through My people. But Judah now will begin to assemble in a new way. And the assembling of Judah throughout the Chinese land and people, will begin to create a sound of movement」. The Lord says - 「I am rising up within you for Glory to begin to be heard through you. You have had to hide the Glory realm that you have been in. But I am beginning to pull that Glory out, and Heaven begins to move throughout the entire Chinese people group. Watch, for this is China’s Day to be seen throughout the world. But I say I am raising China up, so My Glory can be seen in My people」.

Father, we thank You for this Isaiah 60 manifestation. We decree that we are coming into the anointing to move and propel us forward into a new boundary - a boundary of peace and a frame of Faith. Lord, we decree a boundary of peace around us, and we say - 「Frame us by Faith」! We decree right now that there is a seal of Faith being put on us, and we send it forth to multiply, to go into a realm, and to break out of any limit that we have been in. We send out new Faith to go to the next level, new Faith to step forward. Lord, we say - You are the King of this nation of Israel, and You are the King of all nations, and You are the King of this world. We honor You that You are still watching after Jerusalem! We pray for its peace, and as we decree in its peace, we will have peace. Decree to yourself - 「All the limits are off」!