
每日先知性話語:2018年6月09 / 10日
中譯:David 職場恩膏
轉載、轉寄 請註明出處:國度禱告網

艾道格(Doug Addison) 每日先知性話語 (作者5月預先領受、於6月按日發佈):

God is bringing new things, so it will be important not to judge things you don’t understand yet.

艾道格(Doug Addison) 每日先知性話語 (作者當日領受、當日發佈):

God is releasing new prayer strategies that will help you get your breakthrough. This is a time in which the Lord is going to reveal and heal things that have been holding on.

布蘭德·庫尼曼(Brenda Kunneman) 每日先知性話語:你的名聲/聲譽提升/高舉

”聖靈說,我渴望在世人面前高舉/提升我的教會、並使她有極佳的名聲/聲譽。讓我在這個季節中使用你、來設定一種公義的型態/模範、並使你的聲望被提升,以致於昌盛繁榮成為你的份/福份。“ 帖前4:12 使你們行事為人可以得到外人的尊敬,自己也不會有甚麼缺乏了。
Your Reputation Exalted:”The Spirit says, I desire to exalt My Church before the world and make her reputation great. Let Me use you in this season to set a pattern of righteousness and cause your reputation to be exalted so that prosperity will be your portion.” 1 Thessalonians 4:12 So that you may bear yourselves becomingly and be correct and honorable and command the respect of the outside world, being dependent on nobody [selfsupporting] and having need of nothing.

蘿賓·羅賓森·鮑林(Robin Robinson Bohlin) 每日先知性話語:

這是新的一天、新的層級。今天是向上移動/前進的日子。你處於一個停滯/膠著狀態、沒有多少的移動/前進。你甚至納悶/想知道,“生活總是會變得這樣嗎?”今天,這個”突然”將要發生。你將會驚訝於改善的迅速。務要為著這個前進的進展將感謝歸與我。這只是一個開始/起頭,所以、要扣緊安全帶了!要進入新的屬靈層級、新的地平線、新的個人的層級了。 代下29:36 因為事情很快辦完,希西家和全體人民因神為他的子民所預備的,都甚歡樂。
New day. New levels. Today is the day for upward movement. You have been in a state of stagnancy with not much movement at all. You've even wondered, "Is life always going to be like this?" Today the "suddenlies" will happen. You will marvel at the quickness of improvement. Be sure and give Me thanks for this forward progress. This is only the beginning so buckle up! New spiritual levels. New earthly levels. New personal levels. 2 Chronicles 29:36 (KJV) "And Hezekiah rejoiced, and all the people, that God had prepared the people: for the thing was done suddenly."

貝弗·羅賓森(Bev Robinson) 每日先知性話語:

有人擔心你正在被誤解。你不確定該做什麼,因為你覺得被論斷了。要聽從我現在所說的。首先我說,你真的做得很好。這不像你所想像的那樣。不要表現/行動得像你所感覺的。而要表現/行動得就好像你沒有被論斷一樣。我知道你感覺你被論斷。我承認/認知到你的情緒、而你也需要認知到(這個),但是、不要給予它們任何一點點的關注。要相信/信任我。 箴3:5-7 你要專心仰賴耶和華,不可倚靠自己的聰明,在你一切所行的事上都要認定他,他必指引你的路。不要自以為有智慧;要敬畏耶和華,遠離惡事。
There is concern that you are being misunderstood. You aren't sure what to do because you feel judged. Listen to what I am saying. First I say, you are doing really well. This is not as you think. Don't act like you feel. Act as if you are not being judged. I know you feel you are. I acknowledge your emotions and you need to also, but then pay them not one bit of attention. Trust Me. Proverbs 3:5-7 (NKJV) "Trust in the LORD with all your heart, And lean not on your own understanding; In all your ways acknowledge Him, And He shall direct your paths. Do not be wise in your own eyes; Fear the LORD and depart from evil."

比爾·伯恩斯(Bill Burns) 每日先知性話語:

I would have you, My chosen ones, to not only understand My word by way of revelation, but also to be empowered by My spirit in such a way that you will begin to demonstrate the kingdom. I want you to produce the reality of the kingdom. Come before My throne with thanksgiving and expectation. For, I will fill you afresh, with the most Holy Spirit as My gift to you. Receive fully, says the Lord.