



5778 年尼散月初熟果子慶典- 敬拜篇/講道篇(詳文末)


譯者因時間,能力和體力有限,本不打算翻第一部分 - 敬拜篇。但感到神有強烈的催促;並在異象中看到譯者在搖撼非常厚重的關閉住的門,以及巨大的鐵鏈捆鎖的鎖。想到這節經文,賽 45:2-3,“我必在你前面行,修平崎嶇之地。我必打破銅門,砍斷鐵閂。我要將暗中的寶物和隱密的財寶賜給你,使你知道提名召你的,就是我─耶和華、以色列的 神“。因此,決定要來打破銅門,砍斷鐵閂,將隱密的財寶(沒有字幕的英文視頻)- 神的祝福與華人眾肢體共享。因為知道神應許要行在我前面!

因此,先去翻完第一部分的敬拜篇,再照進度來翻第二部分 - 講道篇。翻到此,正是 2018 全球聚集在韓國濟州島,亞洲時間 2018 年 3 月 21 日,根據第一場聚會所預定開始的時間,約開場 42 分左右。(根據實際聚會進行時間,應該是在第一場聚會開始之前?)

而在 3/20/2018(美洲時間),預備開始翻譯第二部分的這一天清晨,收到Doug Addison 對於 3/20 的預言,“這是重要的一日以及一個轉折點,因為屬靈的季節正在轉換!“。

接著對照日曆發現,3/20 正是今年春天的第一天!就在春季的第一天,翻譯到“春天到了“,”季節轉換了“的信息!(這也是恰克要會眾彼此宣告的最後兩個,結束式的宣告)

因此,感到這兩部分的信息是與 2018 全球聚集在韓國濟州島的聚會有關。
(3月21-23日 2018全球聚集(韓國濟州島)線上直播(轉播)網址如下。有國語(Mandarin)、英語、韓語、日語、阿拉伯語、法語、德語
https://livestream.com/watchmen/2018GlobalGathering 國語(Mandarin)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dqo5Y6_QF-w&list=PLeBjvbC2NTH-ke1OTRweFwEggKB3bsOVf&index=18 )


感謝神!但,這到底是給在亞洲北部,“全球聚會“的信息,合一,對齊,悔改。。。還是給在亞洲南部華人領袖聚會的信息?我困惑。。。但我清楚知道一點,是神帶領我來翻譯這整場聚會的信息;所以才會在等待“一個東西”,從上週等待到這週,都還沒有等到的情況下,有空檔來完整地翻譯出這兩部分。否則,以正常的速度,3/18 週日約中午出來的信息,翻到當天晚上結束前就翻完了。不會拖到 3/20,春天的第天,全球聚會第場和華人領袖年會,恰克團隊正在參與服事的聚會中,才翻到,對齊為何是如此重要?這是重要的,因為在對齊中存在著能力!這句話。


3/21,收到 Doug Addsion 的 Daily Prophetic Word, “要確定減緩速度,禱告尋求現在正在發生的事情“


看到,從美洲西飛往亞洲部的飛機,也看到從歐洲飛往亞洲部的飛機。我看到隨著飛機的飛行,在空中所導致的氣流波動,在整個亞洲地區造成一個旋風。我心中大喊,“這是HEI的環繞的風(encircling wind of HEI)!”。我也明白過來,為什麼在翻譯這兩部分的過程中,所坐的椅子沒轉,也沒有地震發生,但好幾次感到自己的身體在打轉般地旋轉。

華人使徒中心新時代-華人進入三年的異象- 「處於十字路口」的季節
華人興起使徒性教會 5778年進入得勝門戶




In the beginning, I did not plan on translating the former part of the Firstfruits celebration from this past Sunday. I only have such limited time, ability and physical strength. However, I felt a strong stirring in my spirit, and in the vision, I saw in front of me a large and heavy set of double doors. The door was shaking, along with the lock, made of iron chain.

Then, these scriptures appeared in my mind: Isaiah 45:2-3, "I will go before you and will level the mountains; I will break down the gates of bronze and cut through bars of iron. I will give you hidden treasures, riches stored in secret places, so that you may know that I am the Lord, the God of Israel, who summons you by name."

Hence, I decided to to break down the gates of bronze, cut through the bars of iron, and bring out the hidden treasures: this gathering which had no English transcript, but is God’s blessing to be shared with all the Chinese brothers and sisters. All with the faith that God promises to go before me!

After I finished translating the first part of the celebration (worship part), I then start to translate the sermon part. When I started translating this section, it was about the same time as when the "2018 Global Gathering" starts their first session in Korea, March 21st.

Also, in the early morning on March 20th, the same date I prepare to start translating the second part of this celebration, I receive Daily Prophetic Word from Doug Addison, “ This is a significant day and a turning point as the spiritual season is shifting”.

Then I looked at the calendar, and I find that March 20th is the first date of spring this year! Right at the first date of springtime, I translate the sermon talking about “spring is here!”, “season is shifting!” (those two are also the last two Chuck wants everybody to declare to each other before the end of celebration).

So, I feel these two parts of the message is related to the “2018 Global Gathering” in Korea. I then emailed one Chinese leader, he writes me back and says that right now they are in Malaysia to minister at the “2018 Chinese Pastors and Leaders Conference”. One team from GZI is also ministering there. And he feels that these two parts of message is for them.

Praise the Lord! However, are those two messages are for the “2018 Global Gathering” located at the north part of Asia - unity, alignment, repentant… or for the “2018 Chinese Pastors and Leaders Conference” located at the south part of Asia?

I am confused now…. but something is very clear in my heart. I am very sure that it is God Himself who led me to translate the whole part of this celebration. Because I am waiting for “something” to be delivered to my email from last week until now, and it still has not arrived yet. Therefore, I have enough time to translate those two part of Firstfruits celebration. Otherwise, if in accordance to my normal translating speed, when the video is posted on the website around noon of March 18th, and I start translating immediately, I can finish translation by the end of March 18th. Then, I will not translate these sentences – “Why alignment is so important? This is important, because in alignment there is power!” - at the very first day of spring (March 20), around the first session staring time of the “2018 Global Gathering”, and when ministering team from GZI is also ministering in Asia.

I do not know the answer, so, I wait. Without knowing the right answer, I can not deliver the translated document to GZI nor pass it to others. On March 21st, I received Daily Prophetic Word from Doug Addison, “ Be sure to slow down and pray about the things happening right now”.

I then wait, and pray.

Then I see, airplanes depart from America heading west to southern part of Asia, I also see airplanes depart from Europe heading east to the northern part of Asia. As the airplanes take off and fly high, it causes air turbulence and creates a whirlwind above the whole part of Asia. When I see this, I shout inside of my heart, “This is the encircling wind of HEI!”. I then realize, in the past couple days, I have several time my whole body is circling around inside of me even thought my chair has not moved nor is there earthquake happening.

Meanwhile, on the same day I translate the sermon part, March 20th, Chuck wrote this in the letter he sent out, “ The Chinese Church is in a three-year window of accelerated rearrangement of vision.”

This whole message is for those two gatherings! This is for the whole Chinese brothers and sisters! This is for the whole Asian continent! This is for the whole earth! This is for the whole body of Christ! The encircling wind of HEI is leading the whole body of Christ! Gather, unite, position, and fulfill the destiny!


The spiritual season has shifted! Spiritual springtime is coming! Spiritual springtime is coming!

5778 年尼散月初熟果子慶典–敬拜篇 (pdf檔)
5778 年尼散月初熟果子慶典;【第二部分】講道篇–進入春天!(pdf檔)

日期:2018 年 3 月 18 日 

5778 年尼散月初熟果子慶典–敬拜篇/講道篇---譯文乃譯者根據講員視頻,義務整理的私人筆記。今提供出來,獻給神和祝福眾華人肢體。請尊重原講員以及譯者版權,除修改錯誤,請勿變更內容,日期和來源出處,或進行商業行為。感謝神!謝謝大家的合作。 


5778 尼散月(Nisan)2018.3.17-4.15

We are in Malaysia at the 2018 Chinese Pastor and Leaders Conference! God is shifting the Chinese church into His Kingdom force in the Earth! They will be a prototype that will bring the new harvest of our time!(2018.3.21)


這個月(尼散月)我們需要極其強烈的讚美主,使我們的氛圍與天堂的聲音對齊。就在我星期一(3/19)出發去亞洲之前,我收到了撒拉·卡恩思(Sarah Kearns)的一段影片。






中譯來源:AP.Media 2018.3.20。蒙允刊載







