
每日先知性話語:2019年3月15 / 16日
中譯:David 職場恩膏
轉載、轉寄 請註明出處:國度禱告網

艾道格(Doug Addison) 每日先知性話語 (作者2月預先領受、於3月按日發佈)

God is giving you grace and wisdom to work with difficult situations and people.

布蘭德·庫尼曼(Brenda Kunneman) 每日先知性話語:經濟衰退沒有權勢!

“在有關經濟衰退的談話中,主說,我笑了!要知道,甚至如同那些鳥兒在河邊養活以利亞,如此、我也必會養活我的孩子們、並以一種會使世界困惑的方式來照顧他們。所以,不要害怕經濟衰退的權勢,但卻要敬畏在你們中間帶來不可能之豐盛的永生上帝!“。約10:10 盜賊來,無非要偷竊,殺害,毀壞;我來了,是要叫人得生命,並且得的更豐盛。
Recession Has No Power! “In the talk of economic recession, I laugh, says the Lord. Know that even as the birds fed Elijah by the river, so will I feed My children and care for them in ways that will baffle the world. So fear not the power of recession, but fear the Living God who brings impossible abundance among you!” The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly (John 10:10).

貝弗·羅賓森(Bev Robinson) 每日先知性話語:

我一直都在對你說話。我甚至在你出生之前就如此。有時你會聽到、而有時你卻沒有聽到。大多數時候你傾聽並順服。這正在成為你的生活方式。在你出生之前,你聽到我說“我愛你”,而我現在仍然在說“我愛你”。是的,有其他的聲音想牴觸與我的聲音,然而、要保持你的頻道與我的聲音一致。我永遠不會說任何(與這個)相反的話。”我愛你”。 羅8:38-39 因為我深信無論是死,是生,是天使,是掌權的,是有能的,是現在的事,是將來的事,高處的,是低處的,是別的受造之物,都不能叫我們與神的愛隔絕;這愛是在我們的主基督耶穌裡的。
I am speaking to you all the time. I was even before you were born. Sometimes you hear and sometimes you don't. Most of the time you listen and obey. This is becoming your lifestyle. Before you were born, you heard Me say "I love you" and I am still saying "I love you." Yes, there have been other voices which contradicted My voice, but keep yourself tuned to My voice. I will never say anything to the contrary. I LOVE YOU. Romans 8:38-39 (NLT2) "And I am convinced that nothing can ever separate us from God's love. Neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither our fears for today nor our worries about tomorrow-not even the powers of hell can separate us from God's love. No power in the sky above or in the earth below-indeed, nothing in all creation will ever be able to separate us from the love of God that is revealed in Christ Jesus our Lord."

凱文·羅賓森(Kevin Robinson) 每日先知性話語:

要期待更多我話語的啟示會傳達給你。你對於更多有我的渴求與渴望將會得到滿足與平息。深層的揭露將會似乎突然出現在頁面上。你已祈求領受更多的洞見、而你將不會失望。令人費解的章節將突然變得清晰易懂。要期待最好的。我的憐憫每天早晨都是新的。我鼓勵你傳播你學到的知識。要傳遞我豐富的領會。提後3:16-17 聖經都是神所默示的,於教訓、督責、使人歸正、教導人學義都是有益的,叫屬神的人得以完全,預備行各樣的善事。
Expect more revelation of My word to be conveyed to you. Your hunger and thirst for more of Me will be satisfied and quenched. In depth disclosures will seem to pop right off the page. You have asked for additional insight and you will not be disappointed. Perplexing passages will suddenly be made clear. Anticipate the best. My mercies are new every morning. I encourage you to spread the knowledge you learn. Transfer My wealth of understanding. 2 Timothy 3:16-17 (NASB) "All Scripture is inspired by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for training in righteousness; so that the man of God may be adequate, equipped for every good work."

約拿斯·鮑林(Jonas Bohlin) 每日先知性話語:

我對你說,你四周圍的世界和環境將會試圖來說服你:你是與我對你的說法是有所不同。仇敵使用環境來告訴你說:你是貧窮的;我則是一遍又一遍地說:你是富有/富足的。最近你的情況試圖讓你相信:你不健全,但是我說:你是健全的。要按照我話語對你的說法來活出你的生命。 林後12:9 他對我說:「我的恩典夠你用的,因為我的能力是在人的軟弱上顯得完全。」所以,我更喜歡誇自己的軟弱,好叫基督的能力覆庇我。
I say to you that the world and circumstances around you will try to convince you that you are something different than what I say you are. The enemy uses circumstances to tell you that you are poor; I say over and over that you are rich. Recently your circumstances have tried to make you believe that you are sick, but I say that you are well. Live your life according to what My Word says you are. 2 Corinthians 12:9 (NASB) And He has said to me, "My grace is sufficient for you, for My power is perfected in weakness." Most gladly, therefore, I will rather boast about my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may dwell in me."