

懂得如何步入新階段2 - 不怕與巨人爭戰

我們的心思、情感上,有個很難的地方。你像是感覺 - 「主啊,我覺得好像似曾經歷過。對於過去所發生的一切事,我的情緒正翻騰著」。主說 - 「我正在帶領你快速地經歷各個階段。我在展示給你看過去發生了什麼,如此我就能讓你很快地重新對齊、讓你向前進入,因為前方的衝突是事關我要給你的分地、以及關於保障你的基業,不單是我來供應而已」。

你必須記住(進入迦南地後),接下來以色列人身上轉變的事 - 他們從吃嗎哪和鵪鶉(的狀態)轉變了,而這兩樣是神在40年當中為要使他們謙卑而供應他們的東西。祂不想要他們死掉;祂想要以一種新的方式使他們謙卑下來,以至於當他們跨越(到迦南地)時,他們會說 - 「天啊,有玉米…我們該要如何處理呢?」 因為祂挪去了供應,他們就不得不說 - 「在我跨越過去的時候,就有了新的供應。但是我得弄明白,新的供應是作什麼用途」。

現在,你需要說 - 「我正在邁入一些新事物中。我正在步入一些我已有40年未見的事物當中。我正在邁入努力地要弄明白 - 如何有創意地使用神所展示給我的東西。我一直渴望想要看見的東西,我原以為祂會只是展示出來、把所有的都給我。但是現在,祂正在讓我拿起一些實物,是一些我已有40年未見的東西,並創造性地將它改變成我的未來。」 主,現在我將這釋放在我們身上 - 在我們跨越時,會有創造性的功績,新的發展、新的增長、還有新的創造性的能力。



我不得不緊緊抓住,他們所說的、關於「我是誰」。我不得不相信我在主裡面(的身份)是誰。這樣的話,當我往前行時,主,祢已經告訴過我一切的巨人。喇合告訴過我們 - 所有的巨人都已經在怕你們了,因為他們聽說過,過去神給你們的支撐。我不得不相信,好歹當我跨越的時候,前方的仇敵已經在懼怕他們將怎樣被驅逐出去。這個就是最難的部分 - 我不得不這樣去相信,否則我就要再回去待在另一頭。

懂得如何步入新階段1 - 建立新界限

Chuck Pierce:Understanding How to Step into the New 2 - No Fear of Warring With Giants

And here’s a hard thing with our mind and our emotions. You feel like - “Lord, I feel like I have been here before. And I have emotions that are stirring from everything that has happened in the past”. And the Lord says - “I am bringing you through the stages very quickly. I am showing you what went on in your past, so I can get you realign quickly and get you on in, because the conflicts ahead are over the divisions I have for you, and are over securing your inheritance, not Me just providing”.

You have to remember the next thing that shifted for the Israelites - they shifted from manna and quail, which God had been given them for 40 years to humble them. He didn’t want them to die; He wanted them to be humbled in a new way, so that when they crossed over, they would be able to say - “Oh my, there’s corn...What are we going to do with that?” Because He removed that supply, and they had to say - “There is a new supply as I cross over. But I have to figure out what to do with the new supply”.

Right now, you need to say - “I am stepping into some new things. I am stepping into something I haven’t seen in 40 years. I am stepping into trying to figure out how to creatively use what God is showing me. What I have been longing to see, I thought He would just lay it out and give it all to me. But now He is making me take some substance, something I haven’t had in 40 years, and creatively change it into my future.” Lord, now I loose it over us - creative exploits as we cross over, new developments, new increases, and new creative power.

We have heard about the war ahead. Because of the war ahead, it caused people not to enter in for 40 years. But now, we want to enter into this. And Lord, You have given us this new weapon called the Ark, and You have given us the new leadership. Now we’ve got to take the supply You are giving us, and enter into war after war, until we secure our portion. Every 7 years, the wine skin begins to make a shift. That’s where we are at here.

And I still remember the things they said about what’s ahead for us. I heard people talking about it for 40 years. I heard about all their failures and why they never entered in. I watched people die, who was never willing to step across. And so, I have still got a little trepidation going on in my emotions, because now we are crossing over. I have heard about these giants; I know that they are there. So I have got to get past some emotional fear that I have got. If I don’t get past it, I am going to end up back over there again. And we don’t really have 40 more years to wander.

And I have to grab hold of what they have been saying of who I am. I have got to believe that I am who I am in You Lord. So that when I go forward, Lord, You have already told me all the giants. Rehab told us that all the giants are already afraid of you, because they have heard of God backing you in the past. And I have got to believe that someway as I cross over, the enemy ahead is already fearing how they are going to be displaced. This is the hardest part - I have got to believe it, or I am going to end up back on the other side.