
來源:錫安之光 2018年9月17日 


" 七月初十是贖罪日,你們要守為聖會,並要刻苦己心,也要將火祭獻給耶和華。當這日,什麼工都不可做,因為是贖罪日,要在耶和華你們的神面前贖罪。當這日,凡不刻苦己心的,必從民中剪除。凡這日做什麼工的,我必將他從民中除滅。......這在你們一切的住處,作為世世代代永遠的定例。你們要守這日為聖安息日,並要刻苦己心,從這月初九日晚上到次日晚上,要守為安息日。(利未記23:27-32)

Yom Kippur 的英語翻譯為"贖罪日"。用"贖罪(atonement )"這個詞可能是為了特別地表達以色列要通過遵守神對這一天的命令才能與神"合而為一"(at-one-ment )。(利未記16和23:26-32,民數記29:7-11)這些誡命的目的不是要以色列人遵循一些外表的、被動的儀式,而是為了恢復聖潔的神和他心愛的百姓之間的親密關係。

利未記16章簡要地概括了古時候以色列是如何規定和遵守贖罪日的(在 Hebrew4Christians.com 的網頁上也有描述)。這個利未記的節期要求大祭司非常嚴格地用公牛和山羊以及血獻祭。當大祭司舉行一年一次最肅穆的儀式時,他的以色列同胞們要禁食禱告,求神悅納他們的祭物、赦免民族的罪。

正如在耶利米書31章33節所說的,當神充滿恩慈地與以色列全家訂立新約時,獻祭的體系就不再需要了。耶穌基督一次地流出寶血的獻祭完成了全人類的救贖。 "因為他一次將自己獻上,就把這事成就了。"(希伯來書7章27節)在今天這個現實的轉型中,基督徒們不總是知道怎樣或是是否要守贖罪日並透過這個日子以正確的態度尊榮主。我在這裡建議彼得前書5章中的君尊的祭司,彌賽亞的信徒們如果有感動,能夠在因信心而得的恩地透過至少五種方式在這個神聖的日子與主親密相交。


(2)禁食。在耶穌以前的世代,猶太人民透過在贖罪日這天的禁食來刻苦己身。禁食或刻苦己身對今天的彌賽亞的信徒們仍然是合適的或是有關係的嗎?主耶穌提到他的門徒是要禁食的。(馬太福音6章16-18節)主又近一步說:"若有人要跟從我,就當捨己,背起他的十字架來跟從我" (馬太福音16章24節)神不想我們的生命一整年都專注於自我檢查或是痛苦中。但是主一直召喚我們自我省察自己的罪。只有真誠地省察並悔改我們的罪,才能免去我們進入神的審判或管教中。(哥林多前書11章31節)贖罪日是我們省察自己的罪悔改的日子。過去,大祭司要先為自己的罪贖罪後才能為百姓獻祭贖罪。 你渴慕從神來的悔罪,悔改和神聖愛的關係的更新嗎?神難道不是正在呼召你把贖罪日分別為聖安息日,在這一天謙卑自己,禁食和讓神鑒察你的心,再在一個更新的能力中做聖潔的和代求的祭司來服事嗎?

(3)贖罪日也包含在禁食之外個人的獻祭。作為新約的信徒,我們要如何正確地向神獻祭呢?羅馬書12章1節勸告我們:"所以弟兄們,我以神的慈悲勸你們,將身體獻上,當作活祭,是聖潔的,是神所喜悅的,你們如此事奉乃是理所當然的。 "希伯來書13章15節如此說:"常常以頌讚為祭獻給神,這就是那承認主名之人嘴唇的果子。 "贖罪日是以感恩為祭獻上讚美和敬拜最合適的日子。

贖罪日最大的焦點是慶祝彌賽亞獻上為救贖活祭。他配得我們的頌讚!我們永永遠遠地感謝耶穌做了我們永遠的贖罪祭:"但現在基督已經來到 ...... 並且不用山羊和牛犢的血,乃用自己的血,只一次進入聖所,成了永遠贖罪的事。"(希伯來書9章11-12節)因此,我們在贖罪日這一天要讚美主,尊榮主和在主面前慶賀。主耶穌所成就的不只是遮蓋了罪,而是挪除了罪,這是" kippur "的含義。但是請記住,以讚美為祭意味著要付出,例如時間,資源,力量,或是驕傲。

最後,彌賽亞信徒或是基督徒守的贖罪日可以包含對他人奉獻。 "只是不可忘記行善和捐輸的事情,因為這樣的祭是神所喜悅的。"(希伯來書13章16節)"行善和捐輸"其中的一個方式是為他們禱告。贖罪日可以也應該成為耶穌的跟隨者們用為他人救恩集中的禱告作為所獻的祭,特別是為以色列和猶太人民的禱告。

(4)為以色列的救恩代禱。贖罪日當天,以色列和全世界各地的猶太人將會聚集在會堂裡一起禁食,誦讀經文和認罪。在贖罪日的尾聲他們會期盼所懺悔的罪被赦免。同時,神也渴望祂古時立約的百姓能因著祂的恩典以及藉著對彌賽亞的信心與祂和好。你們是君尊的祭司,你們可以在這一天大有功效地為以色列代求。 "我心裡所願的,向上帝懇切祈求的,是要以色列人得救。"(羅馬書10章1節 )

(5)審判日先知性的預兆。在贖罪日吹角是帶著先知啟示性的意義,一些傳統的猶太人以及彌賽亞信徒都理解吹角的意義。在末日,當天上的號角響起,那將是預示和釋放"主的日子",或"審判日"的到來。那將是充滿榮耀卻是令人敬畏的耶穌再來的日子。許多人相信贖罪日即是先知啟示性地預示了主的第二次再來,也預示了以色列舉國的救贖,或是二者兼有。耶穌將在未來的贖罪日以審判官和君王的身份來到,那個日子將是前所未有的榮耀。在那日之前,我們將用這些話不斷地彼此安慰,期盼祂榮耀的顯現。(帖撒羅尼迦前書4章16-18節 )

對於今日的彌賽亞信徒,贖罪日至少從 5 個方面可以成為帶著極其深遠祝福的一天。


凱瑞和珊蒂 泰普林斯基

The Special Meaning of Yom Kippur for Messianic Believers
SEPTEMBER 13, 2018

Yom Kippur (occurring this year September 18-19) is a biblical feast full of deep, prophetic significance. It points magnificently to the ministry of Yeshua in both His first and second comings. Here are some basic aspects of this special, holy day and ways you can engage meaningfully with God during it.

“The tenth day of this seventh month is the Day of Atonement. Hold a sacred assembly and deny yourselves, and present an offering made by fire to the Lord. Do no work on that day, because it is the Day of Atonement, when atonement is made for you before the Lord your God. Those who do not deny themselves on that day must be cut off from their people. … This is to be a lasting ordinance for the generations to come, wherever you live. It is a sabbath of rest for you and you must deny yourselves. From the evening of the ninth day of the month until the following evening you are to observe your sabbath.” (Leviticus 23:27-32)

Yom Kippur is translated in English as the Day of Atonement. The word “atonement” likely came into use specifically to convey the unique at-one-ment with God resulting from Israel’s adherence to His commands for this day. (Leviticus 16 and 23:26-32, Numbers 29:7-11)  The purpose of these commands was not the impassive, outward-only performance of ritual, but the restoration of intimate relationship between a holy God and His beloved, covenant people.

A summary of Yom Kippur as prescribed and practiced in ancient Israel can be read in Leviticus 16 and then at https://hebrew4christians.com/Holidays/Fall_Holidays/Yom_Kippur/yom_kippur.html. This levitical feast required a highly precise sacrificial offering of bulls and goats, together with blood cleansing, by Israel’s high priest. As the high priest conducted the annual and most solemn ceremony, his fellow Israelites fasted and prayed that God would accept the sacrifice and grant atonement for the nation.

When God graciously instituted the New Covenant promised to Israel in Jeremiah 31:33, the sacrificial system was no longer needed. The singular, blood sacrifice of Messiah Yeshua accomplished atonement for all humankind. “He sacrificed for their sins once for all when He offered Himself.” (Hebrews 7:27) In this transformational reality today, Christians do not always know how—or even whether—to observe Yom Kippur and rightly honor the Lord through it. May I suggest that as a 1 Peter 5 holy priesthood, Messianic believers can engage intimately with YHVH on this sacred day in at least five ways—by grace through faith—if they feel so led.

(1) Yom Kippur is a designated Sabbath assembly. It is a day to do no work but assemble before God, focusing attention on Him. If you can not join a live assembly on Yom Kippur, you can assemble before Him by yourself—or join a Messianic service online. (Tree of LIfe Messianic Congregation in San Diego livestreams their service at https://www.treeoflifeca.org/live-stream/)

(2) Fasting. Since before Yeshua’s time, the Jewish people have fasted on Yom Kippur as one fulfillment of the command to “afflict” or “deny” ourselves. Could fasting or self-denial be appropriate or relevant this day for Messianic believers? Yeshua assumed His disciples would fast. (Matthew 6:16-18) He further said, “Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny himself and take up his cross and follow me.” (Matthew 16:24) God does not want our lives focused on self-examination or affliction throughout the year. But He does call us to judge ourselves regarding sin. By rightly judging ourselves and turning from sin, we avoid coming under His judgment or chastening. (1 Corinthians 11:31)Yom Kippur could be an especially appropriate day for this. On a somewhat related note, recall that Israel’s high priest had to atone first for his own sins before he could minister to God’s people. Do you desire God’s gracious gifts of conviction, repentance, and renewed holy love relationship? Might He be calling you to consecrate this Yom Kippur as a Sabbath on which to humble yourself, fast, and ask Him to search your heart—then serve in a renewed capacity as a holy, intercessory priesthood?

(3) Yom Kippur may involve personal sacrifice beyond fasting. As New Covenant believers, how do we rightly offer God sacrifice? Romans 12:1 exhorts: “I urge you brothers, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God—this is your spiritual act of worship.” Hebrews 13:15 says, “Let us continually offer to God a sacrifice of praise—the fruit of lips that confess His name.” Yom Kippur is a highly appropriate day to spend in sacrificial praise and worship. 

The crowning highlight of Yom Kippur is the celebration of Messiah’s sacrificial atonement. He is worthy of our worship! We are eternally thankful that Yeshua is our once-for-all atonement: “When Messiah appeared as [High Priest] …. He entered into the Holies once for all—not by the blood of goats and calves but by His own blood, having obtained eternal redemption.” (Hebrews 9:11-12, TLV) Therefore, throughout the day on Yom Kippur we praise, magnify and celebrate Yeshua. For those trusting in Him, He has marvelously done away with sin, not just covered it, as implied in the word “kippur.” But bear in mind that for praise to be sacrificial it must cost something, such as time, resources, energy—or pride.

Lastly, a Messianic or Christian observance of Yom Kippur can involve sacrificial giving to others. “Do not forget to do good and share with others, for with such sacrifices God is pleased.” (Hebrews 13:16) One of many ways to “do good and share with others” is to pray for them. Yom Kippur can—and I believe should—be a day on which we offer a sacrifice of focused prayer the salvation of others, especially that of Israel and the Jewish people.

(4) Intercession for Israel’s salvation. In Israel and around the world, Jews will gather in synagogues on Yom Kippur to fast, recite Scripture and confess their sins. They will conclude the day hoping those sins were forgiven. Meanwhile, God yearns for His ancient covenant people to be reconciled to Him by grace through faith in Messiah. You are part of a royal priesthood that can effectively intercede this day for Israel’s salvation. “My heart’s desire and prayer to God for Israel is that they may be saved.” (Romans 10:1)

(5) Prophetic foreshadow of Judgment Day. The shofar blast of Yom Kippur carries future prophetic significance that is understood by some traditional Jews, as well as by Messianic believers. A final, heavenly trumpet heralds and releases the coming Day of the Lord (Judgment Day). This is the glorious yet fearsome day of Yeshua’s return. Many believe Yom Kippur prophetically foreshadows either the Second Coming, or day of Israel’s national salvation, or both. Yeshua will return as Judge and King on an incomparably magnificent, future Yom Kippur. Until then, we are to encourage ourselves and others with the hope of His glorious appearing. (1Thessalonians 4:16-18)

For Messianic believers today, Yom Kippur can be a day of profound blessing in at least 5 ways.
(1) It is a Sabbath on which to assemble before God and commemorate Yeshua’s  atonement.
(2) We can fast and receive the grace of personal repentance and renewed intimacy with God.
(3) It is a day to offer Him our genuine, joyful sacrifice of praise.
(4) Intercession for the salvation of Israel (and others) is highly appropriate on Yom Kippur.
(5) Celebrating the promise of Yeshua’s return and hope of His coming is perfect for Yom Kippur!